Correcting Production Reporting Data

Manufacturing Mobile enables production managers to add or modify production reporting details.

To correct unprocessed production reporting data:

  1. Go to Reports > Shop Floor Reports > Work Details.

  2. Beside the work detail you want to add or modify, click Edit.

  3. Click the Mfg Mobile - Production Reporting subtab.

  4. Next to the production reporting details you want to correct, do the following:


    If you want to correct processed data, delete the build first. To access the build, in the Transaction Ref# column, click the transaction link. After you delete the build, you can proceed to step 4.a.

    1. In the Processed? column, verify that it is set to N.

    2. Click Edit.

    3. Update the fields, such as the production quantity, that you want to correct.

  5. If you want to correct unprocessed material consumption data, see Correcting Production Reporting Data.

  6. Click Save.

  7. After you correct all the data on Work Details record, click Edit Work.

Related Topics

Correcting Reported Data
Correcting Material Consumption Data
Correct Data
Generated Builds for Reported Data
Monitor and Manage Work
Manufacturing Mobile for Production Managers

General Notices