Preparing Pages for Content Delivery


The Content Delivery Service is supported until the Denali R2 (revision 2) release of SuiteCommerce Advanced only. Customers should use Site Management Tools instead of Content Delivery for SuiteCommerce and the Mont Blanc release of SuiteCommerce Advanced and later.

This section describes how to prepare Reference Implementation pages for content delivery. Preparing pages for Content Delivery should be done by your web application developers as it involves editing code within the related page.

Configuring the Reference Implementation

To display Content Delivery pages from your site pages, you must first configure the SuiteCommerce Advanced SSP to include the content delivery scripts.

When multiple Reference Applications are being used for your web store you can specify which applications use a Content Delivery record by using the “app” tag with the name of the implementation as follows: Checkout, MyAccount, or Shopping. For example, using the tag app:Shopping causes the content to display in the Shopping Application only. If no app tag is used, the content is available for all Reference Applications.

You can also include content generated from the Content Delivery service inside Backbone Modals. To use Content Delivery content inside a modal, the target ID defined in the Content Delivery record must be referenced by adding the prefixViewId “in-modal-”. You can also specify whether that content should display only when inside a modal, when inside or outside of a modal, or only when outside of a modal.

To include the Content Delivery scripts:

  1. Go to Commerce > Hosting > SSP Applications.

  2. Click Edit next to the SuiteCommerce Advanced SSP application used for the web site where content delivery is used. For example, SuiteCommerce Advanced — Dev [version].

  3. In the Libraries subtab under Scripts, click Add.

  4. Go to the path of the content_delivery_service_library_v2.js file in the Content Delivery reference installation.


    If you are using a custom ssp application, you will need to define this library for your custom ssp application.

  5. Click Save.

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