Helping Customers Find Items on Your Site

Typically, when shoppers visit your site, they use a global search field to find items on your website. The global search field typically appears at the top of each web page.

Only items that are published to categories marked to display in your website display in global search results. Note that if you publish a category to a specific customer audience, a shopper must log in with a role that matches the audience to see items in that category.

For information on preferences you can set for website search, see Web Site Search Preferences.

Global Search Results Display

When a visitor to your site runs a search, the results are presented in order of relevance. NetSuite determines relevance by matching the keywords in the visitor's search with the number of times those keywords appear on your site, and the fields in which those keywords appear.

NetSuite matches keywords using the following algorithm for ranking:

  1. Item names or keywords defined in these fields on item records display at the top of the list:

    • Item Name/Number

    • Web Store Display Name

    • Search Keywords

  2. Keywords in the Web Store Description field display next.

  3. Keywords in the Detailed Description field display last.

You can choose to display keyword matches in site category names at the top of the search results list. Go to Commerce > Websites > Website List. On the Search subtab, check the Include Categories box.

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General Notices