8Candidate Selection Workflow

Candidate Selection Workflows

    Candidate Selection Workflow Key Concepts

      Candidate Selection Workflow

      A candidate selection workflow (CSW) provides the framework to move candidates through the hiring process in order to evaluate and find the best candidate for a job.

      A CSW includes steps, statuses, and actions a recruiter must go through before hiring a candidate. An analogy can be drawn between the candidate selection workflow and moving candidate resumes from one pile to another as the selection progresses and the number of resumes retained is reduced. For example, a candidate submission is analyzed, the candidate is contacted, interviewed, then selected.

      The CSW is created by the system administrator then selected by recruiters when creating a requisition. When candidates apply on the requisition, the selected CSW is used to track and manage candidates from the time they are new to the system to the time that they are hired. Candidate files in each step of the CSW can have a status. Specific actions can be performed on these candidate files depending on the steps and statuses. A set of user type permissions grant users access to the actions that can be performed in a candidate selection workflow.

      The CSW can be displayed to recruiters on a priority basis. The system will sort workflows according to the level of compatibility and ensure that the most appropriate workflow is displayed when recruiters create a requisition.


        Candidate selection workflows are comprised of steps that represent the levels that candidates reach as they progress through the hiring process. A step represents a major stage or event in a candidate selection workflow.

        A step in a candidate selection workflow can be mandatory or optional.

        • If a step is mandatory, the user must take the candidate through the step before moving on to any subsequent steps. The user will not have access to the subsequent list of steps until the step is completed.

        • If a step is optional, the user can skip the step entirely and move the candidate on to the next step. Or, the user can move a candidate conditionally through a step without completing the step in order to move to a subsequent step, and return to the conditional completion step later to complete it.

        Most steps are mandatory and sequential, meaning that they must be completed in the prescribed order. In some scenarios, a user may be able to move a candidate to a step without completing the current one, but the system will require that all mandatory steps be completed before completing the hiring of a candidate.

        Each step must be finished with a completion status, indicated by an asterisk (*), before a candidate can move to another step in the hiring process. A completion status completes the step.

        A step can have a Restricted confidentiality level. In many organizations, hiring managers are not involved in the earliest steps of the candidate selection process. Recruiters are responsible for evaluating new job applications and only submit qualified candidates to the hiring managers. It is possible to configure steps to prevent hiring managers from viewing specific selection steps (such as New) in the Recruiting Center Candidates list.

        Notifications can be added to steps. This allows sending a message to users to let them know when a step is reached by candidates.

        Note: There is no limit on the number of steps that can be used in a CSW. However, a best practice is to only add necessary steps.


          A status indicates the detail or state of where a candidate is within a step.

          A candidate can change status during a step but the candidate can only have one status at a time in each step. Statuses are more flexible than steps as most are optional and do not need to be followed in a certain order. Statuses can be temporary therefore requiring an additional action from the user or they can complete a step (indicated by *) because they complete the step by either moving the candidate to the next step or terminating the candidate selection process.

          Statuses may have different progression levels:

          Progression Level Description
          Not Started Indicates that the step has not started yet. Example: For the 1st Interview step, "To be Scheduled" is a Not Started status because the interview has not been scheduled and the step has not officially started.
          In Progress Indicates that a candidate needs to be moved to other statuses before moving to the next step. The option "move" is not available to the user at this point. Example: For the 1st Interview step, "Scheduled" is an In Progress status.
          Completed Indicates that a candidate can move to the next step. The "move" option is available to the user at this point. When selecting the Completed level, the following option becomes available: "Allow completion even if some activities remain pending". This option allows the move to the next step even if some activities are still pending from a previous step.

          Status change buttons (or shortcut buttons) allow recruiters to change the status of a candidate without having to open the Action window. A status can be linked to one of these buttons. Only one status can be assigned to a specific button in the current step.

