5Succession Planning

Succession Planning

    Getting Started with Succession Planning

      Succession Plan

      Succession Planning is the process that an organization goes through to identify a roster of the best persons who will be able to assume a key position in the organization when the person currently in the position moves to a different one, or leaves the organization. Succession Planning is not limited to executive or managerial positions, it can be used to identify the most suitable persons for any position deemed critical to the organization's success. It can also be designed to identify people who have high potential generally, or who are top performers.

      Succession Plan Basics

      A succession plan is generally created, tracked and updated by an HR Administrator, the manager of the person whose position is the subject of the plan, or by the incumbent themself. If you have Manager permissions you can view and manage the succession plan for any of your direct and indirect reports. If you are the position manager of a succession plan, including your own, you can view and manage those plans as well. If you have HR Administrator permissions, you can also view and manage the succession plan of all the employees in your organization (including your own).

      A succession plan is associated with a position profile, not the person currently in the position (the incumbent). In the event that the person leaves the position (is promoted, transferred, fired, etc.) the succession plan remains associated with the position profile.

      An organization has three different options for deciding who they want to include in succession plans: internal employees, external candidates or both. To provide the greatest range of quality successors an organization should look to use both employees and external candidates. Available external candidates are those that applied for a job via Taleo Recruiting and subsequently had their details added to the system. Along with including external candidates in a standard succession plan, they can also be associated with a requisition that is created as part of a succession plan.

      Once created, a succession plan cannot be deleted. If all successors are deleted from a plan, the plan remains active, even when empty. The empty plan continues to be associated with the position profile.

      If the incumbent moves to another position or leaves the organization, and you have the necessary permissions, you can create a requisition directly from a succession plan. Before you can create a requisition, you must typically request your manager to approve the succession plan before you can create a requisition and populate it with the potential successors in the successor plan.

      Note: In order for the incumbent to view their own Succession Plan, it requires the incumbent to be the direct manager of the job position, therefore, the approver for the Succession Plan should not be the "direct manager of the position" to avoid the incumbent having the ability to approve their own Succession Plan. Care should be taken to avoid this scenario.

      Adding Persons to a Succession Plan

      Generally there are three ways to add persons to a succession plan:
      1. Perform searches from the Succession Plan page and add persons from the search results.

      2. Select persons from a Talent Pool and add them to a plan.

      3. Select persons from a Nomination Slate and add them to a plan.

      Succession Plan Page Layout

      Managers access their succession plans from the Navigation bar, Succession link. The page layout includes the following features (as shown in the figure below):
      1. Breadcrumbs showing the Job Position of the succession plan, and the name of the employee who is the subject of the succession plan.

      2. Approval status section.

      3. Actions toolbar.

      4. Views toolbar (List, Timeline, Matrix)

      5. Successors, History and Plan Information (if UDF's are used) tabs/views.

      6. Requisition information section.

      7. Ranked successors list.

      8. Unranked successors list.

      The image shows a Succession Plan layout.

      Succession Plan User-Defined Fields

      Administrators have the ability to add Succession Plan User-Defined Fields (UDF's) to the default Succession Plan template allowing for a new tab and UDF's on the Succession Plan page.

      The ability to add UDF's to the Succession Plan allows customers to better track information that is most relevant to them, a position's expiration date or the last reviewed date, for example. The UDF's also improve a customer's ability to track information across plans to aid in facilitating workflow and approvals.

      A new tab, Plan Informationhas been added to the Succession Plan to accommodate the UDF's. When working with Succession Plan UDF's, keep in mind the following:

      • When adding a UDF to the Succession Plan template, if Editable is selected, the field will be editable in the Plan Information”tab, else the field will be read-only.

      • When adding a UDF to the Succession Plan template, if Requires Approval is selected, changing that UDF's information will re-trigger the Succession Plan approval process.

      • UDF's are at the Succession Plan level; they do not get added to the successors on the plan itself.

      For information on how to enable Succession Plan UDF's, refer to the Oracle Taleo Enterprise Performance Management Cloud Service Administration Guide.

        Search Tools in Succession Planning

        The Succession Plan feature of Taleo Performance offers a number of search tools you can use to perform searches for potential successors for a position.

        Available tools to search for employees in your organization who might fit as potential successors in a succession plan include: a basic search by employee name, advanced search, and search with Talent Pools and Nomination Slates. The employee profile, initially created from a candidate's resume and then updated as the employee is assessed and rated, provides the basis for searching for potential successors. When searching for successors you must search for employees and candidates separately.

        Basic Search by Employee

        Search amongst your direct employees and within your network.

        Advanced Search

        Advanced Search combines search criteria for candidates, employee metrics, keywords, and user-defined fields to determine which employees are retrieved in a search.

        Talent Pools

        A search amongst members of talent pools.

        Nomination Slates

        A search amongst members of a nomination slate.

          Viewing a Succession Plan

          If you have Manager permissions you can view and manage the succession plan for any of your direct reports and indirect reports, but not your own. If you have HR Administrator permissions or are the direct manager of the job position, you can also view and manage the succession plan of all the employees in your organization (including your own).

