12Candidate File Import

Candidate File Import

    Candidate File Import

      Profile Import Options for Candidates

      Candidates can upload a profile making the application process more streamlined.

      For this feature, some of the well-known third-party sites are supported. Third-parties supported are subject to change at any time.

      Candidates are able to import a profile for application flows of type Candidate Profile, and Job-specific Application. The profile import is dependent on the Resume Upload block. It is a best practice to put the Resume Upload block on all application flows to ease the input burden on the candidates. If Resume Parsing is on, candidates have the option of uploading a resume.

      The candidates can also upload information from a third party using the Import Profile options. If the candidates select one of the Import Profile options, authentication credentials need to be provided to the third party before the data is imported. Depending on which third-party solution is selected,the candidates may be presented automatically with a legal authorization page.

      The candidates will always be presented with the Resume Upload block if the Education or Experience blocks of a submission are empty.

      After uploading a resume the candidates are returned to the application flow and continue with the application flow with data imported in. All fields mapped by the profile import service are populated, whether or not those fields are displayed in a job-specific submission or general profile flow. In the case where a field is not configured in the flow, the candidate will not have the opportunity to correct or edit that specific information while advancing through the flow. If the candidates end the application process part way through, all valid data from the import is saved in the candidates' record, whether they have reached that page in the flow or not, however the application is still flagged as incomplete.

      Customers can configure their career sections to always display partner import services (i.e. even if there is candidate information already in the system).

      Customers can enable a setting to display partner import services such as LinkedIn and Indeed even if there is Education and Work Experience information on file in the customers’ zone. Whenever candidates choose to import data from one of these partners (and they can do so as often as they wish), any new structured data will be added to the system while, in the case of Indeed, any existing structured data will be updated accordingly. The substantial usefulness of this feature resides in the fact that candidates typically keep their profile information up-to-date on sites such as LinkedIn or Indeed, rather than updating their information on each customer’s zone.

      Customers can modify the following user-defined labels to provide information they feel will help candidates choose the most appropriate import options for their profile.

      Table User-defined Labels for Profile Upload

      TexTool ID Default Label
      TexTool Resources
      2323111 You can submit personal and professional information by uploading a profile. The system will automatically extract the relevant information included in the profile and fill out part of the online submission. You can review the extracted information and make the appropriate changes in the next steps.
      2323114 You can submit personal and professional information by importing a resume or by importing a profile from a third-party service. The system will automatically extract the relevant information from the profile or the resume and fill out part of the online submission. You can review the extracted information and make the appropriate changes in the next steps.
      2323117 Profile Upload
      2323120 LinkedIn
      2323123 No thanks, I will fill out the online submission manually
      2323126 Or upload a resume
      2323129 If you do not upload a profile, you will need to fill out the online submission manually.
      2323132 If you do not upload a profile or a resume, you will need to fill out the online submission manually.
      2323138 Upload data from
      2323154 To import a profile from a third-party service, select the radio button next to the relevant service icon. The system imports the data included in the third-party profile. Once the process is complete, you must review the imported data.
      2323161 Uploading a profile

        Configuring Perpetual Display of Partner Import Services

        To display partner import services even if there is candidate information already in the system perform the following steps.

        1. Click Configuration.

        2. In the Career Section section, click Settings.

        3. Find the Always Display Profile Import Services setting and click it.

        4. Click Edit.

        5. Click Yes.

        6. Click Save.

          Profile Information Imported from Indeed

          Candidates applying for a job or completing their candidate profile on career sections powered by Oracle Taleo can import information they created at Indeed, a search engine for job listings.

          Indeed is a single-topic search engine for job listings, a type of vertical search. The Web site aggregates job listings from thousands of Web site including job boards, staffing firms, associations and company career pages. Job seekers can apply directly to jobs on Indeed's site. Indeed also offers resume posting and storage.

          The ability to import profile information from Indeed applies to cases where Career Section administrators added the Resume Upload block to candidate profile flows or job submission flows. When candidates reach the Resume Parsing Profile Upload page in a flow, they click the radio button next to the Indeed icon and enter their Indeed login information in the window that appears.

          The profile information in Indeed is entered automatically in the corresponding fields in the candidate profile flow or job submission flow. The Indeed session is terminated automatically and the candidates can enter any other information requested in the flow.

