Lead-Time Insights Overview

Lead-time insights are the analytics that highlight variances in the actual lead-time versus the planned lead-time for purchased items.

There are two ways you can open lead-time insights:

  • From Planning Advisor: To see insights specific to a plan, open a plan from Supply Planning and click the Planning Advisor link. On the Planning Advisor UI, select a date to get updates since and search. You get variances based on the selected date range. Click any of the insights to reach the analytics UI.
  • From Plan Inputs: From the home page, navigate to Supply Chain Planning and open Plan Inputs. Select Lead-Time Performance Summary from the tasks icon. Lead-time insights opened from Plan Inputs shows analytics from a wider date range. You can apply filters to narrow down your results.

Lead-time insights show these analytics:

See these topics to learn more about the next steps in the functional flow:

  1. Configure Lead-Time Parameters
  2. Assess the Effect of Purchase Lead-Time Variances
  3. Gain Insights on Lead-Time Variances