Using Content Delivery


The Content Delivery Service is supported until the Denali R2 (revision 2) release of SuiteCommerce Advanced only. Customers should use Site Management Tools instead of Content Delivery for SuiteCommerce and the Mont Blanc release of SuiteCommerce Advanced and later.

Follow these steps to create new content areas for your website. To complete your new content areas, you also need to create content records and Content Tags. These records are defined on-the-fly from the Content Delivery page forms.

Content Delivery pages can be defined after you have coordinated with your developer to define the templates, content tags, and css selectors that will be used on your website. Refer to Understanding Content Delivery.


Do not use the Content Delivery service to load external scripts into Landing Pages or Enhanced Pages. You should create a custom module that includes the external script. See Develop Your SCA Customization for details.

To add content delivery records:

  1. Go to Setup > SuiteCommerce Advanced > Content Delivery.

  2. Click on one of the following:

    • New Landing Page

    • New Enhanced Page

  3. In the Name field, enter a name for this content page record.

    This name does not display on your website. It is for record identification only. Each content record must have a unique name.

  4. For Landing Page Content only, set the URL for this new page by entering a slash (/) followed by the desired URL. For example, /about_us.


    The URL set here is amended to the selected site's URL to form the URL for this specific page. This URL must be unique to the site. If you are duplicating an existing URL you must deactivate the URLs you no longer want to display. You can NOT set a URL here when defining Enhanced Page Content.

  5. If desired, enable the Inactive checkbox. An Inactive page can NOT be called from the website or previewed.

  6. Select the website you want this page to display in. Select multiple sites by holding down the Ctrl key.


    Content Delivery pages are only available in SuiteCommerce Advanced websites.

  7. In the Content Tag field, select the tags that must be available to the page for this content to display.


    Content Tags are used during customization and development of your website. Coordinate with your developer to obtain the list of available tags or to define a new set of tags. Content Tag names must match EXACTLY to the Content Tags as defined in the website assets by your developer.

    Select existing tags or New to create a new tag. You can select multiple tags by holding down the Ctrl button.

    Tags are NOT always required but may be used to further filter when the content area is displayed in your site. Content Tags reflect page attributes defined within the template files. When defining tags, enter the tag prefix (or group) followed by a colon and then the attribute.

    For example you could have a group of device attributes or a group of language attributes.


    In the case of Landing Pages with locales, at least one app Content Tag is required. You can select one tag or multiple tags. For Example, app:shopping, app:checkout, or app:myaccount. Your selection depends on which application will display the content.


    Locale attributes are supported by default in Reference Implementations. When content is specified for a certain locale and a Web Site is configured for multiple languages, content is displayed for the language set by the current shopper. See Localization for more information.

  8. For Enhanced Pages, add the following Content Tags: app:shopping, app:checkout and app:myaccount.

    These tags are used to specify content for a specific application. You must add the tags even if you do not select them as the tags are also used internally when each application is interacting with Content Delivery pages.

  9. For Enhanced Pages only, define the Target URL.

    Pages at the target URL use the enhanced content records defined here to replace tags with the specified content. These are existing URLs in your website. You can target content to multiple URLs. You can also use wildcards to specify a group of pages.

    For example, your site may have faceted navigation set up that allows users to filter on different types of shoes. When a specific URL based off of the selected filters is loaded, such as /shoes/women/*, then the enhanced content is displayed.


    This tab is not available when defining Landing Page Content. For Landing Page Content, a unique new URL must be provided as described in To add content delivery records:.

  10. Define Content Rules:

    Shows where you can define content rules in the NetSuite interface.

    Content rules are used to define the content that will correspond to the current rule and where the content will display within the page. For Landing Pages, you may be defining content for each area within the page. For Enhanced pages you may have only a couple of areas being replaced with the content defined within these rules.

    1. For Landing Pages only, select a content record to display in the Main Body of your page.

      You can select an existing content record or create a new record by selecting New. See Creating a Content Record for more information.


      Selecting content in this field ensures that your page does not appear blank if no other rules are defined.

    2. In the Target column, enter a container name.

      Container names correspond to div areas defined in your Reference ShopFlow templates. The value entered here MUST match exactly to these div names. This information is provided by your website developer and corresponds to the area you want to display the selected content.


      Developers, you can refer to Preparing Pages for Content Delivery for more information.

    3. Select the content to be displayed.

      You can choose an existing content record or create a new record by selecting New. See Creating a Content Record.


      In Landing Pages, the content record selected for the Main Body is NOT available for selection for other target areas.

  11. Enter Advanced criteria.

    1. Define page elements.

      When this content is being created for a new Landing page, the page always loads with the information defined here. When created for Enhanced Page Content, the page is loaded only when the criteria for the enhanced page is met.

      • Page Title: this title appears in the browser title bar.

      • Meta Keywords and Meta Description: used to help search engines find your page.

      • Page Header: This content replaces the existing header for the page.

      • Addition to <head> field: enter any information you want to add to the <head> HTML element for this page.

        For example, you could enter JavaScript that collects page hit information for marketing purposes.

    2. Enter the Name of the template for this page.

      Normally this can be left blank. However, if you have a reference shopping site with a custom template, indicate the template used for that site. This information is obtained from your website developer.

  12. Click Save.

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