          Data from Indeed is placed into the following standard fields in Oracle Taleo:
          • First and last name

          • City and country of residence

          • Summary statement

          • Additional information

          • Custom URLs

          • URL to the Indeed profile

          • Work experience: Other Employer, Other Job Field, Start Date, End Date, Achievements

          • Education: Other Institution, Other Program, City, Start Date, Graduation Date

          • Certifications: certification names, dates

          Note: Indeed does not offer an integration functionality that would enable file attachments to be imported into the Oracle Taleo system.

          Steps 1, 2 and 3 can be performed in any order.

          1. Career Section administrators must add the Resume Upload block to the general profile flows or job submission flows on which they want the Indeed icon to be displayed.

          2. The administrators can include the Additional Information block as well because it also contains fields that can be populated by information imported from Indeed.

          3. The administrators can add the Website Address field to Candidate Personal Information forms because the field can be filled by information imported from Indeed.

          4. A "token" and "secret" from Indeed are required. See Registering With Indeed.

          5. The administrators enter the "token" and "secret" into the Taleo system (Configuration > [Career Section] Administration > [Integration] Profile Import > Indeed > Edit). See Enabling Indeed Apply.

            Registering With Indeed

            1. Go to https://secure.indeed.com/account/apikeys.

            2. Perform the following steps if you do not have an Indeed account:

              1. Click the Create an account free link.

              2. Enter an email address and password in the corresponding fields.

                Providing a shared email address or an email address that will remain valid in spite of personnel changes is strongly recommended. For example: recruiting@YourCompany.com.
            3. Click Register.

            4. Enter the name of your application in the Application Name field. For example: YourCompany Recruiting Application.

            5. Click Add Api Key.

            6. Make note of the application name, "token" and "secret".

            You'll require the "token" and "secret" to enable Indeed Apply in Taleo Configuration. See Enabling Indeed Apply.

              Enabling Indeed Apply

              Career Section administrators must add the Resume Upload block to the general profile flows or job submission flows on which they want the Indeed icon to be displayed.

              The administrators can include the Additional Information block as well because it also contains fields that can be populated by information imported from Indeed.

              The administrators can add the Website Address field to Candidate Personal Information forms because the field can be filled by information imported from Indeed.

              A "token" and "secret" from Indeed are required. See Registering With Indeed.

              Configuration > [Career Section] Administration > Profile Import
              1. In the Profile Import Settings section, click Indeed.

              2. If the current status is Active, click Deactivate.

              3. Click Edit.

              4. Paste the API key in the Token field and the "secret" in the Secret field.

              5. Click Save.

              6. Click Activate.

              If the Resume block is included in general profile or job-specific application flows, the Indeed icon will be displayed when candidates proceed to that step in the flow. The Indeed icon will not be displayed in flows that do not include the Resume block.

                Candidate Information Import from USAJOBS

                Candidates coming from USAJOBS (the official job site of the U.S. federal government) can automatically log into a Career Section and automatically import their USAJOBS profile into a job submission.

                Below is the basic flow of activities taking place when applying through USAJOBS.

                Posting a requisition on USAJOBS

                Requisitions can be posted on the USAJOBS Web site through eQuest (requisitions are posted on other job board in the same manner).

                Creating an account on USAJOBS

                When creating an account on USAJOBS, candidates need to create their general profile by providing general information such as their name, telephone number, email address. They also need to create a resume by providing their work experience, education, references. Candidates can create multiple resumes but they can only use one of them when they apply for a job.

                Applying on a job on USAJOBS

                Candidates log into the USAJOBS Web site, search for the job for which they want to apply, select a resume they created on the USAJOBS Web site and click the "Apply online!" button. Candidates are then redirected to a Career Section to complete the application process.

                Note: The Career Section to which candidates are redirected when they apply on the USAJOBS Web site must have the "Display the OpenID" option set to Yes (Configuration > [Career Section] Administration > Career Sections > click a career section > Sign In). Otherwise, an Access Denied error message will be displayed to candidates coming from USAJOBS.
                The first time candidates access the Career Section, a sign-in page is displayed on which they are asked if they have an account. Three possible options are available:
                • Option 1: If candidates have an account because they applied on the Career Section before, they can log in with their career section credentials and choose to import their USAJOBS profile information. When the candidates log in, their USAJOBS ID is linked to their existing Career Section candidate ID.

                • Option 2: If candidates have an account because they applied on the Career Section before, they can log in with their career section credentials and choose not to import their USAJOBS profile information. When candidates log in, their USAJOBS ID is linked to their existing Career Section candidate ID.

