Record Localization Context

You can use the record localization context for user event and client scripts to filter execution of scripts or to filter workflows.

Developers can use this feature to tailor scripts for specific countries and to prevent these scripts from deploying unnecessarily on records associated with other countries.

Limiting script execution this way provides improved user experience because the number of scripts to be executed is reduced. Using the localization context, the system does not have to load the scripts from the server and execute them to determine whether these scripts are relevant or not.

This use of this feature is limited to customers using the Classic Center or the Executive Center. This means that this feature is only visible to the following roles:

For more information about Centers and Roles, see NetSuite Standard Centers.

This feature also introduces two new entry points for client scripts, localizationContextEnter(scriptContext) and localizationContextExit(scriptContext). For more information about these entry points, see Localization Context.

For more information about entry points in SuiteScript, see SuiteScript 2.x Client Script Entry Points and API.

For information about the Localization Context and Context Association Rule feature, see the following:

For more details about setting up localization context filtering for user event and client script execution, see Localization Context Filtering for SuiteScript 2.x.

The localization context filtering is also supported for scripts in SDF SuiteApps, in Bundles and in other parts on the NetSuite application, such as workflows:

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