Canceling Events

You can cancel an event from the Events list or from your calendar. Only an event's organizer can cancel or delete an event.


If you use NetSuite for iPhone, canceled events are not included in the iCalendar export.

To cancel an event:

  1. Go to your calendar in NetSuite, and click the name of the event.

  2. If the event is recurring, select Open this occurrence or Open the series in the popup.

  3. In the event record, click Edit.

  4. In the Status dropdown list, select Canceled.

  5. On the Attendees subtab, check the Notify Attendees by Email box to update everyone invited about the status of the event.

  6. Click Save.

If you do not need to notify those invited and want to remove the event from your Events list, you can delete the event. For more information, see Deleting an Event.

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