          You must have direct reports to be able to view their succession plans. The exception is if you have HR Administrator permissions or if you are the Job Position Manager, which enable you to view and manage the succession plan of all employees in your organization. If you are the Job Position Manager of your current role, you are also able to manage your own plan.

          Performance > [Navigation bar] > Succession
          1. Click Succession Plan. The succession plan of one of your direct reports is displayed. The person's name is displayed in the breadcrumbs at the top of the page.

          2. You can perform one of the following steps:

            • Review the succession plan for the person displayed.

            • If you want to view the succession plan of a different direct report, click the dropdown arrow next to the name that is currently displayed near the top of the page. From the list that appears, click the name of a different direct report.

            • If you want to view the succession plan of an indirect report, click the dropdown arrow next to the name that is currently displayed near the top of the page. Then click Other. In the People Selector window, search for employees in your network or by a general keyword search.

          The succession plan of the direct report or indirect report you selected is displayed. Employee successors are identified with a blue icon and candidate successors with a green icon. You can perform a variety of operations to manage this person's succession plan.

            Matrix Mode

            The performance matrix enables an organization to better visualize and analyze employees, whether as potential successors in a succession plan or in a talent pool, by presenting employees on a cell matrix using two data points (X and Y axis values).

            The most common values used for analysis are the Performance and Potential dimensions, which are the axes set by default. When a matrix is configured and subsequently used, the employees who have been added to the succession plan or talent pool and have data for each of the dimensions (axis values) will fall into a matrix cell. As for those who do not have a data value for one or more of the dimensions that are plotted, they will placed in the Unrated Successors list.

            The user has the ability to move employees around from one cell to another. This override functionality is very powerful as the dimension values may not tell the true story. For example, the manager of a succession plan may decide that the original cell placement for an employee overemphasizes his candidacy as a successor. Therefore, he might choose to move that potential successor to a cell of lesser importance/value. Both the original and overridden cell placement are stored in the database.

            Typically when an employee is moved from one quadrant to the next in a matrix, it updates metrics for that specific plan or talent pool, however, these changes can be reflected in the employee's talent profile metrics. When you edit a performance matrix, action buttons are provided for updating the metrics for all successors in a matrix or you can select to update individuals.

            When an employee has been moved in a matrix, an arrow in the successor's icon indicates their metrics have been overridden. Now you can choose to update employee metrics and commit the change to their person record. When an update has been committed, you cannot automatically return the employee to their original cell, as you could when their metrics had only been changed for that succession plan.

            It is important to note that updating employee metrics from a succession plan does not involve succession plan approval workflow. Metrics can be updated regardless of the state of the plan.

            A color palette is available to customize a cell's background color in the configuration module. Also cell distribution details can be displayed, showing the percentage breakdown of the total number of matrix members in each cell.

            To provide quick and thorough analysis, multiple matrices can be created and associated to the same succession plan template, allowing the manager to easily move from one matrix to another

            A performance matrix can contain a maximum of 5 columns (X axis) and 5 rows (Y axis), for a total of 25 cells.

            Each matrix can present 2 dimensions, one for each axis, and each axis can correspond to any of the 8 available dimension types:

            • Review Rating

            • Potential - this metric is customizable. You select the value you want for each division during configuration and do not set thresholds.

            • Risk of Loss - this metric is customizable. You select the value you want for each division during configuration and do not set thresholds.

            • Promotability Readiness - this metric is customizable. You select the value you want for each division during configuration and do not set thresholds.

            • Years in Management

            • Years in Industry

            • Competency Rating

            • Goal Rating

            Furthermore, each cell in the matrix can display key metrics on any rated or unrated successor on the succession plan. The succession matrix can be configured to show or hide any or all of the available employee metrics:

            • Average Goal % Complete

            • Bench Strength

            • Career Plan Indicator

            • Fit Analysis

            • Competency Rating

            • Goal Rating

            • Performance Review Rating

            • Risk of Loss

            • Succession Plan Count

              Succession Plan History

              History is available for actions that occur within a succession plan.

              When viewing events in the History tab, you can display all of them or only those that occurred since the last approval. While the current approval status is always displayed on the plan, approval details — which includes the approver, the date, and any comments — are available from the History tab.

              History records are added for the following:

              History events*
              Create plan Change to approval status
              Add successors to Unranked Successors list Change successor readiness
              Remove successor from plan Move successor between Ranked Successors and Unranked Successors list
              Set successor as interim replacement Rank successor
              Create requisition Remove requisition
              Set interim replacement in Time Line mode Restore to original cell in Matrix mode

              * Unless indicated otherwise, the events occur in List mode.

              History Tracking of Comments

              The history of comment entries for Succession Plan updates is tracked, including the following event details:
              • creation date

              • successor the comment is about

              • its creator

              Everything but the comment itself is summarized in the Date/Time Event, Event, Details and By columns of the History view. The user can access comment history under the Succession Plan's History tab. If the information in the cells of the grid is truncated due to length, you can click on the history event to open the History Detail dialog for that event.

