Mobile Scanner Workflow

Manufacturing process flows typically consist of multiple connected steps. The NetSuite Manufacturing Mobile SuiteApp enables shop floor operators to record manufacturing assignments, consume components, produce assembly items, and submit work.

  1. Set Assignment – captures the context for the shop floor activity, such as Location, Work Center, Date, and Shift.

    Shift is a customizable list. For example, shift 1, 2, and 3.

  2. Select Work Order – establishes a time-bound work effort that helps distinguish shop floor data and to scope financial and inventory transactions.

    When multiple operators work on one work order, you can see which operator produced and consumed items by shift for the work order.

  3. Report Production and Consumption – reports shop floor activities, what has been consumed and produced, and separates reporting from transaction processing.

  4. Submit – represents the completion of work on the work order during a timeframe.

    The general ledger (GL) and inventory records automatically update if the Real Time Build box is checked and enabled.


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