Entering Information Item Descriptions

The information item name appears as a link on tab and category pages in your website. Below the name is the brief description.

When customers click the link, the item detail page is displayed. The item detail page consists of the information item name, brief description, and detailed description.

To enter a description for an information item:

  1. Go to Commerce > Site Builder > Content > Information Items.

  2. When the Information Items list appears, click Edit next to the item for which you want to write a description.

  3. If you are creating a new item, click New and enter the name of the item.

  4. In the Brief Description and Detailed Description fields, enter what you want your customers to see in your site.

    The description fields can have letters, numbers, and basic punctuation. You can also enter basic HTML codes like bulleted lists, bold characters and underlines.

  5. At the bottom of the Basic subtab, choose a Category in which to display the information item.

  6. Choose the Site to which you want to add the information item.

  7. Click Save.

Immediately after you enter descriptions, shoppers can view the information in your website.

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