1Getting Started

Getting Started

    Career Section Overview

    Career Sections are the candidate-facing portion of Taleo Enterprise. It is potential employees' first glimpse into an organization.

    Candidates interact with the Career Section of an organization's corporate Web site when they apply for a job, create a profile, refer others to the organization, or manage their accounts. An organization can have multiple Career Sections with distinct branding, for example, to distinguish the organization's different divisions, to separate external applicants from internal applicants, or to support the organization's international presence. Each Career Section is accessed by a different URL. Once candidates complete a job application or submit a profile, they have access to the Candidate Career Portal Pages within the Career Section. Career Portal Pages display information that pertains to the candidate, such as the candidate's own job submissions and profile.

    Here is a typical workflow of how candidates access a Career Section. Candidates access the Careers area of an organization's Web site and then begin reviewing the job list or conduct a search to find job openings. Once candidates have run a search for an opening, the Job List appears. Candidates can click the Job Title link to learn more about the position.Once candidates have found a desired position, they can apply for the job. Candidates complete information presented in different pages, such as personal information, experience, references. These pages are called the application flow. Once candidates complete a page in an application flow, the progress bar can be used to return to a previous page in the flow. Once candidates have created a general profile or submitted a job-specific application, they have access to the Career Portal Page which provides access to the candidate general profile, completed job submissions, saved job searches, etc.

    Career Section system administrators are responsible of building career sections and controlling the experience of candidates while they apply for a job or submit a general profile. Career Sections are assembled using the following elements:

    • Career sections are made up of application flows.

    • Application flows are made up of pages.

    • Pages contain blocks. Pages are the individual Web pages that candidates complete.

    • Blocks are added to a page of an application flow. Examples of blocks are statements, Diversity forms.

    • Fields are added to blocks.

    Other elements such as branding, theme, settings, must also be configured by Career Section system administrators.

      Login and Product Access

        Login Procedure

        When users open the Oracle Talent Acquisition Cloud (OTAC) solution, the User Sign In page is typically displayed.

        On the Sign In page, users can select the language in which they want to use the application. If users change the default language on the Sign In page, the page is displayed in the new language and subsequent OTAC product pages are presented in that language. After selecting a language, users can also instruct the system to "remember" their selection so that the next time they sign in, the User Sign In page will be presented in the language they selected.

        If single sign-on (SSO) is not enabled within an organization, users must enter a user name and password on the user Sign In page. The user name and password are provided by system administrators. Users can modify their password. If SSO was configured through a consulting engagement (which requires a statement of work (SOW)), the Sign In page is not displayed and the default language that was configured is used.

        Once a user's credentials are accepted, the Welcome Center or table of contents page is displayed. The OTAC products available for use are dependent on which products were purchased by the organization and on the user's user type and permissions. If a user has permission to see only one OTAC product and the Display Welcome Center setting is set to "Yes", the product is displayed directly.

          Welcome Center

          The Welcome Center is a home page that is displayed to users immediately after they log in. It provides a "one-click" access to Oracle Talent Acquisition Cloud (OTAC) products.

          The Welcome Center contains an auxiliary navigation bar, a core navigation bar, a Quick Access panel, and a central panel.

          • The auxiliary navigation bar contains links to additional resources such as the online help, setup, and the Sign Out link.

          • The core navigation bar is a set of tabs that provide direct links to OTAC products. A user might have a tab for any or all of the following products: Performance, Recruiting, Compensation, Oracle Business Intelligence, Learn, and Configuration.

          • The Quick Access panel provides an alternative "one-click" access to the same products available in the core navigation bar. It also provides access to modules within products for example, Onboarding (Transitions), Scheduling Center, and to specific content such as a requisitions and candidate files.

          • In the central panel, customers can put information of interest to all product users. Alternatively, they can create distinct sets of information and associate an information set with a configuration profile.

          If the Welcome Center is enabled, it replaces the table of contents page.

            Getting Help

              Online Help

              The administration module offers an online help that provides comprehensive information about concepts or tasks to perform.