                • Option 3: If candidates do not have an account because they never applied on the Career Section, they are asked to create one. When candidates do that, their USAJOBS profile is automatically imported and the new account is linked to their USAJOBS ID.

                Note: If the email address in the USAJOBS account is identical to an email address stored in the Career Section, a message is displayed informing candidates that their email address is already linked to a candidate profile. Candidates are invited to enter the user name and password of the career section account (to link the two accounts together) and to apply using the existing candidate profile.

                Creating a new career section account

                If candidates select option 3, they have to specify a user name and a password to log into the career section. From there, the standard candidate creation process takes place.

                Importing candidate information from USAJOBS

                Candidates' information is imported from USAJOBS. As a result, some fields in the application flow are filled automatically with information coming from the candidate USAJOBS general profile and resume. Resume information entered manually on USAJOBS is imported, not information contained in a file attachment. Also, imported information that is not part of the application flow is saved in the candidate file but the candidate will be unable to see it.

                This table shows career section fields whose content may be imported from USAJOBS.

                Personal Information Work Experience References Education
                Address (Line 1) Current Job Email Address City
                Address (Line 2) End Date First Name Education Level (Achieved)
                Cellular Number Other Employer Last Name GPA
                City Other Function Middle Name GPA out of
                Email Address Start Date Organization Graduation Date
                Fax Number Phone Number Other Institution
                First Name Title Other Program
                Home Phone Number Type
                Job Type
                Last Name
                Middle Name
                Place of Residence
                Preferred Location
                Shift Availability Grid
                Work Phone Number
                Zip/Postal Code

                Files attached to a candidate general profile in USAJOBS cannot be imported into a career section.

                The Reference Name in a USAJOBS resume is imported into the Reference First Name field because USAJOBS does not use two separate fields as Oracle does.

                Returning to USAJOBS

                Once candidates have completed their job application, the Thank You page is displayed. Candidates can click a link on the page to return to the USAJOBS Web site. Customers might consider adding additional links back to the USAJOBS Web site on other career section pages (such as the My Submissions page). Candidates can monitor the status of their submissions by accessing the USAJOBS Application Status page. As candidates move through the various steps and statuses of the candidate selection workflow, status update notifications are sent to USAJOBS and the Application Status page displays up-to-date information.

                By default (unless configured otherwise through the application status updates feature), the USAJOBS application status will be:
                • Application Received: Set if candidates click the "Return to USAJOBS" link.

                • Application Status not Available: Set if candidates do not click the "Return to USAJOBS" link.

                Updating an existing application or applying on a new job on USAJOBS

                Once a candidate has accessed a career section through USAJOBS either by creating a new career section account or using an existing one, the USAJOBS account and the career section account are linked together. As a result, when updating an existing application or applying on a new job through USAJOBS, the candidate is automatically logged into the career section and does not need to provide a user name or password.

                If candidates modify their USAJOBS profile and resume, they can re-import them before accessing their candidate submission. Once they log into the career section, the application flow is filled automatically with information coming from the updated candidate USAJOBS general profile and resume.

                  Sending Candidate Submission Status Updates to USAJOBS

                  This feature permits Recruiting to send candidate submission status updates to USAJOBS so that candidates are kept informed of the status of their submissions on the USAJOBS Web site.

                  Once candidates have applied through USAJOBS, they have access to an Application Status page on the USAJOBS Web site where they can view the status of their submissions. As candidates move through the various steps and statuses of the candidate selection workflow, status update notifications are sent to USAJOBS and the Application Status page displays up-to-date information.

                  It is possible to send status updates to USAJOBS based on the following events:

                  • Submission Created: A status update is sent to USAJOBS the first time candidates click the Save and Continue button while creating a submission.

                  • Submission Completed: A status update is sent to USAJOBS when candidates click the Submit button to complete their submission.

                  • Submission Changes: A status update is sent to USAJOBS when candidates reach a specific workflow/step/status combination in Recruiting. When the bypass action is used to change a step/status, updates are not sent to USAJOBS even if the action was mapped to a USAJOBS status.

                  Once a status update has been sent to USAJOBS and the status is updated on USAJOBS, an event is added in the Recruiting Center, on the candidate file History tab. It may take a few minutes for the status update to be sent to USAJOBS and for the history event to be displayed.


