Creating a Work Breakdown Structure

You can create a work breakdown structure to separates work into mutually exclusive parts.

To create a work breakdown structure:

  1. Go to Lists > Relationships > Projects.

  2. Click Edit next to the project you want to update.

  3. Click Work Breakdown Structure and New WBS.

  4. Select a timeline type. You can choose from a global or monthly timeline type based on your preference. The monthly timeline type breaks down your budget into months so that you can track your actuals against monthly estimations.


    If you do not select an end date, the WBS does not generate monthly timeline columns.

  5. In the Name field, enter a name for your first work line.

  6. In the Task field, select a project task to associate with this line.


    The main purpose of selecting a task is to capture actuals to a WBS line. If you have not created any tasks yet, you can add them later.

  7. In the Activity Code field, select the activity code for this line. For more information, see Activity Codes.

  8. Under Estimate to Complete, enter the cost and revenue estimates for the line.


    The ETC values represent the financial amounts which it takes to have the part of the project completed. If you use the calculation pop-up, the ETC can represent a quantity. For more details, see Calculating Costs.


    You can calculate costs not only through the Estimate to Complete field, but also by using the Calculating Costs icon.

  9. Click Add Row.

  10. Continue to add as many rows as necessary.


    You can set up a hierarchy of each row by using the Right arrow key to set it as a sub line and moving the row by the Up or Down keys.

  11. When you have finished, click Save.


If you also use Advanced Project Profitability, each item displays differently in the report, depending on the profitability configuration.

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