              The online help, represented by the Question Mark icon or the Help link, is available in the auxiliary navigation bar located in the top right-hand corner of all pages. When clicking the icon or link, a table of contents of available help topics is displayed. It is also possible to search the help database to locate specific subjects.

                Support Link

                The Support link gives users access to the My Oracle Support.

                The Support link is available in the auxiliary navigation bar of all pages of the application. From the site, you can:

                • Search and browse the Knowledge database.

                • Obtain product documentation.

                • Submit an incident.


                  A tooltip is a short, explanatory text which appears when "hovering" a mouse over a button, a link, a table cell heading or icon without clicking it.

                  Tooltips are available throughout the system and they give additional information about an action before performing it. Tooltips are provided for buttons, links, icons, and table header cells. These tooltips are not configurable. However, for screening services, the system administrator can create tooltips for some types of user-defined fields.

                    Menus and Navigation Tools

                      Configuration Menu

                      The Configuration menu gives system administrators access to all administration components of Taleo Enterprise products in one centralized menu.

                      The Configuration menu is composed of sub-administration menus divided into two main sections:

                      • Central Configuration: Elements in the Central Configuration menu are used to manage content, data, settings, and configurations that are used across multiple products.

                      • Specific Configuration: Elements in the Specific Configuration menu are used to manage content, data, settings, and configurations that are targeted to a specific product or product area.

                      Depending on the products activated within your organization, the content of the Configuration menu may vary.

                      Central Configuration Description


                      Operation Modes and Release Notes.

                      General Configuration

                      Settings and Welcome Center Content.

                      Selection Lists

                      Standard selections used in different products such as Education Levels, Employee Statuses, etc.


                      Role definitions of both hierarchical and functional roles. Both role types are used for the Dynamic Approval Routing feature. In addition, functional roles are used in defining onboarding tasks.

                      Dynamic Approval Routing

                      Approval workflow definitions for requisitions and offers according to specified business rules.


                      Security policies, message templates related to access and passwords, and legal agreements presented to users when signing in an application. Note that agreements for career sections are managed under Career Section Administration.


                      Competency tools used in Taleo Performance for Rating Models, Competencies, Guidance Plans, etc.

                      Synchronization Tool

                      A tool to export configuration elements, such as career sections, application flows, etc., from a source database to a target database.

                      Specific Configuration
                      Career Section
                      Onboarding (Transitions)
                      Taleo Performance
                      Evaluation Management
                      Reporting and Analytics

                      The Access Administration permission is required to access the Configuration menu.

                      User Type Permission Location
                      Access Administration Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Users] User Types > Recruiting > Administration

                        Career Section Administration Menu

                        The Career Section Administration menu allows system administrators to fully configure Career Section features.

                        Element Description
                        Career Sections Manages the creation of career sections.
                        Application Flows Manages application flows.
                        User-defined Forms Manages forms used in application flows.
                        Diversity Forms Manages Diversity forms such as EE and EEO used in career sections.
                        Statements Manages statements such as Privacy Agreement, eSignature, Background Check Consent, Diversity (EE/EEO).
                        Documents Stores PDF files loaded into the Taleo system.
                        General Configuration Manages global career section settings, URLs for a specific career section page, personalized job lists (criteria used to determine when a match is to be made between a job-specific requisition and a candidate), requisition status configuration, job submission status configuration, matched candidate display.
                        Corporate Brands Manages career portal brands which provide the control over the look and feel of each career section.
                        Themes Manages themes that is CSS fonts, font sizes, background color, etc.
                        Global Security Manages global security settings such as SSL encryption, password, user accounts, sign in, etc.
                        Product Resources Display of resource ID of user interface labels.

                        The Access Administration permission is required to access the Career Section Administration menu.

                        User Type Permission Location
                        Access Administration Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Users] User Types > Recruiting > Administration

                          Auxiliary Navigation Bar

                          The auxiliary navigation bar is the bar located at the top right of pages.

                          If enabled, the auxiliary navigation bar is available at all times for users to see and access.

                          The content of the auxiliary navigation bar varies depending on the features enabled and permissions granted to users to access those features.

                          Element Description
                          • If you have access to multiple Taleo products and you click Home, the Welcome Center is displayed.

