Intelligent Item Recommendations Workbook

The Intelligent Item Recommendations workbook enables you to view and analyze data collected by the Intelligent Item Recommendations extension. The workbook is a useful tool to understand the success of recommendations because it enables you to track customer behavior after they see a recommendation. For example, the workbook tracks when a customer sees a recommendation, when they click through to view the item, if they buy the recommended item, and the estimated revenue generated by these purchases.

The Intelligent Items workbook shows data on the following interactions:

To access the workbook, click the Analytics tab in the navigation menu and then click the Intelligent Item Recommendations link in the Workbook Templates list on the Workbooks subtab.

The workbook includes multiple tabs:

For more information about each tab, see Navigating SuiteAnalytics Workbook.

If you have more than one website, the tables and charts contain data for all websites. You can choose to apply filters to view the data for only the websites you need.

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