Determining the Localization Context

The localization context of a record represents the country or countries associated with that record. The system automatically determines the localization context of a record on the basis of the values in specific country fields, such as subsidiary and tax nexus fields. These values represent individual countries, such as France, United Kingdom, or Germany.

The system follows a defined process to determine the localization context for a record, based on a variety of factors. The following diagram illustrates this process:


The process progresses through the decision tree from the “START” to one of the results in dark–gray rectangles.

The results of the process list the field on which the specific localization context is based. For example, if the result is “Subsidiary (Country),” the localization context is based on the value of the country field of the respective subsidiary.

The localization context of a record can contain multiple countries and it is not limited to a single option. When scripts are filtered based on localization context, a script is run if its context association rule is set to at least one of the countries of the localization context.

For localization context filtering in client scripts, the determination of localization context is dynamic:

  1. A user changes a field, which is used to determine the localization context of a record.

  2. Context determination is immediately triggered again to make sure that the localization context is correctly set.

  3. Based on the new localization context, the relevant scripts are loaded from the server and attached to the record and the scripts that are no longer applicable are detached.

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General Notices