Using HTML in Description Fields

Enter basic HTML in your site descriptions to better customize the look and feel of your website and personalize how you communicate with your shoppers.

You can enter the following HTML codes in the description fields of tabs, categories, information items and on the Store and Specials sections of item records. Do not enter HTML into name fields. For example, an item's store display name does not accept HTML code.





Enter <a href="http://where you want to link"> before the word you want to make a link. Enter the word you want to make a link, and then enter </a> to close the link.

The word links to your choice.


Enter <b>word</b>.

The word appears bold.


Enter <i>word</i>.

The word appears in italic.

Unordered Lists

Enter <ul><li>word</li> then <li>word</li>. Continue with this format until your list is complete, and then enter </ul>.

Browse our collection of:

  • hats

  • shirts

  • shoes

Ordered Lists

Enter <ol><li>first</li> then <li>second</li>. Continue with this format until your list is complete, and then enter </ol>.

Follow these steps to log in:

1. Click the My Account tab.

2. Enter your login information.

Line Breaks

Enter <br> where you want to make a line break.

This text starts a new line
after the word "line."


Enter <table width="the width you want" border="the border you want" cellspacing="the spacing you want">. Then, for every row and column you want, enter <tr><td></td></tr>. To close your table, enter </table>.

The HTML code for the following example appears like this:

<table border="5" cellspacing="2">
<td>Cell 1</td>
<td>Cell 2</td>
<td>Cell 3</td>
<td>Cell 4</td>

Cell 1

Cell 2

Cell 3

Cell 4

Paragraph Breaks

Enter <p>first paragraph</p>. For a new paragraph, enter <p>second paragraph</p>.

This is the first paragraph.

This is the second paragraph.

Horizontal Rules

Enter <hr align="where you want it to align" width="the width you choose">.

The HTML code for the following example appears like this:

<hr align="center" width="20%">



Enter <img src="http://the source of your image">.



Enter <font face="enter the font you like"> and then enter the text you want to appear in this font followed by </font>.

The HTML code for the following example appears like this:

<font face="Courier New, Courier, mono">This is Courier font.</font>

This is Courier font.


Enter <p align="how you want to align"> the text you want to align</p>.

This is centered.

When you finish entering HTML in description fields and click Save, your changes update in your website. Make sure your HTML looks the way you want. To preview your site, go to Commerce > Websites > Preview Website.

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General Notices