Saved Reports Page
The Saved Reports page contains a list of all the reports you have customized and saved, either in the Report Builder or Financial Report Builder. This page also lists reports customized by others who included you in the audience of their saved report.
To view the Saved Reports page:
Click the Reports tab.
On the Reports page, under the Saved Reports heading, click All Saved Reports.
The list of saved reports includes the following columns:
Edit: Click this link to edit the custom report in the Report Builder or Financial Report Builder.
This link is only available to users with Edit or Full level of the Report Customization permission.
The owner of the report and the account administrator can make changes to the custom report and save it.
Other users with the required permission level can make changes to the report but can only do a “Save As” to save the edited report under a different name.
View: Click this link to view the report.
Title: Title entered for the custom report in the Report Builder or Financial Report Builder.
Description: Description entered for the custom report on the More Options page of the Report Builder or Financial Report Builder.
Owner: Owner of the saved report. Initially, the owner is the user who created the report. If you mouseover the owner's name in the row, a popup will display further details about the owner.
When a report has been saved, an account administrator or the report owner can change the owner on the More Options page of the Report Builder or Financial Report Builder. These types of users also can change the owner directly in this list by using inline editing.
Only account administrators can change the owner of a report.
Report Type: The name of the report that was customized to create the custom report.
Delete: Click this link to delete the custom report.
This is link is only available to the owner of the report and account administrators.
Save: The Save button saves changes to the existing report. If you want to change the name of the report, change the name of the report in the report customization form and click the Save button.
Save As: Clicking Save As creates a copy of the report with a name entered in the Name field.
You can click a column heading to sort the list of reports by title, description, owner, or report type.
If inline editing is turned on, you can directly edit the report's title and description. See Inline Editing of Reports. Administrators can also edit the report's owner.
In the footer of the Saved Reports page you can filter the list of reports by owner. If you only want to see the reports that you own, select Mine in the Owner field.
If you do not want a saved report to appear on the Reports page and the Reports > Saved Reports menu, open the report for edit and clear the Show on Reports Page option on the More Options tab.