                          • If you have access to Taleo Recruiting only and you click Home, the Recruiting Center front page is displayed.

                          Resources May include:
                          • Setup: Access to personal preferences, account information, and general preferences.

                          • Support: Access to My Oracle Support.

                          • Help: Online help about career section configuration features.

                          • About: Information about the application such as the version number and the build number you need to provide to Oracle Support when you need to contact them.

                          Sign Out Terminates the session and you are automatically signed out of all Taleo products.

                            Breadcrumb Trail

                            The breadcrumb trail located at the top of each page allows users to see where they are located within the application and to jump to previously viewed pages. The breadcrumb trail is only available in navigation mode; it disappears in edit mode.

                              Navigation Icons

                              When information is spread across multiple pages, navigation icons are available.

                              Icon Description
                              Icon to go to the previous page. Displays the previous page.
                              Icon to go to the previous 10 pages. Goes to the previous 10 pages.
                              Icon to go to the next page. Displays the next page.
                              Icon to go to the next 10 pages. Goes to the next 10 pages.

                                Recently Viewed Items

                                The Recently Viewed Items panel contains direct links to the last ten pages you most recently accessed (according to your permissions) during the current session or previous ones. They can be pages where you made modifications or simply pages that you accessed without making modifications. To access a recently viewed item, simply click the item.

                                  Basic Concepts

                                    Application Time-out

                                    A security feature warns users when the application has not been used for more than thirty minutes even if a user is still signed into the application. When the time-out delay is reached, a message notifies users that the time-out delay for the application is imminent.

                                    Two scenarios are possible:

                                    • User takes action: When the application has been idled for thirty minutes, a message notifies the user that the application requires attention. Clicking "Access the application" directs the user to the application. When the user accesses the application, he/she can reset the application and a message indicates the remaining time before the session expires.

                                    • User does not take action: If the user does not reset the application within the defined delay, a message is displayed, indicating that the user has been signed out of the application and has to sign in again to use the application.

                                    The time-out delay is set by default to thirty minutes. The reminder displayed before time-out is set by default to ten minutes before time-out.

                                      Session Sharing

                                      Session sharing is not a supported feature, as it may cause data to be lost. Logging into more than one instance of the application in the same browser simultaneously, known as session sharing, is not supported in Taleo. When users log out of one open instance, the application will terminate all open sessions. Unexpected results may occur and the user will be directed back to the login screen. Any unsaved work will be lost.

                                        System Status

                                        A status indicates the current state of an element in the system.

                                        Elements can have one of the following statuses:

                                        • Draft: A Draft element can be modified. A Draft element cannot be used. The status must be made Active before it can be used.

                                        • Active: When an element is Active, only the name and description can be modified. It is not possible to update the behavior of the element.

                                        • Inactive: When an element is inactive it can be modified. An inactive element cannot be used. The status must made be active before it can be used.

                                        A Draft element can become Active. An Active element can become Inactive. An Inactive element can become Active. However, an Active element cannot return to Draft status.

                                          History Tracking

                                          The History feature presents useful tracking details on an item.

                                          The three most recent events are displayed in the History section. To view a more complete listing of events, click More Info.

                                          History Item Description
                                          Date and Time Date and time when an event occurred.
                                          Event Event or action performed on an element.
                                          Details Information regarding the event.
                                          By The "actor" (person or system) who performed the event.

                                          Information of the user that performed an action on an item can be viewed for better tracking and troubleshooting purposes.


                                          History tracking of items such as settings and user types are not item specific. Tracking is global for all changes made in the area. This means if looking at a specific user type and going to view its history, you will see all of the history for all user type changes, not just the changes that have occurred with that specific user type.

                                            Refine by Option

                                            The Refine by option allows users to filter a list according to different criteria.

                                            The Refine by option is available throughout the system. When an element is selected in the Refine by list, users have to enter data in a field or select an element by which the list will be filtered. The Refresh button must then be clicked to refresh the list.


                                              Taleo products are available in different optional languages.

                                              Not all languages are available for all Taleo products and languages must be activated by the system administrator before they can be used in an application.

