Security Settings

2FA makes your account safer by adding an extra set of security - it's relatively quick & painless to setup & use.

2FA is not required at this time. Make sure you are familiar with token authenticator apps before you start this process

Go to Setup > Security Settings and follow the prompts.

Make sure you have a mobile number set in your profile. If you don’t, a message directing you to set this up will appear before you can continue.

To use 2FA you will need to download a token authenticator app to your smartphone (if you don’t already have one) such as Google Authenticator. If you are unsure of which authenticator is right for you, take a look at this article from the New York Times:

When you reach the step, you will need your phone to scan the bar code which is generated on-screen. Once scanned, enter the code your authenticator app provides and type this in the on-screen prompt to complete setup.

Once completed, it is also recommended that you generate backup codes and store these somewhere secure, as these can be used to validate your login if you do not have access to the authenticator (eg. lost your phone).

If you have 2FA configured you will be required to validate your login when you:

Once you have validated your login, you will be able to continue accessing these pages until this validation has expired (or until you log out).

How do I validate my login?

When asked to validate your login, provide the code from your authenticator app.

Please note this code changes every 30 seconds.

I don’t have a backup code and lost my phone with an authenticator. How do I get around this?

You can request a code to be sent via SMS to remove your 2FA.

Is setting up 2FA required?

No, 2FA is not required.

General Notices