              The following table lists messages for history tracking of succession plan Events and Details.

              Event Details Examples
              Readiness has been changed for a successor. The readiness for "{0}" has been changed from "{1}" to "{2}".
              • The readiness for "Julia Savard" has been changed from "3 months" to "7 months".

              • The readiness for "Julia Savard" has been changed from "3 to 5 months" to "7 months".

              • The readiness for "Julia Savard" has been changed from "not specified" to "7 months".

              • The readiness for "Julia Savard" has been changed from "3 months" to "not specified".

              • The readiness for "Julia Savard" has been changed from "3 to 5 months" to "4 to 7 months".

              A comment has been added about a successor. A comment has been added about "{0}".
              • A comment has been added about "Rene Washington".

              Ranking has been changed for a successor. The ranking for "{0}" has been changed from "{1}" to "{2}".
              • The ranking for "Jonathan Coleman" has been changed from "1" to "3".

              • The ranking for "Jonathan Coleman" has been changed from "1" to "unranked".

              • The ranking for "Jonathan Coleman" has been changed from "unranked" to "3".

              Interim flag has been added for a successor. "{0}" has been flagged as interim replacement.
              • "Julia Savard" has been flagged as interim replacement.

              Interim flag has been removed for a successor. "{0}" has been removed as interim replacement.
              • "Julia Savard" has been removed as interim replacement.

                Succession Plan Comment Support

                Comment Support in Succession Planning provides administrators and managers the ability to add comments or notes while conducting transactions in the module. Comments provide justification and context about Succession Planning activities, so when users return to the transactions at a later date, they have a historical record of why decisions were made and what discussion took place. Most actions performed to add an employee to a succession plan allow users to enter comments.

                Characteristics of comments in Succession Planning include the following:

                • Ability to edit and delete comments.

                • Spell check embedded in comments.

                • Comments can contain 6,000 characters.

                • Ability to add a general comment about an entire Succession group in List, Timeline or Matrix mode.

                • If the Add Comment dialog is left blank then no comment instance is created or tracked.

                • Ability to filter recent comments.

                • By default, comments are available for viewing by authorized users having access to a succession plan.

                • When comments are entered and saved an audit trail is created containing the comment's creator and the creation date.

                Adding Successors to a Succession Plan

                When adding a successor to a succession plan using Add successors to the plan > Add People, an Add Comment pop-up displays that includes the name of the Succession Plan and accommodates up to 6,000 characters.

                Adding Successors from People Search

                To streamline the workflow, two steps have been combined into one when adding successors to a succession plan using Add successors to the plan > Advanced Search > People Search. When selecting a person from a list of successors on the People Search dialog, users will confirm the addition of the successor(s) to the succession plan in the same step and within the same new window that a comment can also be added. Comments are not mandatory, so if a comment is not desired, leave the comment area blank and select Yes to add the successor to the Succession Plan without a comment.

                Removing Successors from a Succession Plan

                Users are given the option to add a comment when removing a successor from a Succession Plan. When users select Remove the selected successor from the plan a confirmation pop-up window displays with the option of adding a comment.

                In the event that a user removes a successor from a Succession Plan, all the comments entered for this successor are kept in the memory. In the future, should this successor be added back into the Succession Plan again, all the comments entered previously will be restored.

                Editing a Successor

                Users are given the option to add a comment when editing a successor's readiness. When users select Edit Successor they are presented with the option of entering a comment to document this decision.

                View Recent Comments Pop-up and Editing and Deleting Comments

                In the Comment column on the Succession Plan, there's an actionable indicator that displays the number of comments associated to each successor.

                The image shows the actionable indicator that displays the number of comments associated to each successor.

                an actionable indicator that displays the number of comments associated to each successor.

                Once View recent comments is clicked, a pop-up displays with all the comments for that successor. Scrolling is enabled if there are many comments. If there are more than 10 comments, the View More Comments link displays. Once this link is clicked, scrolling is enabled and users are able to view all of the comments by scrolling. Clicking the pencil icon brings up the options to edit or delete any or all of the existing comments. Notice that possible misspellings are underlined in red.

                The image shows comments for a successor.

                Note: Users are only able to edit or delete the comments that they own/authored. The pencil icon only displays next to those comments that are editable by the logged in user.

                Adding General Comments

                Users can add a comment regarding a Succession Plan as a whole. When Add Comment is selected from the toolbox, the Comment pop-up displays. This toolbox option is available in the List, Timeline and Matrix modes of the Succession Plan.

                Notice that the comment states that it is "For the Succession Plan."

                The image shows the Add Comment page with the indication "For the Succession Plan."

                Recent Comments Filter

                When viewing comments, it's possible to filter them to customize your view. If the logged in user is the author/owner of the comments, they are editable in this filter view as well.

