Overview of Sales Catalog Setup

The Setup Assistant completes all the prerequisites for creating your sales catalog, so you're ready to import the product groups and products and publish the catalog. Here's an overview.

What Setup Assistant Completes for You

  • Creates the root product group.

  • Creates all the prerequisites for creating and importing products. This includes creating the required item master organization and the units of measure provided by Oracle Fusion Product Model.

  • Enables the sales catalog for use by selecting the root node as the "base usage". This step tells the application which product groups to display in the sales catalog.

  • Runs the scheduled process Refresh Denormalized Product Catalog Table for BI. This process must be run each time you change the base usage.

Overview of Steps to Perform Manually

Here's an overview of the setups you must complete manually.

Note: This chapter explains how to create products in your catalog by importing them. For information on how to create individual products in the UI, see the topic Create Products and the rest of the Products chapter in the Sales Implementation Reference guide.


Applies To



Where to Get More Details


Both Digital Sales and CX Sales

Review the units of measure to make sure you have all you need.

Setup and Maintenance > Sales > Sales Catalog and Products > Manage Units of Measure

See the topic: Review Units of Measure for Products


Both Digital Sales and CX Sales

From My Oracle Support, download the Excel macros and the .jar file you need to import products and product groups to a folder on your desktop.

Importing the sales catalog involves four steps using separate macros:

  1. You import the products

  2. You import the product groups

  3. You import the relationship between the products and product groups, specifying which products belong in which product groups

  4. You import the structure of the product groups in the catalog

In your browser, navigate to support.oracle.com and search for the document (Doc ID 2229503.1).

See the topic: Download the Macros for Importing Products and Product Groups


Both Digital Sales and CX Sales

Enter product information in the product import macro (Product_Import_Macro.xslm) and import the products.

You carry out this task in the Excel macro.

See the topic: Enter Data into the Product Import Macro and Import


Both Digital Sales and CX Sales

Verify the products you imported in the Products work area and, optionally, add product images.

In your application, navigate to the Products work area and search for each product you want to edit.

See the topic: Verify Imported Products and Add Product Images


Both Digital Sales and CX Sales

Import the relationships between product groups and products using the product group and product relationship macro (ProductGroupItem_Import_Macro.xslm).

You carry out this task in the Excel macro.

See the topic: Import the Relationships Between Product Groups and Products


Both Digital Sales and CX Sales

Obtain the reference number for the root product group Setup Assistant created for you. You need the reference number to create the link between the root and the product groups you import.

Setup and Maintenance > Sales > Sales Catalog and Products > Manage Product Groups

See the topic: Obtain the Reference Number for the Root Product Group


Both Digital Sales and CX Sales

Enter the product group hierarchy information in the product group relationship macro (ProductGroupRelationSetup_Import_Macro.xslm).

You carry out this task in the Excel macro.

See the topic: Import Product Group Hierarchy Information


Both Digital Sales and CX Sales

Validate the sales catalog on the Manage Product Groups page.

Setup and Maintenance > Sales > Sales Catalog and Products > Manage Product Groups



CX Sales

Enable browsing of the sales catalog while editing opportunities by setting the system profile option Browse Sales Catalog in Opportunities Enabled (MOO_ENABLE_BROWSE_CATALOG), to Yes.

Note: Browsing of the catalog happens automatically in Digital Sales, so there's no setup needed.

Setup and Maintenance > Sales > Opportunities > Manage Opportunity Profile Options

See the topic: Enable Sales Catalog Browsing in Opportunities


Both Digital Sales and CX Sales

Sign in as a sales user and validate that your sales catalog shows up in opportunities.

Navigator > Digital Sales > Create Opportunity

See the topic: Validate the Sales Catalog

11 Both Digital Sales and CX Sales Let salespeople filter the catalog display by only their own territories or with products or product groups from all territories they have access to.

Navigator > Digital Sales > Create Opportunity

See the topics, Territory Filtering of Products in the Catalog and Set Territory Filter Options