          Button Behavior in the Candidate File Behavior in the Candidate List
          Green checkmark shortcut button to change to completion status Changes the status of the candidate to a completion status. Changes the status of all selected candidates to a completion status.
          Red circle shortcut button to change to rejected status Changes the status of the candidate to Rejected. Changes the status of all selected candidates to Rejected.
          Question mark shortcut button to change the status to under consideration. Changes the status of the candidate to Under consideration. Changes the status of all selected candidates to Under consideration..


            An action is an event performed on a candidate file during the hiring process.

            A candidate selection workflow action is linked to a specific step of the candidate selection workflow by the system administrator and it is performed by a recruiter when a candidate reaches the step of the workflow. For example, if the action Start Legacy Onboarding Process is added to a step, then the recruiter can start the onboarding process when a candidate is in that step.

            Candidate selection workflow actions are provided by the system. They cannot be created. Available actions for a candidate selection are:

            Action Description
            Add Comments Add comments to a candidate file.
            Bypass Bypass a step in a candidate selection workflow without any restriction.
            Change Status Change the status of a step in a candidate selection workflow.
            Enter Grade Enter or remove a grade in a candidate file.
            Move Move a candidate from one step to another.
            Reset Selection Process

            The rules for the "Reset Selection Process" action are not well implemented and for now it is best to not implement this action. This manual candidate feature is activated via the permission "Reset the selection process of an existing submission".

            Revert Undo the last action in a step.
            Self-Assigned Task When a candidate gets to the step where the Self-assigned Task action was added, Recruiting Center users can select the Create a self-assigned task option in the Change Step and Status window or Bypass window. If the option is selected, users have to provide a name, due date, description, and comments for the self-assigned task. The task then becomes available under the Tasks tab.
            Send Correspondence Send a correspondence to a candidate.
            Share Candidate in CSW Assistant Share a candidate while the candidate is moving in the selection workflow.
            Start New Hire Transition Process Start a new hire process.
            Start Onboarding Process Start an onboarding process.
            Start Pre Hire Transition Process Start a prehire process.
            Undelete Undelete a candidate file.
            Update Start Date Update the start date of a candidate.


              Qualifiers provide a reason or additional information to move a candidate in a candidate selection workflow or to change the status of a candidate.

              Qualifiers are created by the system administrator. When configuring the statuses of a step, the administrator can specify if qualifiers are optional or mandatory and if one or several qualifiers can be selected by candidates.

              When users change the status of a candidate, the qualifiers displayed will vary depending on the statuses linked to the steps chosen for the selected candidate selection workflow.

              For example, a candidate may decline a job for personal reasons. The qualifiers could be:

              • Not willing to relocate

              • Not willing to travel

              • Feels that salary is insufficient

              • No reason given

              Qualifiers are grouped together into qualifier groups.

                Candidate Selection Workflow Example

                The example illustrates a candidate selection workflow with six steps and several statuses for each of the steps.

                Shortcut button to change to a completion status.: Shortcut button to change to a completion status.

                shortcut button to change to the rejected status : Shortcut button to change to the rejected status.

                Step 1: New Step 2: HM Review Step 3: Interview / Assessment Step 4: Offer Step 5: Background Check Step 6: Hire
                New Applicant To be HM Reviewed To Be Interviewed Offer to be Made Initiate Background Screening Proceed to Hire
                Under Consideration To be Rejected Post HM Reviewed Invite to Scheduling Center Draft Background Follow-Up in Progress Candidate No-Show (Rescind or Renege Offer)
                Recommended Shortcut button to change to a completion status. HM Approved Shortcut button to change to a completion status. Phone Screen Approval in Progress Background Screening Completed Shortcut button to change to a completion status. Hired Shortcut button to change to a completion status.
                Rejected shortcut button to change to the rejected status Rejected shortcut button to change to the rejected status 1st Interview Approved Rejected shortcut button to change to the rejected status Rejected shortcut button to change to the rejected status
                Has Declined Has Declined 2nd Interview Extended Has Declined Has Declined
                3rd Interview Rescinded
                Interviews Completed Shortcut button to change to a completion status. In Negotiation
                Rejected shortcut button to change to the rejected status Refused
                Has Declined Accepted Shortcut button to change to a completion status.
                Rejected shortcut button to change to the rejected status
                Has Declined

                  Reference Model

                  Steps and statuses must be mapped to a core standard process for reporting and database administration.

