Creating a Context-Aware Script

You can create a context–aware script by a combination of two features: Record Localization Context and Context Association Rule. The Record Localization Context feature enables you to set a localization context of a script and the Context Association Rule limits the deployment of scripts on records with a specific localization context.

  1. Create a new script or reuse an old script.

  2. Deploy the script. For more information about creating or deploying a script, see Creating a Script Record or Use the Script Deployment Record.

  3. In the Script Deployment window, choose the target record type from the Applies To list.


    You can use the record localization context feature only with certain record types. For a list of supported records and record types, see Records that Support Localization Context.

  4. Click the Context Filtering subtab to display the Localization Context interface.

  5. Clear the Select All box to enable entering of text into the Localization Context field.

  6. Enter the name of the target country into the Localization Context field. There are several ways to fill in the desired countries.

    • Write the full name of one or more of the desired countries.

    • Write the first several letters of the desired country’s name and click outside the Localization Context field. A popup window appears, displaying countries whose names begin with the letters you have entered. For example, if you write ”Fr” and click outside of the field, the popup window appears displaying all countries whose names start with ”Fr”.

    • Search directly in the popup window.

      1. Click the double arrows symbol to open the popup window. Use the upper menu or the Search field to accelerate searching for the desired country.

      2. Search for the desired countries manually.

  7. Select one or more desired countries. The selected countries appear in the right column.

  8. Click Done. The window closes.

  9. Click Save.

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