Process for Adding an Aggregate Storage Database to an Application

To add an aggregate storage database to an application:

  1. Create an aggregate storage cube. Perform one task:

  2. Add dimensions to the aggregate storage cube.

    See Editing Dimensions in the Simplified Dimension Editor.

    • If a Currency, Years, Scenario, or Version dimension is valid for an aggregate storage cube, the dimension members are also valid for an aggregate storage cube.

    • To perform currency calculations in a simplified multiple currency application for a custom aggregate storage cube, you must enable the Account, Period, and Currency dimensions for the aggregate storage cube. These dimensions in default aggregate storage cubes are enabled by default, but you must enable them manually for custom aggregate storage cubes. To enable Account, Period, and Currency dimensions for custom aggregate storage cubes, edit dimension properties for each dimension and select to enable them for the aggregate storage cube. See Editing Dimension Properties.

  3. Add dimension members. See Adding Members.

  4. Refresh the outline for the application. See Refreshing Application Databases.

  5. Create a form using the dimensions associated with the aggregate storage database. See Administering Forms.