                  Working with Succession Plans

                    Creating a Succession Plan

                    Creating a succession plan consists in identifying potential successors for a position and adding them to a plan in order to quickly find a replacement when a position needs to be filled. A succession plan is created only once and remains active even if it contains no successor(s).

                    To be authorized to create a succession plan, you must be the manager of the job position, as per defined in SmartOrg, under Job Positions.

                    Performance > [Navigation bar] > Succession
                    1. You have these options:

                      • If a plan or plans exist for one or more of your direct reports the system will display one of them. You can choose to work with that employee's succession plan, or use the breadcrumbs to select another direct report whose plan you want to work with.

                      • If a succession plan has never been created for an employee's position, a message appears indicating there is no plan for the position, and asking if you want to create one. If so, click Create. The Create button only appears the first time the plan is created. When first created the Succession Plan is entirely empty.

                    2. Click the Add Successors to the Plan button to begin adding successors from your direct reports list, or from searches. These successors go to the unranked successors list.

                      As you add successor to the plan you can add comments documenting your decisions.
                    3. Rank the top group of unranked potential successors to move them into the ranked successors list.

                    4. Once the plan is created and successors are added and ranked as desired, save the plan.

                    5. If plan approval is desired, click the More Actions button and select the Request Approval option.

                      The approval request goes to the line manager of the person who is the subject of the plan.

                    A succession plan is created for the desired position, and plan approval requested.

                      Performing Add People Search for Successors

                      The Succession Plan feature offers a number of search tools you can use to identify potential successors for a position. The employee profile, initially created from a candidate's resume and then updated as the employee is assessed and rated, provides the basis for searching for successors.

                      Performance > [Navigation bar] Succession Plan

                      1. If needed, use the Job Position button in the breadcrumbs to open the desired employee's succession plan.

                      2. Click the Add Successors to the Plan button, and select Add People from the list of options.

                      3. You have choices in the People Selector to search by employees, or by keyword search.

                        • Select Search in My Employees to find potential successors by drilling down through your direct and indirect reports and delegated employees.

                        • Select Search by Keywords to search either employees or candidates for potential successors. Keyword search checks username, first name, middle initial, last name, and email address fields.

                        • Select Extended Search to enable fields in the employee's talent profile and additional fields associated with candidates to be searched.

                      4. Select the check box(es) for the people in the Search Results list you want to include in the succession plan, and click the Right Arrow icon to place them in the Selection list.

                        Selecting Include Direct Reports will automatically add the selected employees' direct reports.
                        For each person you select, or each group of persons you select, you will be prompted to add comments documenting your decision. When a comment applies to more than one person the names of the people selected will display in the comment dialog.
                      5. Click Select to add those in the Selection list to the Unranked Successors list of plan.

                      You can drag and drop unranked successors into the ranked list.

                      You can also select up to four successors and click the Compare icon to compare their metrics.

                        Performing an Advanced Search for Successors

                        The Succession Plan feature offers a number of search tools you can use to identify potential successors for a position. The employee's talent profile, initially created from a candidate's resume and then updated as the employee is assessed and rated, provides the basis for searching for successors. Follow the steps in this section if you want to specify any of a large number of criteria (other than a person's name) in your search. Note in step 5 of this task, when the Add to Current Succession Plan option is selected, the Add Comment dialog is displayed next so you can document your decisions.

                        Taleo Performance > [Navigation bar] Succession
                        1. Select the required employee to display their plan.

                        2. Click the Plus icon and select Open Advanced Search.

                          Selecting Add Person displays the People Selector.

                        3. Select the criteria you want to use to filter your results and click Search.

                        4. To add a single person from the Employee column, click the Right Arrow icon to display the Go To menu and select Add to current succession plan.

                        5. To add people, select the checkboxes for each person you want to add and click Actions, the Down Arrow icon and select Add to current succession plan.

                          If one of the people selected is already a plan member, the Add to current succession plan option is not available.

                        The people are added to the succession plan as unranked successors. You can return to the plan by clicking the Up Arrow icon.

                          Ranking and Unranking a Successor

                          When you have a number of successors in a succession plan, you typically want to rank the employees who are best suited to the position and you might have other employees you want to include in a succession plan but do not want to rank for the moment. You can also change an employee's ranking relative to other ranked employees and an unranked employee's position relative to other unranked employees. As well, you can rank an unranked potential successor or vice versa.

                          The following steps assume that successors are currently in the succession plan.

                          Performance > [Navigation bar] Succession
                          1. The succession plan of one of your direct reports is displayed. The person's name is displayed in the breadcrumbs at the top of the page.

                          2. While the succession plan is displayed you can perform any of the following tasks.

                            • In the ranked successors or unranked successors section, Successor Name column, you can click the drop-down arrow that corresponds to a successor you want to rank, or whose rank you want to change, and then click Set Rank. A dialog allows you to specify the new rank and click OK. The successor is displayed in the ranked successors section in the correct position.

                            • In the ranked successors section, Successor Name column, you can click the drop-down arrow that corresponds to a ranked successor you want to move to the unranked successors section, and then click Unrank.