                                              The preferred language of a user is set in the user’s account by the system administrator. The preferred language is used by the system as the default content language which is the same across all Taleo products. If a product does not support the same set of content languages, it will have its own preference configuration.

                                              In Taleo applications, the languages in which an item is available are indicated in the Languages field. When creating or editing an item, the user can choose the base language as well as the languages in which an item will be available. The base language of an item is the item’s reference language, usually used as a reference for other languages or fallback display in list mode. The user’s preferred language is used as the default base language when the user creates an item. The base language of an item can be changed at any time by the user. A language must be activated before it can be designated as a base language.

                                              When multiple languages are used for an item, the Earth icon is displayed. Hovering the mouse over the icon displays the languages activated for the item. When only one language is used for an item, the name of the language is displayed. When only one language is used in a company, there is no special indicator.

                                                Supported Languages

                                                The languages supported for Oracle Talent Acquisition Cloud products as well as specific features are listed below. For details regarding language availability for Oracle Learn Cloud and Oracle Taleo Business Edition, see the documentation for those products.

                                                • Scheduling Center: All listed languages are supported except Portuguese (Portugal).

                                                • Assessment: All listed languages are supported except Indonesian (Bahasa).

                                                • OBIEE: All listed languages are supported except Indonesian (Bahasa), Lithuanian, Malaysian (Malay), Serbian, Slovenian.

                                                Language Locale Recruiting and Onboarding Performance Mobile Sourcing Resume Parsing
                                                Bulgarian bg Available Available
                                                Chinese (China) zh_CN Available Available Available Available
                                                Chinese (Taiwan) zh_TW Available Available Available Available
                                                Croatian hr Available Available
                                                Czech cs Available Available Available
                                                Danish da Available Available
                                                Dutch nl Available Available Available Available Only Personal Details extraction, not full resume
                                                English en Available Available Available Available Full resume extraction available
                                                English (U.K.) en_GB Available Available Available Available Full resume extraction available
                                                Finnish fi Available Available Available
                                                French (Canada) fr Available Available Available Full resume extraction available
                                                French (France) fr_FR Available Available Available Available Full resume extraction available
                                                German de Available Available Available Available Full resume extraction available
                                                Greek el Available Available
                                                Hungarian hu Available Available Available
                                                Italian it Available Available Available Available Only Personal Details extraction, not full resume
                                                Indonesian (Bahasa)* in Available Available Available
                                                Japanese ja Available Available Available Available
                                                Korean ko Available Available Available Available
                                                Lithuanian* lt Available Available
                                                Malaysian (Malay)* ms Available Available
                                                Norwegian no Available Available Available
                                                Polish pl Available Available Available Available
                                                Portuguese (Brazil) pt_BR Available Available Available Available Only Personal Details extraction, not full resume
                                                Portuguese (Portugal)* pt Available Available Available
                                                Romanian ro Available Available Available
                                                Russian ru Available Available Available Available
                                                Serbian* sr (sh) Available Available
                                                Slovak sk Available Available Available
                                                Slovenian* sl Available Available
                                                Spanish (Worldwide) es Available Available Available Available Only Personal Details extraction, not full resume
                                                Swedish sv Available Available Available Available
                                                Thai th Available Available Available
                                                Turkish tr Available Available Available

                                                  Selecting the Base Language

                                                  Language must be active.

                                                  If only one language is activated, the base language option is not displayed.

                                                  1. Edit an element.

                                                  2. In the Activated Languages drop-down list, select Configure.

                                                  3. Select the Base option for the desired language.

                                                  4. If necessary, select Active in the Status drop-down list.

                                                  5. Click Save.

                                                  The word Base appears next to the language in the Activated Languages drop-down list.

                                                    Activating a Language

                                                    The item must be in Edit mode.

                                                    1. Open the item that you want to make available in another language so its fields are in edit mode.

                                                    2. Select Configure next to the Language drop-down list.

                                                    3. On the Language Configuration page, select Active from the Status drop-down list for each required language.

                                                    4. Click Save.

                                                    Activated languages appear in the Language drop-down list of item.

                                                    Once a new language has been enabled, values for some related fields (most often Name) will need to be provided.

