Item Revision Import

When the Assembly Items feature is enabled, you can use this import to add and update item revision records that define which member items should be included in assembly builds during specific time frames.

The exact member components needed for assembly items are identified in the Bill of Materials (BOM), but required components may change over time. These changing requirements can be documented in item revision records, which are part of BOM member control functionality. An item revision record sets an effective date for a member item to be included in assembly builds. Each item revision record can be assigned to multiple assembly items, because one item can be a member of different assembly items. For more details, see Bill of Materials Member Control for Assembly Items.

The Item Revision import supports the following fields:

This import cannot add or update values for the Obsolete Date field. When an imported revision record is saved, the system determines its obsolete date, based on its effective date and on the effective dates of other revision records for the member item, to avoid gaps or overlaps in dates covered by revisions.

The Import Assistant is available at Setup > Import/Export > Import Tasks > Import CSV Records. After you select the record type for import, you choose the import character encoding. For more information, see Select a Record Type for Import and Choose Import Character Encoding.

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