Campaign Channels

There are five default campaign channels: direct mail, email, phone, print ad, and misc.

NetSuite tracks campaign events for different channels on the Events subtab on the campaign record. Separate subtabs track campaigns in each channel: Email, Lead Nurturing, Direct Mail, Other, and Default.

To create a campaign channel:

  1. Go to Setup > Marketing > Campaign Management > Channels.

  2. Enter a name for this campaign channel.

  3. In the Type field, select the type of campaign channel you want to create.

    The campaign channel type you select determines the subtab where you create the channel. Email, direct mail, and lead nurturing channels appear on their respective subtabs. You create channels of type Integration and Other type on the Other subtab. For example, you can create campaign events that use an email type channel only on the Email subtab.

  4. Enter a description of the channel.

  5. Click Save.

For tips on managing other campaign channels, see Tips for Campaigns.

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