                                                      Deactivating a Language

                                                      The item must be in Edit mode and the language must not be the base language.

                                                      1. Open an item.

                                                      2. Select Configure next to the Language drop-down list.

                                                      3. For each language, select Not Used in the Status drop-down list.

                                                        If the language to deactivate is the Base language, you will need to select another active language as the base language.

                                                      4. Click Save.

                                                      Selected languages no longer appear in the Language drop-down list of the item.

                                                        Information Added Automatically to Other Language Versions of Candidate Profile

                                                        When candidates fill out a candidate profile in a new language for the first time, fields in the new language are prepopulated with the profile information from the language version the candidates updated most recently.

                                                        When candidates have a profile in at least one language, the first time they apply for a job in a new language or begin a profile flow in a new language, they fill in fields resulting in the creation of the candidate profile in the new language. Part of the process involves entering some information manually that does not vary from one language to another. The values of certain fields in the most recently updated language version of the profile are reproduced automatically in the new language version of the profile. Candidates can keep the values added to the new language version of the profile or they can modify them according to their needs.

                                                        Take the case of a candidate who speaks English, Spanish and German and has a candidate profile in English and in German. The German version was updated most recently. If the person applies for a job posted on the Spanish career section or updates his/her profile so it includes a Spanish version, fields in such sections as Education, Work Experience and Certifications will be prepopulated with values he or she entered in the German version of the candidate profile.

                                                        The information is copied as soon as a job application flow or candidate profile flow is started in a particular language for which there is no existing profile in that language. Conversely, if candidates edit a candidate profile in a particular language, the current values are not updated automatically with values from another language version of the candidate profile (this is by design).

                                                        Values from the following fields from the most recently updated candidate profile are reproduced in each additional language candidate profile at creation: Education, Work Experience, Certifications, Plain Text Resume, Plain Text Cover Letter, Additional Information.

                                                          Fundamental Data Structure: Organization-Location-Job Field (OLF)

                                                          The data structure enables each customer to customize Oracle Talent Acquisition Cloud (OTAC) products such that they reflect how the customer does business. Each customer's organization is defined as a combination of three main elements: Organizations, Locations, Job Fields (OLF). OLF is also referred to as contextualization.

                                                          Organization describes the hierarchical structure of an organization. Up to 20 organization levels can be created. The system proposes the following organization structure, but other terms may be chosen to better reflect the hierarchical structure of a company:

                                                          • Company

                                                          • Sector

                                                          • Department

                                                          • Division

                                                          Location represents a geographical area, such as a country or state. Locations are listed in a hierarchical order, from the broadest geographical area (often a country) to increasingly specific areas (work location). Up to 5 location levels can be created. Locations must be associated to network locations used for various purposes, mainly integration with external systems, using a common and standard universal structure. Oracle strongly recommends defining a zip code for the location. A common location structure is:

                                                          • Country

                                                          • State/Province

                                                          • Region

                                                          • City

                                                          • Work Location

                                                          Worker locations can be mapped to the Location structure. The worker location is used as an employee (post-hire) function whereas the location (in OLF) is meant for recruiting purposes. For example, a location could be 100 Main Street and a worker location could be "Sector 44" or "Cubicle A". Worker locations are not created in Configuration. Worker locations are typically imported from an external HRMS system. Once worker locations are imported, worker locations can be mapped to the Location structure via Integration or by the system administrator in Configuration. Any Location element can be given the Worker Location and the Worker Location Address properties. System administrators can then configure worker locations to appear in requisitions, offers, correspondences, requisitions lists, and candidates lists just like any other fields. For details, see Worker Location.

                                                          Job Field represents the employment sectors or domains. Up to 4 job field levels can be created. Job fields must also be mapped to the network job fields, again to have a common language with the external world, be for posting or integrations. This mapping also serves to inherit existing classification for competencies. The system proposes the following job field structure, but other terms may be chosen to better reflect the structure of a company:

                                                          • Category

                                                          • Function

                                                          • Specialty

                                                          Contextualization, that is the Organization-Location-Job Field structure associated to an element, represents the framework the application uses to organize, classify, link, match or search for information in the application. Although Organization-Location-Job Field structures are configured with the help of an Oracle representative during the implementation phase, modifications to structure elements can be done in maintenance mode at any time. It is possible to customize the system to reflect a company's unique structure and make modifications to Organization-Location-Job field elements in real time so that the data accounts for any changes in the structure.

