Set Field Display Type Action

Use the Set Field Display Type action to change a field's display type. For example, use this action in an approval workflow to either disable the approval field, set it to inline, or hide it so only the current approver can modify the field.

For more information about executing the action dynamically if the record meets certain conditions, see Using Conditional Fields with Actions.


Workflow definitions require a trigger configuration that initiates the workflow, executes an action within a workflow or transitions the workflow from one state to another.

Set Field Display Type Action Parameters

The following table describes the Set Field Display Type action parameters:




Select to execute the action on one of the fields in the main body of the workflow's base record type.


Select to execute the action on one of the sublists in the workflow's base record type. If selected, choose the correct sublist from the list.


Name of the field on which to change the display type.

Display Type

Select one of the following display type options:

  • Hidden. Field cannot be seen on the record or transaction.

  • Inline. Used for informational purposes only. Cannot be edited.

  • Disabled. Field cannot be edited.

  • Normal. The field is editable.

For more information about each of the display types, see Setting Display Options for Custom Fields.


For more information about adding actions to a workflow, including common action properties and conditions, see Action Conditions and Creating an Action.

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