Manufacturing Routing Import

Import of the manufacturing routing record is possible only if the Manufacturing Routing and Work Center feature has been enabled at Setup > Company > Enable Features, on the Items & Inventory subtab.

You use the manufacturing routing record to specify a sequence of tasks, or operations, required for the building of assembly items. For example, suppose your company sells handmade cedar chests. Building a cedar chest might include steps such as sanding the boards, assembling the chest, and cleaning the work space. With the routing record, you can specify the order in which all of these tasks, or operations, must take place. You can also identify the amount of time each operation is expected to take, the employees that must complete each operation, and a cost template that ultimately determines what each operation costs. Further, you can create multiple routings for the same assembly item, then pick the appropriate routing at the time you create the work order.

Before you begin importing routing records, it might be useful to view the form you would use to manually create these records, at Lists > Supply Chain > Manufacturing Routing > New.

For details about the process of manually creating a routing record, see Creating a Manufacturing Routing. For general details about the Manufacturing Routing and Work Center feature, see Manufacturing Routing.

For details on importing routing records, see the following:

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