Common Errors When Importing Cost Templates

The “Results” file for a failed cost template import might include any of the following messages.

You must enter at least one line

This error indicates that you failed to include sublist data for every cost template record. Each cost template record must have at least one sublist record.

If you are doing a multiple-file import, this error might point to a problem with the key column you are using to link the files. For example, one of the files might include a typo in this column, preventing proper linking of the cost template's body data to its sublist data.

Invalid item reference key

Indicates that the item name in one of your sublist records is incorrect. You may have typed it incorrectly, or you may have paired it with a cost category that it does not belong to. Check the item record to see what the correct category is. The category is shown on the Purchasing tab of the item record.

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