Currency Exchange Rates Import

When the Multiple Currencies feature is enabled, you can use the Import Assistant to import currency exchange rates into NetSuite. Exchange rates are stored as a list in NetSuite, with each line in the list representing an exchange rate between a base currency and a foreign currency. For more information, see Currency Management.

NetSuite OneWorld accounts may have multiple base currencies, with different base currencies set for different subsidiaries. Accounts that are not OneWorld have a single base currency only. Note that exchange rates defined for a base currency in a OneWorld account apply to all subsidiaries using that base currency.

The Currency Exchange Rates import requires the following values for each rate to be imported:

Update data handling is not supported for this import, to be consistent with currency exchange rates functionality in the user interface. To update a rate between two currencies, add a record with the same base currency and foreign currency, the new exchange rate, and a new effective date. For example:

Base Currency

Foreign Currency

Exchange Rate

Effective Date

US Dollar




Base Currency

Foreign Currency

Exchange Rate

Effective Date

US Dollar




For more details about how currency exchange rates are handled in NetSuite, you can review the Lists > Accounting > Currency Exchange Rates page, and see Currency Exchange Rates.

The Import Assistant is available at Setup > Import/Export > Import Tasks > Import CSV Records. After you select the record type for import, in this case Accounting, you choose the import character encoding. For more information, see Select a Record Type for Import and Choose Import Character Encoding.

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