Working with Employee Social Security Numbers


If you run scripts as an administrator with access to employee records, these scripts may expose social security numbers to any user. For example, a user is assigned to a role that has permission to run and deploy scripts. The user does not have permission to view the employee record. However, they can still view social security numbers when they attempt to access parts of the employee record. To prevent unintended access to this information, only run your script using an appropriate role that masks social security numbers.

Social security numbers are masked and encrypted by default when displayed on the screen or when records or transactions are printed. Only administrators or users with permission to access social security number data can view the numbers unmasked.

Users permission to access social security number data is based on the level of the Employee Social Security Numbers permission. This permission is associated with their assigned roles. This permission can be at one of the following two levels:

Users assigned standard roles can access social security number data as follows:


Permission Level



Employee Center


Payroll Manager


Payroll Setup


System Administrator


Social security number data is masked or displayed based on role access level when a user does any of the following:

Social Security Numbers in Search

To ensure the security of your employees’ social security numbers, NetSuite encrypts social security numbers. Because the numbers are encrypted, you cannot run a search that includes social security numbers in the results using the summary type Group.

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