                  The reference model is made up of the following steps:

                  • New

                  • Reviewed

                  • First Interview

                  • Second Interview

                  • Third Interview

                  • Testing

                  • Offer

                  • Hired

                  • Rejected

                  • Declined

                  • Pipeline

                  • Inactive

                    Default Candidate Selection Workflows

                    Default candidate selection workflows (CSWs) are supplied with the system. They can be used as templates to create customized workflows.

                    Default candidate selection workflows are:

                    • Complex CSW

                    • Detailed CSW

                    • Pipeline

                    • Reference Workflow

                    • Simple CSW

                      Candidate Selection Workflow Configuration

                        Duplicating a Candidate Selection Workflow

                        Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Candidate Selection Workflow
                        1. Click the Workflows tab.

                        2. Click on a candidate selection workflow.

                        3. Click Duplicate.

                        4. Enter a name for the new candidate selection workflow and translate it in all available languages.

                        5. Enter a code, comments, and description.

                        6. Select Default if you this workflow to be the default one when users create a requisition.

                        7. Review the current steps in the workflow.

                          1. Remove the steps that are not necessary. Select the checkbox next to a step, then click Remove.

                          2. Add new steps if necessary. Click Add..., select the desired step, then click Add.

                          3. Reorder steps if necessary. Select a position (number) in the list for each step, then click Reorder.

                          4. Review the properties of each step.

                            "Mandatory" indicates that the step is required to be completed.
                            "Restricted" prevents a step from being visible in the Recruiting Center candidate list for those who do not have the permission to see restricted steps. If you make a step Restricted, you must also set the permission "View candidates in steps whose confidentiality level is "Restricted".
                            "Allow" allows users to move candidates from one step to another and to complete unfinished tasks at a later time on the selection process.
                          5. Set notifications so that users receive a message when a step is reached by a candidate. Select a recipient, then select a message template.

                          6. Click Done.

                        8. Click Done.

                          Reviewing the Steps and Statuses Included in a Candidate Selection Workflow

                          Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Candidate Selection Workflow
                          1. Click the Steps tab.

                          2. Click on a step that is included in the candidate selection workflow.

                          3. Review the statuses comprised in the step.

                            1. Remove the statuses that are not necessary. Select the checkbox next to a status, then click Remove.

                            2. Add new statuses if necessary. Click Add..., select the desired status, then click Add.

                            3. Reorder statuses if necessary. Select a position (number) in the list for each status, then click Reorder.

                          4. Review the properties of each status.

                            1. Indicate if the status is the initial status of the step.

                            2. Determine the step progression level, that is Not Started, In Progress, Completed.

                            3. Select a status change button that is used as a shortcut to change the status of a candidate directly in a candidate file.

                            4. Select the Ask for a qualifier option if you want the user to select a qualifier to motivate the change to this status. This option is available only if the status has qualifiers defined.

                            5. Select the Ask for comments option if you want the user to enter a comment when the change is done to this status.

                            6. Select the Interview Scheduling Behavior option if you want the system to automatically change the status once an interview is scheduled for the step. This option is used with the Interview Scheduling feature only. You can activate the Interview Scheduling Behavior option for statuses related to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Interview steps. When a recruiter creates a meeting in Recruiting, if the Interview Scheduling Behavior option is selected in more than one status, the recruiter will have to select the appropriate status in the Action Dialog window. The Interview Scheduling permission must be enabled.

