Common Errors When Importing Routing Records

The “Results” file for a failed routing record import might include any of the following messages.

You must enter at least one line

This error indicates that you failed to include sublist data for every routing record. Each routing record must have at least one sublist record.

If you are doing a multiple-file import, this error might point to a problem with the key column you are using to link the files. For example, one of the files might include a typo in this column, preventing proper linking of the routing record body data to its sublist data.

Invalid location reference key

This error could indicate that any of the following occurred:

This sequence number is already in use on another step

Indicates that you mapped a value to the Operation Sequence field that is not unique for the routing record being referenced. For example, you entered two operations with the sequence “20.”

If you are doing a multiple-file import, this error might point to a mistake with the unique identifier used to link the sublist records to the body data. For example, suppose your file defines Routings A and B, each of which includes three operations with sequence values of 10, 20, and 30. If you inadvertently associated one of the Routing B rows with the same unique identifier used for Routing A, then you would get this error.

‘Invalid manufacturingworkcenter reference key Value'

Indicates that you mapped an invalid value to the Manufacturing Work Center field. If you are certain you entered the correct name of an employee group, check to make sure that the record for the group has the Manufacturing Work Center box selected.

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