                  In the Status Update section of the Sourcing page, system administrators can view the list of current status mappings and invalid mappings (mappings for which the workflow, step or status no longer exists.), remove mappings and create new ones. When creating a status mapping, system administrators have to map Recruiting statuses to USAJOBS statuses. The configuration of the status mapping is done in the Candidate Sourcing module (Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > [Integration] Candidate Sourcing).

                  Announcement Cancelled (3423) Ineligible - "Who May Apply" Requirements Not Met (9006) Multiple Grades/Status/Agencies – Minimum Qualifications Requirements Not Met (11316)
                  Applicant Declined Appointment (11112) Ineligible - Application Incomplete (9008) Multiple Grades/Status/Agencies – Not Referred/Not Among the Top Candidates (11538)
                  Application Incomplete (3419) Minimum Qualification Requirements Met (11312) Multiple Grades/Status/Agencies – Not Selected (11319)
                  Application Received (3420) Minimum Qualification Requirements Not Met (9007) Multiple Grades/Status/Agencies – Selected (11320)
                  Application Status Not Available (11542) Multiple Grades/Status/Agencies – Announcement Cancelled (11321) Not Referred/Not Among the Top Candidates (11537)
                  Application Withdrawn (3417) Multiple Grades/Status/Agencies – Applicant Declined Appointment (11322) Not Selected (3425)
                  Eligible - Application Not Referred to Selecting Official (9005) Multiple Grades/Status/Agencies – Eligible-Application Not Referred to Selecting Official (11313) Resume Received (3418)
                  Eligible - Application Referred to Selecting Official (3422) Multiple Grades/Status/Agencies – Eligible-Application Referred to Selecting Official (11314) Reviewing Applications (9004)
                  Eligible – Referred for Structured Interview (11539) Multiple Grades/Status/Agencies – Ineligible – Application Incomplete (11318) Selected (3426)
                  Eligible – Referred to Next Step in Selection Process (11540) Multiple Grades/Status/Agencies – Ineligible – "Who May Apply" Requirements Not Met (11315)
                  Hired (11541) Multiple Grades/Status/Agencies – Minimum Qualifications Requirements Met (11317)

                    Configuring Candidate Information Import from USAJOBS

                    The configuration of the candidate information import from USAJOBS consists of the following steps.

                    1. Deploying the USAJOBS Certification. The system administrator, Oracle Support or Oracle Consulting Services performs this task in the Passport Console.

                    2. Configuring USAJOBS Settings.

                    3. Activating the USAJOBS Certification.

                    4. Mapping Recruiting statuses to USAJOBS statuses.

                    5. When configuring the career section to which candidates will be redirected when they apply on the USAJOBS Web site, the following option must be set to Yes: Allow new users to register in system (Configuration > [Career Section] Administration > Career Sections > click a career section > Sign In).

                    6. When configuring the career section, consider providing clear explanations (text) on the login page to inform candidates that they have been redirected to a career section and why they need to create an account. Also, since candidates have the opportunity to import information from USAJOBS, it is not necessary to include the Resume Upload block in the career section application flow for candidates coming from USAJOBS. If you decide to use the Resume Upload block, keep in mind that the information in this block will override information imported from USAJOBS.

                      Configuring USAJOBS Settings

                      The system administrator must obtain from USAJOBS the authentication token string used to authenticate transactions on USAJOBS portal and enable Oracle to connect to the USAJOBS Web services.

                      The system administrator must obtain from USAJOBS the target URL for the USAJOBS integration server.

                      Configuration > [Career Section] Administration > Career Section Settings
                      1. Click USAJOBS Authentication Token.

                      2. Click Edit.

                      3. Enter the authentication token string in the Value field.

                        For the USAJOBS integration to be functional, eQuest must be configured with the same token as the one defined in the USAJOBS Authentication Token setting. This token must be entered in the eQuest administration page (Boards > USAJOBS > Edit > Token (field)).
                      4. Click Save.

                      5. Click USAJOBS Integration Service URL.

                      6. Click Edit.

                      7. Enter the target URL for the USAJOBS integration server in the Value field.

                      8. Click Save.

                        Activating the USAJOBS Certification

                        The Access integration services configuration permission is required to access the Candidate Sourcing module (Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Users] User Types > Recruiting > Administration).

                        Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Candidate Sourcing > Sourcing
                        1. Click the USAJOBS sourcing service.

