Working With the Supply Tab

The Supply tab displays all the supply order information within the supply plan. NetSuite defines supply orders as anything that holds or creates supply. The supply tab also enables you to create and release different planned orders.

The following are different types of supply:

Planned purchase orders, transfer orders, and work orders are purged and recreated as need with a new planning run. This does not apply to orders that are firmed or released and not yet implemented in Order Items, Mass Create Work Orders or Replenish Inventory by Transfer Order.

The concept of Firm when applied to actual purchase orders, transfer orders, or work orders WOs, means that when these actual transactions are firmed they cannot be rescheduled or canceled by the planning engine.

The supply tab displays the following columns and features:

Click Return to Summary to open the Results Summary.

After the rescheduling parameters are set (reschedule horizon, reschedule in days and reschedule out days) the planning process could cancel or reschedule actual purchase orders, transfer orders, or work orders. Consequently, the supplies will be moved to the defined period to be rescheduled or ignored if the process suggested they be cancelled in the Planning Workbench.

In the Planning Workbench Action tab, you can see the original end date and the new target end date. To initiate these suggested actions, clicking the Perform Selected Action button to create the Supply Change Orders.

If the supplies are firmed, the planning process will provide an informational ation message alerting the planner that the firmed transaction could be rescheduled or cancelled. You will still see the suggested actions in the Action tab but they are not available for submission. You will need to reschedule or cancel them manually in NetSuite.

To firm a planned order:


When you try to clear the Firmed box, a "Record not saved" message is displayed. You cannot un-firm a planned order that was generated from a supply plan. If an un-firmed order is no longer required, you must delete it.

  1. Beside the order, or orders you want to firm, check the Firm box.

  2. To review the order, click the order link.

    The planned order window opens displaying a Firmed status.

    You can also open the planning workbench event log to verify that the order is firmed.

  3. Click Save.

To release a selected planned order:

  1. Beside the unreleased planned order, or orders you want to release, check the box.

  2. Click Release Selected Orders.

  3. In the confirmation message, click OK.

    A confirmation message appears stating that records have been submitted for processing. This message contains a link to the status page.

  4. To review the status of processed and submitted/planned orders, click the Status page.

  5. In the Planning Workbench Event Log, you can review the order status.

    After you refresh the planned order record, the status is Released.

To release all planned orders:

  1. In the Results Summary, click the All Items Supply number link.

  2. Hover over Release Selected Orders.

  3. Click the Release All Orders.

  4. In the confirmation message, click OK.

    A confirmation message appears stating that records have been submitted for processing. The message contains a link to the status page.

  5. To review the status of processed and submitted/planned orders, click the Status page link to open the planning workbench event log page.

  6. To display orders that were successfully processed, beside the Create Planned Order button, click Refresh.

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