Inspection Evaluation Overview

The inspector evaluates a building site for adherence to codes and regulations required for a permit. The example here provides information about an inspection set up to use automatic score calculation with the bottom up scoring method.

A permit might require one or more inspections, each inspection might have one or more checklists, and each checklist might have checklist items or not, depending on the inspection configuration. The inspector performs an inspection by assessing the checklist items, if any, then checklists, and up to the inspection level. The evaluation results that the inspector enters are rolled up to the next level until a final inspection score is calculated if scoring is used.

Scoring is not required. The score is the rolled up to the next level automatically only if scoring used. Otherwise, you specify the result manually on each level.

The following example describes the setup and results of performing an inspection using the bottom up method of scoring. Scoring bottom to top indicates that the inspector starts with a zero score and adds points for each criterion that is met.

Example: Using the Bottom Up Scoring Method

Before you begin, set up the assessment type, rating method, passing rule, scoring method, and checklist, which includes the checklist items. In this case, you don’t need to set up the checklist group, because checklist and checklist group are mutually exclusive of each other.

This example illustrates setup for an inspection on the Inspection Type Details page. Details are in the surrounding text.

Example of an inspection type set up with Bottom Up scoring

The setup includes the following:

  1. Assessment Method

    The assessment method is defined on the assessment type page and used in the inspection type definition. During the inspection, the inspector selects an available assessment which is associated with a system result. The system result determines the scoring calculation as follows:

    Displayed Assessment

    System Result

    Scoring Calculation



    Score = All Points

    Corrected on Site


    Score = All Points



    Score = No Points

    NA (not applicable)


    Score = No Points

    Note: Only the displayed assessment value is configurable by the agency. The available system results are Pass, Fail, Corrected, and Other. You must have one assessment with a system result of Pass and one assessment with a system result of Fail. You can define multiple assessments with system results of Corrected and Other.

    See Setting Up Inspection Assessment Types.

  2. Inspection Scoring Method

    The scoring method is defined on the inspection type. In this example, the scoring method is Bottom Up.

    See Setting Up Inspection Types.

  3. Rating Method

    When you use a scoring method, you also must set up a rating method. The rating method defines the range of scores used at the inspection type level.

    See Setting Up Rating Methods.

  4. Checklist

    The checklist used in the inspection is defined on the inspection type. For example, the checklist could be Electrical for a residential addition. For multiple checklists, you enter a checklist group name. A checklist group can have different inspection checklists, such as both Electrical and Plumbing for a residential addition.

    See Setting Up Inspection Checklists.

  5. Checklist Item

    The inspection score is defined in the inspection checklist details. In this example, each checklist item is set up with a possible score of 25. The inspector’s assessment determines how many points are applied to the checklist. When the inspection result is Pass, the item receives the complete score.

    See checklist details in Setting Up Inspection Checklists.

Based on the setup, an example inspection evaluation might look like this:

Checklist Item

Possible Score

Inspector’s Checklist Item Result (Assessment)

Assessment System Status

Calculated Score

Checklist Total Score






Item 1 = 25






Item 1 + Item 2 = 50



Corrected on Site



Item 1 + Item 2 + Item 3 = 75






Item 1 + Item 2 + Item 3 + Item 4 = 75

For multiple checklists, the sum of the checklist scores determines the inspection score.