Create All Journals

When you use the Create All Journals method, all period end journal processes shown on the task page are started. If you have already successfully completed any processes for this period, the period end journal processes are skipped.

This method results in an error for any subsidiary that has the box checked for the Require Memo on Period End Journals subsidiary preference. The error is logged for the first process for each subsidiary that requires memos, and processing stops for that subsidiary. The processes for other subsidiaries continue to run. If you use multi-book accounting, the error is logged for the first subsidiary and accounting book combination.

To use the Create All Journals method:

  1. On the Task: Create Period End Journals page, click Create All Journals.

  2. Click OK on the warning message.

  3. After you see the confirmation message that processes have started, click Refresh and repeat as needed.

    As processes are completed, a link to the Processed Records is displayed with a count of the results. If errors occurred, a link to the error results page is displayed with a count of the errors.

  4. If your results include errors, correct the problems and use the steps in Select Period End Journal Processes to process the period end journals for the corrections.

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