                            • You can also drag and drop a successor from one section to the other.

                          3. After making your changes, click Save.

                          4. After you rank or unrank a person, you can use the same dropdown list to select Add a Comment, and document your decision.

                          5. If you continue to make ranking changes, always click Save afterward to save your changes.

                          The employees you selected are now displayed in the ranked/unranked successors section of the succession plan and the changes are reflected in the succession matrix.

                          When you are satisfied with a succession plan, you can request your manager to approve the plan.

                            Comparing Successors

                            You can perform a comparison of potential successors in the ranked or unranked views of the succession plan. You cannot compare an employee successor with a candidate successor.

                            You have potential successors and want to compare some of them to determine which of them you should rank higher or lower in the succession plan. The successors you are going to compare must be on the same view.

                            Performance > [Navigation bar] Succession
                            1. Press and hold the CTRL key on your keyboard and click the name of up to four people in the ranked or unranked successor views you want to compare.

                            2. Click the Compare icon.

                            Information about all the candidates you selected is displayed in a manner that facilitates comparisons.

                            When you have identified candidates who you feel would make good successors, you can manage their ranking as appropriate.

                              Managing a Successor's Readiness

                              Managing a successor's readiness consists in specifying the readiness of potential successors for a job position, in the event that the person currently in the position moved to a different position or left the organization.

                              Open the succession plan for which you want to manage the successor's readiness.

                              Performance > [Navigation bar] Succession
                              1. Make sure you are viewing the plan in a list mode.

                                If this is not the case, click the List Mode icon.

                              2. In the Successors view, locate the successor whose readiness you want to edit.

                              3. To specify the readiness, click the corresponding Down Arrow icon in the Successor Name column and select the Edit Successor option.

                              4. In the Successor Readiness window, specify the appropriate time needed for the employee to be ready to hold that position, starting today.

                              5. Click OK.

                                You can also edit the readiness of successors when viewing the succession plan in the timeline mode, accessible by clicking the Timeline Mode icon. In this mode, the readiness is changed by dragging the readiness box border of the desired successor. The system will display the time period as you drag the icon border.

                              6. When you edit a successor's readiness rating, you can also add a comment to document your decision as well as denote whether this employee is the interim replacement and their rank.

                                Selecting a Potential Interim Replacement

                                A single candidate can be identified as a potential interim replacement in a succession plan. This is an individual who could serve as a temporary replacement in the event that the incumbent leaves the position.

                                Open the succession plan for which you want to manage the potential interim replacement.

                                Performance > [Navigation bar] Succession
                                1. Locate the name of the person you want to select as a potential temporary replacement in the ranked or unranked successors list and, in the Successor Name column.

                                2. Click the corresponding drop-down arrow and then select Edit Successor. Select Yes from the Interim Replacement dropdown.

                                3. You may want to enter a comment documenting your decision.

                                In the Interim Replacement column, “Yes” is displayed.

                                  Requesting Approval of a Succession Plan

                                  The Succession plan status must be Not Approved.

                                  Performance > [Navigation bar] Succession
                                  1. Click Request Approval and a confirmation message is displayed.

                                  2. Click OK and the status is updated to Approval in Progress.

                                    You cannot add new successors or change the rankings of existing successors when an approval is in progress, but you can move successors in the matrix of the succession plan.

                                  In the approver's My Tasks panel, the Approve Succession Plan task is displayed.

                                  When the plan is approved, and you want to create a requisition and have the required permissions, you can create a requisition directly from the succession plan and source the requisition automatically with the potential successors in the successor plan.

                                  If the approver rejects the succession plan, you can edit it and send a new approval request to the approver.

                                  Whether your request is approved or rejected, you receive an email message informing you of your approver's decision.

                                  Once a succession plan has been approved or rejected, you can also modify it afterward and request approval of the revised succession plan.

                                    Approving a Succession Plan

                                    • Another user has requested your approval of a succession plan.

                                    • Performance > [Employee Center] My Tasks

                                    • Performance > [Navigation bar] Succession

                                    1. Locate the succession plan you want to approve in Performance or via email, using one of these methods:

                                      • Filter My Tasks by selecting Approve Succession Plan, choose one of the tasks, and then select Succession Plan from the Summary Information panel.

                                      • Open the approval email and click the link for the succession plan. If you are in an single sign-on (SSO) environment you will go directly to the plan, otherwise you will need to login to Performance before being directed to the succession plan.

                                      • In Succession Planning open the plan you want to approve. An approval section displays at the top of the page.

                                    2. Evaluate the succession plan and decide whether you want to approve it. You cannot edit the plan. You can only approve or reject it.

                                    3. Click Approve or Reject and enter any comments to document your decision.

                                    4. Click OK.

                                      Approval In Progress is replaced by Approved if you approved the plan or by Rejected if you rejected the plan. The date of the decision is included and the comments are displayed if you hover over the Thought Bubble icon.

                                    An email message is sent to the manager informing them of your decision. If the manager has the required permissions, they can create a requisition directly from the succession plan.

