Item Demand Plan Import

An item demand plan transaction stores the quantity expected to be needed, during specified time periods, for an item. You can import item demand plan data from another system into NetSuite. You need to get the required data into a CSV file, then you can use the Import Assistant to create new demand plans and edit existing demand plans.

The item demand plan data that you can import generally matches the fields available at Transactions > Demand Planning > Item Demand Plans > New. If you are not familiar with this page, you should review it to get an understanding of the fields that you should include in your Item Demand Plan CSV files. Each plan includes two types of fields:

You are encouraged to set up your CSV files in accordance with the preferred format for each demand plan type. When a CSV file follows the preferred format, the Import Assistant automatically maps CSV file fields to NetSuite fields, simplifying the import process. For body fields other than the View field, the preferred format is to include a column with a header matching the NetSuite field name. For sublist fields, the preferred format varies per plan type. For more information, see: Monthly Item Demand Plan Import, Weekly Item Demand Plan Import, and Daily Item Demand Plan Import.

Each CSV file used for an import should include data for only one type of time period: either monthly, weekly, or daily. Also, it is strongly encouraged that your CSV file use the preferred format for each type, because these preferred formats support automatic mapping of data in the Import Assistant. For more information, see Supported Fields for Item Demand Plan Imports.

Prerequisites for Importing Item Demand Plans

If the above requirements are met, you can also import data for item record fields related to demand planning. See Importing Demand Planning Data for Items.

Item Demand Plan Import Errors

An import that attempts to add an item demand plan returns an “Invalid item reference Key” error when any of the following occur:


For information about using demand planning and creating item demand plans in the NetSuite user interface, see Demand Planning.

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