Configure Child Object Page Layouts

Not only can you add child objects to the Summary and Edit page layouts (see the Configure the Summary Page Layout and Configure the Edit Page Layout topics for more details), but you can also create page layouts for the child objects themselves.

Here are points to note when configuring page layouts for child objects:

  • When you add a child object to a parent object's page layout, the child object is added to the Children pane. To create a page layout for the child object, click the child object and clone the standard page layout, as you would for the parent object.

  • Configuring a child object page layout is the same as configuring a parent object's page layout, so you can follow the same steps you're already familiar with in this topic.

  • The template that's used for a child object's List page layout is selected when you add the child object to a parent page. You can then further configure the List page when you select the child object and clone the standard page layout.

  • You can assign roles and geographical regions to child object page layouts. You can also assign criteria for displaying the page layout, known as the Advanced Criteria feature. When you using Advanced Criteria, you can select fields from the parent object, as well as the child object. You can find more details about this in the Create Criteria for Page Layouts topic.

After making updates to your page layout, make sure that you click Save in the configuration tool page, and test and publish your new page layout. See the Test Your Configurations topic for details about how to check your mobile configurations.