                                    Whether you approve or reject the succession plan, the manager who originally sent the request can edit the plan and send you a new approval request.

                                      Creating a Requisition

                                      Once you have received approval for a succession plan, you can create a requisition directly from the succession plan provided you have the required permissions. This action is typically necessary when the incumbent moves to another position, leaves the organization or is fired. When you create a requisition directly from a succession plan, the potential successors are sourced automatically.

                                      • You can only create a requisition directly from a succession plan if you have the required permissions.

                                      • Before you can initiate a requisition, however, the succession plan must be approved by your manager.

                                      Performance > [Navigation bar] Succession
                                      1. If your succession has been approved, “Approved” is displayed next to Actions. You can only create a requisition after the succession plan has been approved.

                                      2. Click More Actions and then click Create Requisition or click Create Requisition directly from the toolbar.

                                        If no template has been associated with the job template, the system will display an error message.
                                      3. In the Match Successors dialog box, select which users you want to have matched to the new requisition and click OK.

                                      The requisition is created and the chosen successors in the succession plan are automatically matched with the requisition.

                                        Talent Pools for Succession Plans

                                        Employees can be added directly to specific succession plans from talent pools

                                        From a succession plan you can choose to search from within a talent pool, enabling you to immediately add pool members to that plan.

                                        Note: If you select Modify Search when searching within a talent pool, it reverts to a regular person search and no longer searches solely within that talent pool.

                                        None; however, Manage Succession Plans and Talent Pools user type permissions are required.

                                          To Search a Talent Pool for Successors
                                          • You must have Manage user type permissions for Succession Plans and Talent Pools.

                                          • Talent pools relevant to the succession plan must be configured.

                                          Performance > [Navigation bar] Succession
                                          1. Open the Succession Plan you want to work with.

                                          2. Click the Plus icon and select Search within Talent Pools.

                                          3. Select the desired talent pool and click Select.

                                            The Search Results page is displayed, listing the members of the talent pool.
                                            If you select Modify Search and change the criteria, the search changes to a regular advanced search and the association with the pool ends.
                                          4. Do one of the following to add persons from the talent pool to the succession plan.

                                            • Click the Right Arrow icon for a person to add and select Add to current succession plan.

                                            • Select the checkboxes for multiple people and from the Actions menu select Add to current succession plan.

                                          5. As you add persons to the succession plan you can enter comments to document your decisions.

                                          The employees are added to the succession plan as unranked successors.

                                          You can select additional employees and choose other options such as adding to a different succession plan or a requisition; however, you can only add individual employees to a nomination slate.

                                            Working with Matrices

                                              Viewing a Succession Plan as a Matrix

                                              Viewing a succession plan as a matrix allows managers to view the potential successors in the plan in the form of a succession matrix and to move the successors as they want.

                                              You must have direct reports to be able to view succession plans. The exception is if you have HR Administrator permissions, which enable you to view and manage the succession plan of all employees in your organization.

                                              If your system configuration enables candidates to be included in a succession plan, they are identified with a green icon, while employees are identified with a blue icon.

                                              1. Open the succession plan of the desired employee.

                                              2. If needed, add successors to the plan, either as ranked or unranked successors.

                                              3. Click the grid icon to open the default matrix associated to the succession plan.

                                                Initially, the matrix only shows the rated successors. It is also possible to view the details of an employee's metrics by clicking the down arrow icon and selecting Show Details. In the cell, beside the down arrow icon, there is always one metric shown, which corresponds to the metric set to be displayed in the cell, as per the configuration of the succession plan matrix.

                                              4. Click the down arrow icon in the matrix list, to the left of the Print button, to change the matrix that is displayed for the succession plan if available.

                                              Once the succession plan matrix is displayed, you can move the successors as you want.

                                                Moving a Successor in the Succession Matrix

                                                Moving a successor in the succession matrix allows a manager to override the default ranking of a potential successor in any cell of the available matrices, providing a precise succession planning procedure as well as a year-round analysis tool.

                                                To be able to move successors around in a matrix, employees must first be added to the succession plan, as ranked or unranked successors.

                                                1. Open the succession plan of the desired employee.

                                                2. Click the Grid icon to open the default matrix associated to the succession plan.

                                                3. Select one successor and move them to another cell by either dragging and dropping or by clicking on the Down Arrow icon, select the Move to cell option and then specify the destination cell in the Cell Selector window, which also indicates the corresponding dimensions.

                                                  If there are many successors in a matrix cell you can use the pager arrow or the show all employees option to find the required successors.

                                                If needed, you can restore a successor to its original cell position in the matrix, that is to his position as in the succession plan, before you made changes.

                                                  Restoring a Successor to Its Original Cell in the Matrix

                                                  Restoring a successor to its original cell in the matrix allows a manager to restore a selected rated successor to the position he had in the matrix before any changes were made.

                                                  If your system allows employee metrics to be updated from a succession matrix and this has been done for a successor, that successor cannot be returned to their original cell using this procedure.

