

    Accessibility in the Career Section: Overview

    The following content outlines the recommended practices and configurations customers should consider when setting up their Career Section to deliver an optimized accessibility experience.

    Note that the recommended practices outlined below are not a certification of configurations. Customers are ultimately responsible for configuring and testing their Career Section to align it with accessibility requirements.

    Oracle has published a Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) document for the Oracle Talent Acquisition Cloud Career Section product. For more information about Oracle’s VPATs, visit Product Status (VPATs) website.

      Optimizing the Career Section Configuration

      Areas of the product that can be configured to optimize accessibility include:

      • Branding

      • Theme

      • Content

      • Job description

      • Basic Search page

      • Job Details page

      • Job application flow


      Branding allows you to customize the look and feel of the frame surrounding the area displaying the job listings, that is the header, footer, and site navigation. You may need to consider adjusting the font size, font style, color contrast, text size, and layout of screen elements to make them larger and more prominent. For details about branding configuration, see Career Portal Brand.


      Theme allows you to customize the overall look and feel of the Career Section. Consider using colors that provide the recommended contrast ratio. This includes the configuration of font colors and background colors. Align the colors of the theme so they match the element definition set in the branding file. For details about theme configuration, see Theme.


      You can adjust labels on the Career Section to provide explicit direction to users. This includes labels on pages, tabs, links, and buttons. When creating or updating page content, consider accessibility guidelines for link purpose, headings, labels, use of color, and sensory characteristics to deliver a more accessible experience to users. For details about career section content, see Career Portal Pages.

      Job Description

      When you write the job description, make sure the description aligns with accessibility guidelines.

      Basic Search, Job Details, Job Application Flow

      Below are elements to consider to optimize accessibility.

      • Images: Images on the Basic Search page, Job Details page, and application flow contain alternative text describing the image.

      • Headings, Titles, Labels: Headings, titles, and labels on the Basic Search page, Job Details page, and application flow make the purpose of the screens clear to the users. They are also presented in a manner that help users understand the context of the page they are currently viewing.

      • Event Notification and Error Handling: Errors and notifications displayed on the Basic Search page, Job Details page, and application flow are presented using ARIA alerts.

      • Labels for Controls: Controls on the Basic Search page, Job Details page, and application flow have labels that help users understand the controls being presented.

      • Instructions do not Rely on Sensory Characteristics: Instructions provided on key parts of the Basic Search page, Job Details page, and application flow do not rely on sensory characteristics such as shape and color.

      • Logical Reading Sequence: The content displayed on the Basic Search page, Job Details page, and application flow is presented in a logical manner. Assistive technology understands and presents content of these pages in a logical manner.

      • Logical Tab Order: Keyboard users can tab through elements on the Basic Search page, Job Details page, and application flow in a logical order. These pages do not contain keyboard traps.

      • Skip Navigation Links: Keyboard users can skip to the main content of the Basic Search page, Job Details page, and application flow, allowing them to efficiently navigate through a page.

      • Keyboard: Users can navigate the Career Section without a mouse and access all relevant functionality using only the keyboard.

        Optimized Job Application Flow: Example

        When configuring the Career Section, your goal is to provide an optimal experience to people using assistive technology.

        Here is an example of what an optimal job application flow could contain.

        Use Basic Search

        Use Basic Search to provide the optimal experience for users using assistive technology. Note that Faceted Search does not work with assistive technology.

        With Basic Search, candidates can search for jobs using criteria such as the job number, the job field, the location, review the results page, and view job details. For details about Basic Search, see Career Portal Pages.

        View Job Details and Apply for Job

        Candidates can view job details and apply for the job. When candidates apply for a job, they enter the job application flow and go through a sequence of pages that they must complete.

        Configure Job Application Flow

        Configure the job application flow to include these key sections:

        • Profile Upload

        • Candidate Personal Informatio

        • Education

        • Work Experience

        • E-Signature

        • Review and Submit

        The Profile Upload page enables candidates to import their resume into the career section. If a resume is selected, the system parses the resume into available fields. If LinkedIn and Indeed profile import options are configured, candidates can import information that they have stored on their external social profiles into the job application flow.

        Note: Third party service providers such as LinkedIn or Indeed are not owned by Oracle. Any issues with the services provided must be logged and worked through with these third party service providers.

        The Candidate Personal Information page enables candidates to provide their personal information data. The information typically collected in this page includes:

        • First name and last name

        • Address

        • Phone number

        • Email address

        The Education page enables candidates to provide education information. The information collected in this page includes:

        • Institution

        • Program / Major

        • Education level (e.g., Master, PhD)

        • Start date and end date

        The Work Experience page enables candidates to provide their work experience. Candidates can add more employers as necessary. The information collected in this page includes:

        • Employer

        • Job function

        • Start date and end date

        The E-Signature page enables candidates to validate that they agree to the privacy policy of the employer. Candidates must sign their name and enter an additional piece of information such as the zip code to sign the agreement.

        The Review and Submit page enables candidates to review and validate the information they submitted. Candidates can edit and update the information as necessary.

        The last page on the job application flow is the Thank You page. This page confirms that the information provided by the candidate was submitted.