Configuring AMEX Integration

After you install the SuiteApp and obtain your AMEX gateway credentials, you can configure NetSuite to automatically import your corporate card transactions.

You select how you want imported transactions to be matched on the format profile record created by the AMEX Corporate Card Integration SuiteApp. Imported transactions can be matched in two ways:

If you are using the cardholder name for employee matching, before you begin importing your AMEX charges, note the following. You must enter the cardholder names on each employee record. If you are using employee IDs to match transactions, you can skip the steps below for entering cardholder names.

To enter cardholder names for employees:

  1. Go to Lists > Employees > Employees.

  2. Click Edit next to the employee record you want to update.

  3. Click the Human Resources subtab.

  4. Click Corporate Cards.

  5. In the Name on Card field, enter the name listed on the employee’s card.

  6. In the Expiration Date field, enter the expiration date for the card.

  7. In the Corporate Card Profile field, select the AMEX format profile created when you installed the AMEX Corporate Card Integration SuiteApp.

  8. Click Add.

  9. Click Save.

When you have finished entering all of your cardholder names, you can complete the configuration of your AMEX format profile and begin importing transactions.

To configure AMEX integration:

  1. Go to Setup > Accounting > Financial Statements > Financial Institution > List.

  2. Click View next to the financial institution record for American Express.

  3. Click Format Profile: Configuration.

  4. Click Edit next to the AMEX format profile.

  5. On the Connectivity Configuration subtab, enter the server URL, username, and password received from AMEX. If you do not have this information, you must contact American Express to get the connection credentials before you can proceed with configuration.

  6. Click the Import Configuration subtab.

  7. In the Employee Matching field, select how imported transactions are matched to employees. This selection is determined by your agreement with American Express.


    If you are using cardholder names, all cardholder names must be entered prior to your first import. If you are using employee IDs, you must provide all employee IDs to American Express prior to your first import. Failure to set cardholder names or provide employee IDs prior to importing transactions results in the need for manual matching of employee expense transaction. After a file has been imported, you must contact the credit card company if you wish to import the file again.

  8. In the Expense Type field, select Corporate Card.

  9. In the Employee Expense Source Type field, select: American Express.

  10. Click the Expense Code Mapping subtab.

  11. In the Expense Category field, select an expense category to map to each AMEX expense code.

  12. When you have finished, click Save.

After your format profile record is saved, your expense transactions begin importing at the next scheduled daily time.


File imports with the AMEX Credit Card Integration SuiteApp are limited to 3400 lines and 10 MB.

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