                                                  1. Open the succession plan of the desired employee.

                                                  2. Click the Grid icon to open the default matrix associated to the succession plan.

                                                  3. Locate the successor for which you want to restore the original position, click the down arrow icon and select Restore to original cell.

                                                  When a successor is rated, he is moved back to his original cell. However, if the successor in the matrix was not rated, he will be moved back to the list of Unrated Successors.

                                                    Updating Employee Metrics from a Succession Matrix

                                                    An employee's metrics can be updated directly from a succession plan matrix, replacing their existing talent profile metrics with those from the succession matrix.

                                                    • Refer to Customizable Metrics in the Performance Management Configuration Guide for information about migrating your system to customized employee metrics and their use in matrices and charts.

                                                    • The successor who is being updated must be an employee, as candidates do not have metrics that can be updated.

                                                    1. Open the succession plan for the required job position.

                                                    2. Click the Grid icon to open the default matrix associated to the succession plan.

                                                    3. Select an employee, indicated by a blue icon, and drag them to a different cell.

                                                      The employee icon is updated to include an arrow indicating that the employee's metrics have been overridden for this succession plan.
                                                    4. Click the down arrow icon beside the employee, select Update Metrics and click OK in the confirmation dialog box.

                                                      You can select Update Metrics from the main menu to update multiple employees at once.

                                                    The arrow is removed from the icon as the employee metrics have now been updated and the employee can no longer be restored to their original cell.

                                                      Moving an Unrated Successor

                                                      Unrated successors are those that did not have values for the metrics used to create the matrix, when they were initially added to it.

                                                      There must be unranked successors associated with the succession plan.

                                                      1. Open the succession plan of the required employee.

                                                      2. From the More Actions menu, select Show Unrated Successors.

                                                      3. From the Unrated Successors list, do one of the following:

                                                        1. Drag and drop the successor into a cell in the matrix.

                                                        2. Beside the successor, click the down arrow icon and select Move to cell. In the Cell Selector window, click on one of the cells and click OK.

                                                      This successor is added to the cell and displayed with an arrow icon to indicate this is not the person's original place in the matrix.

                                                        Printing a Succession Plan Matrix

                                                        Printing a succession plan matrix allows to generate a PDF version of the succession plan, as per the configuration of the printed metrics.

                                                        1. Open the desired succession plan.

                                                        2. Click the Grid icon to open the default matrix associated to the succession plan.

                                                        3. Click the Print button to display the print preview.

                                                        4. When the succession plan matrix is opened as a PDF file, from the File menu, select Print.

                                                        The succession plan matrix will be printed as per the defined configuration of the printed metrics.

                                                          Succession Nominations

                                                          This feature makes it easier for people to collaborate on succession plans; through a straight forward process for nominating persons to a nomination slate, validating them, and adding persons from the nomination slate to a plan.

                                                          While you need to have access to a succession plan to work with it, you do not need to have access to the plan to nominate someone. Once someone is nominated they are added to the nomination slate for that position. Plan owners can then review the nominees and decide to add them to the plan or reject them. People can be nominated from search results, talent pools, the talent browser and the talent profile. History is kept, recording when a nomination slate is created and when people are added, deleted, or have had their status change.

                                                          Taleo Connect Client (TCC) can be used to export a nomination slate. Also a TCC import can be used to reset nomination slates by deleting them.


                                                          Configuration > [Taleo Performance] Settings
                                                          Name Description
                                                          Enable Succession Nominations If enabled, system users can nominate people for succession plans, when they also have the Allow nominations user type permission associated with their account. The setting also enables the nomination slate. By default this setting is disabled.

                                                          View and manage user type permissions for succession plans are required for any users that want to work with plans and add people from the nomination slate to the plan.

                                                          Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Users] User Types > Performance > Succession Plans
                                                          Name Description
                                                          Allow nominations Users require this permission for the Nominate for a position... and Nominate for this position options to be available.

                                                            Nominating Successors

                                                            Multiple members of your organization can be involved in the nomination process. Any employee can nominate someone within their part of the company for a position, without requiring access to the succession plan. Subsequently the succession plan owner can review those nominees and add suitable ones to the plan.

                                                              Nominating People for a Position

                                                              Nominating someone for a position can take place from that person's talent profile, search results, the talent browser, and the members list of a talent pool.

                                                              You can choose to nominate any employee you have access to and choose from any succession plan for an active position in your system. Once you have nominated someone, they are added to the nomination slate for the succession plan of that position. You can also nominate people in context. When searching within a succession plan or a talent pool associated with a position, you can directly add someone to that specific nomination slate.

                                                              Note: You can add yourself to a succession plan's nomination slate.
                                                                To Nominate People

                                                                The configuration setting Enable Succession Nominations must be enabled.

                                                                The nominator must have the Allow nominations user type permission.

                                                                The job position must be active.