                            7. Set notifications so that users receive a message when a status is reached by a candidate. Select a recipient, then select a message template.

                            8. Activate the automatic progression of candidates feature if desired and create conditions.

                            9. Click Done.

                          5. Make the step available by clicking the Available option.

                          6. Repeat the above steps for each step comprised in the candidate selection workflow.

                            Reviewing the Actions Tied to the Steps of the Candidate Selection Workflow

                            Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Candidate Selection Workflow
                            1. Click the Steps tab.

                            2. Click on a step that is included in the candidate selection workflow.

                            3. Click the Actions Usage tab.

                            4. Review the actions tied to the step.

                              1. Remove the actions that are not necessary. Select the checkbox next to an action, then click Remove.

                              2. Add new actions if necessary. Click Add..., select the desired action, then click Add.

                              3. Reorder actions if necessary. Select a position (number) in the list for each action, then click Reorder.

                            5. Click Done.

                              Associating Organizations, Locations, Job Fields to a Candidate Selection Workflow

                              The candidate selection workflow must be created.

                              Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Candidate Selection Workflow
                              1. Click the Workflows tab.

                              2. Click a candidate selection workflow.

                              3. Click the Display Context tab.

                              4. Click Add in the Jobs, Organizations and/or Locations sections.

                              5. Select Organization-Location-Job Field elements.

                              6. Click Done.

                              The candidate selection workflow is associated to an Organization-Location-Job Field (OLF) structure. When users create a requisition, only the workflows matching the OLF structure of the requisition will be displayed. When associating an OLF structure to a candidate selection workflow, the more specific the level of the structure is, the more compatible the workflow will be with a requisition. Moreover, the system will automatically select the workflow which provides the highest degree of compatibility with the requisition.

                                Associating a Requisition Type to a Candidate Selection Workflow

                                The candidate selection workflow must be created.

                                Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Candidate Selection Workflow
                                1. Click the Workflows tab.

                                2. Click a candidate selection workflow.

                                3. Click the Display Context tab.

                                4. Select a requisition type in the Available Requisition Types list.

                                5. Click Add

                                6. Click Done.

                                When users create a requisition, workflows are displayed according to the requisition type (professional, hourly, contingent, etc.) selected for the requisition (instead of all workflows of the company).

                                  Activating a Candidate Selection Workflow

                                  The candidate selection workflow must be created.

                                  Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Candidate Selection Workflow
                                  1. Click the Workflows tab.

                                  2. Click on a candidate selection workflow.

                                  3. Select Available.

                                  4. Click Done.

                                  In the Workflows page, a check mark appears in the Available column next to the candidate selection workflow. The candidate selection workflow is now available to users when creating a requisition.

                                    Candidate Selection Workflow - Permissions and Settings

                                    The following permissions and settings are used for the candidate selection workflow functionality.

                                    User Type Permission Description Location
                                    Permissions related to candidate selection workflows are grouped under Candidate Selection Workflow. Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Users] User Types > Recruiting > Candidates > Candidate Selection Workflow
                                    Choose a candidate selection workflow Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Users] User Types > Recruiting > Requisitions > General
                                    Set candidate selection workflow event dates This permission must be granted if you selected the option "Allow event date entry and modification" while configuring a status. Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Users] User Types > Recruiting > Candidates > Candidate Selection Workflow

                                    Setting Description Default Value Location
                                    Reset Candidate Selection Workflow after Candidate Re-applies Reset the candidate selection workflow to the 1st step/status after a candidate re-applies for the same requisition (after submission expiration). By default the candidate's status remains the same. The CSW will not change if the submission has reached the "Offer" step or if an interview has been scheduled. If the submission has reached the status Hired, Inactive or Withdrawn Configuration > [Recruiting] Settings
                                    Simultaneous Hiring of Multiple Candidates Allow users to hire multiple candidates simultaneously. The setting is a global setting that affects all requisition types (professional, executive, hourly, etc.). It cannot be activated for a specific requisition type. As a recommended practice, customers should activate this feature to perform mass hiring. Yes Configuration > [Recruiting] Settings
                                    Threshold CSW Step - Hide from Search

