Update Lead Information

Here's how to update lead information:

  • To update basic information, such as the primary contact, account, address, and so on, click Lead Details and Edit.

  • Use the Action Bar to update individual fields:

    • Enter update and select the field you want to update, including account name, contact phone, description, and so on.

    • Enter add to add information such as contacts, team members, and attachments.

    • Enter create to add notes, tasks, and appointments.

Here's a screenshot showing the Edit Lead window you see after you enter update in the Action Bar and select Update Contact Phone:

Edit Lead to update a phone

When you enter a phone number, the application automatically checks if the number is a valid number. If the number can’t be dialed, you see an invalid status and the date the phone number was verified. If nothing appears, the information is valid and you're good to go. For details, see the Phone Number and Email Verification topic.