                                                          There are several key elements of the Oracle Talent Acquisition Cloud (OTAC) products that are tied to the Organization-Location-Job field structure such as candidate selection workflows, requisitions and requisition templates, message templates, user management, prescreening, approvals, etc.

                                                          The purpose of contextualizing an element is to make the element relevant according to a specific context. Below is an example of contextualization with candidate selection workflows. The CSW1 would not be available to the user for this requisition, because the last level of its Location does not match that of the requisition. The CSW2 could be available to the user for this requisition. The parent element of the lowest level of the requisition for each dimension (Organization, Location or Field) must be the same as the lowest level of the workflow for each dimension.



                                                          • Organization: Urban transportation

                                                          • Location: United States/California/Los Angeles

                                                          • Job Field: Bus driver


                                                          • Organization: Urban transportation

                                                          • Location: United States/California/San Jose

                                                          • Job Field: Bus driver


                                                          • Organization: Urban transportation

                                                          • Location: United States

                                                          • Job Field: Bus driver

                                                          When using contextualization, the system applies the AND operator between Organizations, Locations and Job Fields entities. However, the OR operator is applied between elements of the same entity.

                                                          In the following example, a field would be displayed if Canada (or any of its children) AND Architecture were selected.

                                                          • Location: Canada

                                                          • Job Field: Architecture

                                                          In the following example, a field would be displayed if Canada AND Architecture were selected, or if United States AND Architecture were selected.
                                                          • Location: Canada

                                                          • Location: United States

                                                          • Job Field: Architecture

                                                            Important Changes to the Sign in with Google Service

                                                            A change to the Sign in with Google service used by candidates to register and sign in to the Taleo Career Section requires your action to maintain continued service.

                                                            Google is replacing their existing Sign in with Google service with Sign in with Google+. Google requires vendors, such as Oracle, to replace the existing Sign in with Google authentication method with the newer Sign in with Google+ authentication method to avoid user disruption.

                                                            All customers are impacted by Google's changes. Customers who are currently using the Sign in with Google service must upgrade to Taleo 15A or 14B.3 or higher and undergo configuration steps to enable the Sign in with Google+ service prior to Google’s deprecation of the Sign in with Google service, scheduled for April 20, 2015. If the Sign in with Google+ service is not enabled, candidates using their Google credentials to sign into a customer's career section will lose the ability to access their accounts. Customers who are not currently using the Sign in with Google service but wish to allow candidates to login using Google credentials in the future must also upgrade to Taleo 15A or 14B.3 or higher and undergo the same configuration steps to enable the Sign in with Google+ service.

                                                            Instructions on how to configure Google+ feature are provided here: Setting Up Google+ Login if Upgrading to Release 14B.3, 15A or Higher .

                                                              Settings Required to Enable Single Sign-On

                                                              To enable Single Sign-On (SSO), specific settings must be configured.

                                                              The setting Use the following authentication method must be set to Single Sign-On.

                                                              Though not a requirement to implement SSO, it is recommended that the following two settings be set to Yes.

                                                              • Require users to sign in before accessing the Job List: Yes.

                                                              • Require users to sign in before accessing job descriptions: Yes.

                                                              This ensures that only internal candidates and employees can view the job list and job descriptions on the internal career section. If the settings are set to No, external candidates who happened to know the URL could view the job list and job descriptions.


                                                              Setting Location
                                                              Use the following authentication method Configuration > [Career Section] Administration > Internal Career Sections > [Default Values] Show > [User Accounts] Edit
                                                              Require users to sign in before accessing the Job List Configuration > [Career Section] Administration > Internal Career Sections > [Default Values] Show > [Security Settings] Edit
                                                              Require users to sign in before accessing job descriptions Configuration > [Career Section] Administration > Internal Career Sections > [Default Values] Show > [Security Settings] Edit