Enter Company Address Information

You can define separate shipping and return addresses, in addition to the main address defined for your company. If you do not define a separate shipping or return address, it defaults to be the same as the main address. You do not need to define a billing address at the company level. Billing addresses can be defined on transactions as needed.


The following steps list the address fields included in the default address form. The address form shown may vary according to the country where the company is located, and depends on the custom address forms defined in your account. For more information, see Customizing Address Forms.

To set up address information:

  1. Click the Addresses subtab.

  2. You can enter address information for your main business, shipping (used for receiving shipments), or receiving returns (used on return forms). To enter address information, click Edit next to the Address field and complete the following:

    • Country: Select your company's country.

    • Attention: Enter the person at this address who should be notified of receipt of documents or goods.

    • Addressee: Enter the company name that will appear on the shipping label.

    • Phone: Enter your company’s phone number.

    • Address 1: Enter your company's address in the format that you want it to appear in on all forms except checks.

    • Address 2: Enter an optional second address line in the format that you want it to appear on all forms except checks.

    • City – Enter your company's city in the format that you want it to appear in on all forms except checks.

    • State: Enter your company’s state in the format that you want it to appear in on all forms except checks.

    • Zip: Enter your company's postal code in the format that you want it to appear in on all forms except checks.

    • Address: The address information that you enter in the above fields will automatically appear in this field. Here, you can see how your address will appear on all forms except checks. You can check the Override box to edit this formatting.

    • Override: Check the box to disable the free-form address text field. When this field is disabled, text entered in the other address fields does not display in the Address text field.

  3. To view the address location in Google Maps, click Map next to the Address field.

  4. Click Save.

To update this information at any time, return to Setup > Company > Company Information, make changes, and save your changes.

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