                                                                Performance > Employee Search > Search Results

                                                                Performance > Navigation bar > More dropdown > Talent Pools

                                                                Performance > Navigation bar > Profile

                                                                1. From Search Results or from the Members list of a talent pool, click the Right Arrow icon and select Nominate for a position...

                                                                  From a Performance Card in the Talent Browser, click the Down Arrow icon and select Nominate for a position...
                                                                  From the Talent Profile select Nominate for a position...
                                                                2. Enter criteria — this can include partial words — which builds an AND relationship search query. This means each term must be present to return a search result.

                                                                  Keyword - This searches the position name, position code, and the description.

                                                                  Position Title - The name of the position associated with the succession plan.

                                                                  Manager Name - The name of the manager for the job position, which may not be the incumbent's manager.

                                                                  Incumbent Name - The name of the person currently in the position.

                                                                3. Click Search.

                                                                  You must click Reset before you enter different criteria and search again.
                                                                4. Select the position and the job description is displayed and you can select a readiness option and add a comment.

                                                                  The readiness value selected here is not carried through to the succession plan if the person is added to the plan from the nomination slate.
                                                                5. Click Nominate.

                                                                The person is added to the Nomination Slate for the chosen position.

                                                                  To Nominate People in Context

                                                                  The configuration setting Enable Succession Nominations must be enabled.

                                                                  The nominator must have the Allow nominations user type permission.

                                                                  The talent pool context must include a position.

                                                                  Performance > [Navigation bar] > Succession > Search Results

                                                                  Performance > [Navigation bar] > More dropdown > Talent Pools

                                                                  1. From Search Results or from the members list of a talent pool, click the Right Arrow icon for a specific person and select Nominate for this position.

                                                                    The job description, qualifications, and responsibilities are displayed.
                                                                  2. Select a readiness option and add a comment.

                                                                    The readiness value selected here is not carried through to the succession plan if the person is added to the plan from the nomination slate.
                                                                  3. Click Nominate.

                                                                  The person is added to the Nomination Slate for the position related to this succession plan or talent pool.

                                                                    Reviewing Nominees

                                                                    This gives the owner of the succession plan the opportunity to view the details of nominees and decide whether they should be accepted or rejected as potential successors.

                                                                    The Nomination Slate displays the nominees for the succession plan and provides the opportunity to filter the list to those who match the criteria for the position. Subsequently setting a nominee's status from New, to Pending additional information, to Under consideration, to Approved, or Rejected, helps indicate their suitability. It also provides a quick glance overview of the quality of those nominated as successors.

                                                                      To Review Nominees

                                                                      You must be the owner of the succession plan.

                                                                      Performance > [Navigation bar] Succession
                                                                      1. Select More Actions > Go to Nomination Slate.

                                                                      2. Select the filters to narrow the nominees to meet your criteria and click the Refresh icon.

                                                                      3. Click the Right Arrow icon to display the Actions menu and select a module to see more details on the nominee.

                                                                        Use your browser's back button to return to the Nomination Slate.
                                                                      4. Change the Status to indicate the person's suitability as a successor.

                                                                        If the same person has been nominated multiple times, changing their status for one instance will update the entire list.

                                                                      Promising successors can be added to the plan.

                                                                        Adding Nominees to a Plan

                                                                        After reviewing nominees you can add them to the succession plan.

                                                                        Added nominees are removed from the Nomination Slate; however, if someone subsequently nominates them again they will be added to the slate again.

                                                                          To Add Nominees

                                                                          You must be the owner of the succession plan.

                                                                          Performance > [Navigation bar] Succession
                                                                          1. Select More Actions > Go to Nomination Slate.

                                                                          2. Beside a nominee's name, click the Right Arrow icon to display the Actions menu and select Move to succession plan.

                                                                            Select the checkboxes beside multiple nominees and select More Actions > Move to succession plan to add more than one nominee at a time.
                                                                          3. As you add persons to the succession you are prompted to enter comments to document your decision.

                                                                            When an employee is added to a succession plan from the Nomination Slate, existing comments entered while performing the nomination are moved to the succession plan.

                                                                          The selected nominees are removed from the nomination slate and added to the plan's Unranked Successors list.

                                                                            Nomination Slate History

                                                                            This provides a record of events for the nomination slate and the nominees included in it.

                                                                            You select Go to Nomination Slate from the succession plan to access the history. The events that are recorded in the history include:
                                                                            • Nomination slate creation

                                                                            • Adding a nominee to the slate

                                                                            • Removing a nominee from the slate

                                                                            • Additional nominations of a nominee

                                                                            • Nomination status change

                                                                              HR Administrators Working with Succession Plans

                                                                                Viewing a Succession Plan

                                                                                Viewing a succession plan allows an HR administrator to access a succession plan that is pending, whether the approval has not yet been requested or the approval is in progress or rejected.

                                                                                HR Administration Tools > Succession Plan

                                                                                1. Filter the approval requests in order to view the desired succession plan.

                                                                                2. In the result grid, click the name of the corresponding employee.

                                                                                The Succession Plan page displays and shows the successors for the job position held by the selected employee.