Configure the Edit Page Layout

The Edit page layout displays when you're editing an object's details in the app. You can make simple changes to the Edit page layout, as described in the Configure the App Using the Configuration Tool topic.

If you would like to make more extensive changes to the Edit page layout, you will need to note these additional points:

  • To add a field, scroll down and click + Add Field.
  • To move a field, click on the field that's positioned where you want your field to appear, and select or search for the relevant field in the Select Field pop-up page. If you want to re-position the field that you have just removed, click on the field that's positioned where you want your field to appear, and select the relevant field.
  • In the Account and Contact Edit page layouts, you can remove the actions that are available for addresses, such as editing or deleting an address. See the Remove Address Actions on the Account and Contact Page Layouts topic for more details.
  • Add child objects to the bottom of the page layout by clicking + Add Child.

  • You can also assign roles and geographical regions. These enable you to restrict who can view the page layout by their role and their geographical region. You can also define a set of conditions that have to be met before the page layout is displayed. For example, if you create criteria as follows: Win probability is Greater than 50%, then any opportunities with a win probability greater than 50% will use your layout. You can find more details about how to set these up in the Create Criteria for Page Layouts topic.

  • Edit page layouts are used by Oracle Sales Assistant (OSA) to determine which fields to ask questions about during task, call report, and appointment record creation. OSA asks for values for mandatory fields, or fields without defaults, in the order that they appear in the edit layout page.

    If a field in the edit page layout isn't mandatory, or doesn't have a default value, but you still want OSA to ask for a value, you can specify that the field is prompted by adding the field in the Prompted Fields on Assistant Create pane.

After making updates to your page layout, make sure that you click Save in the configuration tool page, and test and publish your new page layout. See the Test Your Configurations topic for details about how to check your mobile configurations.