                        2. Click Edit.

                        3. Enter values in the fields.

                        4. Click Save.

                          Mapping Statuses to USAJOBS Statuses

                          The Access integration services configuration permission is required.

                          Not all workflow/step/status combinations need to be mapped; only those for which updates need to be sent to USAJOBS.

                          Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > [Integration] Candidate Sourcing
                          1. Click the USAJOBS sourcing link.

                          2. Click Create next to Status Update.

                          3. Select the desired event type.

                          4. If you selected Submission Created or Submission Completed, select the desired USAJOBS status in the Action drop-down list.

                          5. If you selected Status Changed, select the desired workflow/step/status combination and map it to the desired USAJOBS status in the Action drop-down list.

                          6. Click Save.

                            Automatic Termination of LinkedIn Session

                            After a LinkedIn profile is imported, the LinkedIn session is terminated automatically.

                            In previous releases, when candidates imported their LinkedIn profile into the Oracle Taleo system, they were required to read and agree to an agreement explaining that it was their responsibility to sign out of the LinkedIn system (signing out of the Oracle Taleo system did not sign them out of LinkedIn). After submitting their general profile or job submission, they had to sign out of LinkedIn if they wanted to formally end the LinkedIn session. Now, no agreement is displayed and the LinkedIn session is terminated automatically once the LinkedIn profile has been imported into the Oracle Taleo system.

                              New User Registration Using Third-party Credentials

                              Visitors to a career section can register (create) a Career Section account (i.e. candidate profile) using third-party credentials such as Yahoo and Google.

                              Visitors to career sections who click the New User button will be able to create a candidate profile in the same manner, using third-party credentials such as Yahoo and Google, from the New User Registration page. It is an Oracle best practice to activate this feature, especially in external career sections because it is a great time-saver for candidates.

                              If the third-party credentials are not linked to a candidate profile in the Taleo customer's career sections, the system verifies if the email address from the third-party application is an email address or user name in a candidate profile in the customer's career sections.

                              If no duplicate email address is found, the system creates a candidate profile in the career section automatically, using the email address (from the third-party login process) as the user name and generating a password that conforms to the security policies configured for the career section. If a security question was enabled for candidate profiles, the candidate is asked to provide this information.

                              If a duplicate email address is found in a candidate profile, the system displays the login page from which candidates can log into their account in the Career Section. Visitors select one of two options:

                              • If candidates select "Yes, I have a Candidate Profile and I would like to associate it to my single sign-on", the third-party account credentials are linked to the candidate profile in the career section. This option enables candidates to later sign into the career section directly (provided the candidates selected "Keep me logged in" or similar setting in the third-party product) by simply clicking the third-party icon on the career section.

                              • Candidates can choose to create a candidate profile. Thereafter, the third-party account credentials are linked to the new candidate profile in the career section and the candidates can sign into the career section directly (provided the candidates selected "Keep me logged in" or similar setting in the third-party product) by simply clicking the third-party icon on the career section.

                                Enabling New User Registration Using Third-party Credentials

                                For this solution to work, the Career Section must not be configured for single sign-on (SSO), which usually only affects Internal Career Sections. If SSO is turned on for a Career Section, then the property Display the OpenID Option must be disabled or the visitor will receive error messages.
                                1. Click Configuration.

                                2. In the Career Section section, click Administration.

                                3. In the Global Security section, click External Career Sections.

                                4. Click Show next to Default Values.

                                5. Click Edit next to Sign In.

                                6. Next to Display the OpenID option, select Yes.

                                  Display the OpenID Option can be set at the global level and at the career section level for external and internal career sections. If the “Allow new users to register in the system” Career Section Sign-on property is set to “No”, then it is recommended that the Display the OpenID Option for the career section also be disabled. This feature is particularly relevant for customers who use Social Sourcing. Candidates who apply for a job through Social Sourcing and who do not exist yet in Taleo Enterprise are directed (via a deep link) to the New User Registration page directly where they can use the Google and Yahoo authentication.
                                7. Click Save.

                                You must also enable OpenID Authentication for a specific third-party partner if you have not already done this.

                                  Enabling OpenID Authentication for a Specific Third-party Partner

                                  1. Click Configuration.

                                  2. In the Career Section section, click Administration.

                                  3. In the Global Security section, click OpenID Authenticaton Configuration.

                                  4. Click the provider’s code and configure the properties and other values.