Date Based View

The grid and graph view can be shown in days, weeks, or months.

The date-based view enables you to review all planning entries for an item and location by period. It also displays planned orders suggested by the supply planning process to balance supply and demand. This data based grid enables you to review cause and effect by period and forecast trends for the item and location over time.

To view the date-based grid, in the Results Summary beside the item you want to view, click the date-based icon (Date Grid Icon).

The Date-Based View table shows the planning results for the item by period. Shaded rows display inputs and transactions. Non-shaded rows display calculated values.

The following table describes the date-based table columns:


Past Due


Item Forecast


Item demand plans.

Unconsumed Forecast


The part of a demand plan that has not been consumed by sales orders.

Sales Orders


Unfulfilled sales orders.

Planned Transfer Orders


Planned transfer orders that have the current location as the source.

Transfer Orders


Unshipped transfer orders that have the current location as the source.

Total Demand


The total demand from forecast, sales orders, and transfer orders.

Parent Planned Work Orders


Planned work orders for items that are parent to the current item.

Parent Work Orders


Work orders for items that are parent to the current item.

Production Requirements


Total production requirements from the planned work orders and work orders.

Projected Gross Requirements


Total demand and production requirements.

Current Item Purchase Orders


Purchase orders for the current item that are not yet received.

Current Item Work Orders


Work orders for the current item that are not yet completed.

Current Item Transfer Orders


Transfer orders not yet received where the current location is the destination.

Scheduled Receipts


Total scheduled receipts from the above purchase orders, work orders, and transfer orders.

Projected Available Balance

On–hand quantity

Total demand + scheduled receipts – projected gross requirements (current state).

Adjusted Available Balance

On–hand quantity

Total demand + scheduled receipts – projected gross requirements + system orders (balanced).

Firm Planned Orders


Firm planned orders for the current item.

Planned Orders


Planned orders for the current item.

System Orders


Firm planned orders plus planned orders.

You can access the graph view by selecting the graph option at the top of the page. The graph view shows the adjusted available balance by period and safety stock in a line graph.

Related Topics:

General Notices