
This release note was updated June 3, 2024.

NetSuite 2024.1 includes the following enhancements to SuiteAnalytics:

Latest ODBC Driver Version 64-bit for Linux Available

As of June 3, 2024, the latest version of the SuiteAnalytics ODBC driver 64-bit for Linux is available for download. If you are using an ODBC driver, you can upgrade to ODBC driver version

The latest driver version is optional, but it is recommended that you download and install it. The new driver version uses the OpenSSL v3, which provides enhanced security.

To download the latest driver version, log in to NetSuite. In the Settings portlet on the Home page, click Set Up SuiteAnalytics Connect.

For more information about installing ODBC drivers, see Accessing the Connect Service Using an ODBC Driver.

New Record Type Available for the Analytics Data Source

A new record type is now available for the Analytics data source: ConnectLoginAudit.

The ConnectLoginAudit record type data is available from SuiteAnalytics Workbook, SuiteAnalytics Connect, SuiteScript, and REST Query API. This record type allows SuiteAnalytics Connect administrators to get information about the usage of Connect, such as users' login attempts, outdated drivers, and so on.

To access the ConnectLoginAudit record type data, the View Login Audit Trail role permission is required.

The following table contains the list of fields available on the ConnectLoginAudit record type and a description for each field:




Login date and time


Email address of the SuiteAnalytics Connect user


Login status


User ID


Role ID


Third-party application used by the SuiteAnalytics Connect user


Details failed login attempts


SuiteAnalytics Connect data source ( or


Driver type used (JDBC, ODBC, or ADO.NET)


SuiteAnalytics Connect driver version

To see the fields available through the ConnectLoginAudit record type, you can use the Records Catalog. For more information about the Records Catalog, see Records Catalog Overview.

Calculated Measures Available from Pivot Grid

Prior to 2024.1, you could only create calculated measures from the layout panel of pivot tables. Now, you can also create and remove calculated measures from the pivot grid. For more information, see Creating Calculated Measures.

Export Dataset Definitions to SuiteQL from Workbook

You can now export your saved dataset definitions to a SuiteQL TXT file. This allows you to understand how fields are joined in your dataset so that you can build your SuiteQL queries. SuiteQL queries are available through the SuiteScript Analytic API, SuiteAnalytics Connect, and SuiteTalk REST Web Services.

To export your dataset definition to a SuiteQL TXT file, open your dataset, click Export and choose the Export dataset to SuiteQL TXT option.


For SuiteAnalytics Connect, this option applies to the data source only.

When you export your dataset definitions, you must consider the following:

  • You can only export dataset definitions that have been saved. Unsaved datasets do not display the export option.

  • Dataset exports may include internal records or fields that are not exposed to all channels. To review which records and fields are exposed, check them in the Records Catalog. For information about the Records Catalog, see Records Catalog Overview.

  • Some dataset exports may not be complete and you may need to include criteria values manually. For example, in the following query you must replace "?" with the corresponding value:

                    AND TransactionAccountingLine.posting = ? 
  • All dataset exports include BUILTIN functions in SELECT clauses. BUILTIN functions are not supported so you must remove them. The following example shows how the BUILTIN function should be removed in this case.

    • Query example with the BUILTIN function:

                          BUILTIN_RESULT.TYPE_DATE("TRANSACTION".trandate) AS trandate /*{trandate#RAW}*/, 
    • Query example without the BUILTIN function:

                          "TRANSACTION".trandate AS trandate, 

    For more information about BUILTIN functions, see SuiteQL Supported Built-in Functions.

  • When using SuiteAnalytics Connect, you cannot use right outer joins. For example, the following Oracle SQL is not valid in SuiteQL:

                    select from account a1, account a2 where (+) = 

    For information about syntax requirements for SuiteAnalytics Connect, see Syntax Requirements.

For more information about the export option, see Defining a Dataset.

Access NetSuite Analytics Warehouse by Single Sign-On

Previously, you had to log in to your NetSuite Analytics Warehouse instance by using your Oracle Analytics for Applications login credentials. Now, if you have an account with SAML SSO or OIDC SSO set up, you can use it to access your NetSuite Analytics Warehouse instance. For more information about how to set up this new feature, see Using Single Sign-On with NetSuite Analytics Warehouse.

Add NetSuite Analytics Warehouse Visualizations to Your Dashboard

Previously, you had to log in to the Analytics Warehouse interface to see the visualizations you have created in your Analytics Warehouse instance. Now, you can set up SuiteApp portlets to addthese visualizations to your NetSuite dashboard. For more information, see Adding NetSuite Analytics Warehouse Visualizations to a Dashboard.

Merge Your NetSuite Accounts Data into a Single NetSuite Analytics Warehouse Instance

Now if you own more than one NetSuite production account, you can blend all your NetSuite data into your NetSuite Analytics Warehouse instance. This new feature enables you to consolidate financial and operational data and saves you time and effort in building a business intelligence solution. For more information, see Merging Your NetSuite Accounts Data Into Your NetSuite Analytics Warehouse Instance.

General Notices