Selecting a Work Order

After you define your assignment details, select a work order for which you want to report data on.

To select a work order:

  1. In the Work Option screen, tap Select Work Order.

  2. In the Work Orders list, tap a Work Order.

    Manufacturing Mobile only lists work orders created within the past 90 days with a Status that is Released or In Progress. If you want change the default limit for number of days, see Manufacturing Mobile Preferences.


    You can scan or enter a work order that does not appear in the list if it meets the following conditions:

    • The work order location matches the selected location.

    • The work order work center matches the selected work center.

  3. If you enter the work order, tap Enter Work Order to proceed.

  4. If the work order has operation steps, select an Operation Step.

    Work orders and operation steps should be associated with a work center for reporting.

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