Integrating Action Messages

After rescheduled or cancelled messages are released, the supply planning process generates action messages. The planner can release an action, and the system may require a secondary level of approval. For example, if an existing purchase order is being rescheduled, the buyer can approve or reject the new schedule or cancel the suggestion.

Releasing planned orders enables you to consolidate individual planned orders released at the item level into larger transfer orders across items or purchase orders. These orders are shipped at the same time or added to the same PO.

After a planned order is released, the order can be consolidated specifically to the planned order type:

To integrate an action:

  1. In the Supply Planning Workbench, in the row for the item you want to integrate, click the Supply link.

  2. In the Supply Type list, select Planned Transfer Order.

  3. In the Details pane, check the box beside the transfer order you want to integrate.

  4. Click Release Selected Orders.

  5. Click OK.

    An information message box appears.

  6. Go to Transactions > Supply Planning > Replenish Location by Transfer Order.

  7. In the Replenish Location by Transfer Order window, in the From Location list, select the From Location you want to replenish stock from.

  8. Click the Planned Orders subtab.

    The released transfer order is displayed. Multiple orders are also displayed here.

  9. To release the orders, check the box beside the order to consolidate the order based on the locations (from and to) and date.

  10. Click Submit.

    When the refresh process is run for supply planning, this new supply order will be included in the plan to reflect future supply.

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