                                    Indicates the CSW reference model step at which, once reached, candidates will be excluded from search results (unless the user type has overriding permission). Candidates are excluded from search results once they have reached the threshold step or when they are at a step that comes after the threshold step in the reference model sequence. Possible values are:

                                    • Not Specified (candidates are never excluded from search result)

                                    • New

                                    • Reviewed

                                    • Declined

                                    • Rejected

                                    • Testing

                                    • Offer

                                    • Minimum Workflow Sequence

                                    • 1st Interview

                                    • 2nd Interview

                                    • 3rd Interview

                                    Minimum Workflow Sequence Configuration > [Recruiting] Settings

                                      Candidate Selection Workflow - Other Configuration Tasks

                                        Creating a Candidate Selection Workflow

                                        Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Candidate Selection Workflow
                                        1. Click the Workflows tab.

                                        2. Click New...

                                        3. Enter a name for the new candidate selection workflow and translate it in all available languages.

                                        4. Enter a code, comments, and description.

                                        5. Click the Steps Usage tab.

                                        6. Add steps to the workflow.

                                          1. Click Add...

                                          2. Select steps.

                                          3. Click Add.

                                        7. Reorder steps.

                                          1. Select a position (number) in the list for each step.

                                          2. Click Reorder.

                                        8. Associate Organizations, Locations and Job Fields to the workflow.

                                        9. Associate a requisition type to the workflow.

                                        10. Click Done.

                                        The candidate selection workflow appears in the Workflows page.

                                          Deleting a Candidate Selection Workflow

                                          A workflow being used by another user cannot be deleted.

                                          Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Candidate Selection Workflow
                                          1. Click the Workflows tab.

                                          2. Select a candidate selection workflow.

                                          3. Click the Delete icon.

                                          The candidate selection workflow can no longer be used in the Recruiting Center. The candidate selection workflow is permanently removed from the database.

                                            Deactivating a Candidate Selection Workflow

                                            A candidate selection workflow must be active in order to deactivate it.

                                            Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Candidate Selection Workflow
                                            1. Click the Workflows tab.

                                            2. Click a candidate selection workflow.

                                            3. Clear the Available check box.

                                            4. Click Done.

                                            In the Workflows page, a check mark no longer appears in the Available column next to the candidate selection workflow. Users can no longer use the candidate selection workflow. The candidate selection workflow remains available in the database.

                                              Making a Candidate Selection Workflow the Default Workflow

                                              The candidate selection workflow must be activated.

                                              Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Candidate Selection Workflow
                                              1. Click the Workflows tab.

                                              2. Click a candidate selection workflow.

                                              3. Select Default Workflow.

                                              4. Click Done.

                                              In the Workflows page, a check mark appears in the Default column next to the candidate selection workflow. The candidate selection workflow appears by default when users create a requisition.

                                                Adding a Step to a Candidate Selection Workflow

                                                The step must be activated in order to add it to the candidate selection workflow.

                                                There is no limit on the number of steps that can be used in a candidate selection workflow.

                                                Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Candidate Selection Workflow
                                                1. Click the Workflows tab.

                                                2. Click a candidate selection workflow.

                                                3. Under the Steps Usage tab, click Add...

                                                4. Select a step.

                                                5. Click Add.

                                                6. Click Done.

                                                  Removing a Step from a Candidate Selection Workflow

                                                  The step must be included in the candidate selection workflow.

                                                  Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Candidate Selection Workflow
                                                  1. Click the Workflows tab.

                                                  2. Click a candidate selection workflow.

                                                  3. Click the check box next to a step.

                                                  4. Click Remove.

                                                  The step is no longer included in the candidate selection workflow. A step removed from a candidate selection workflow is not deleted permanently; it is still available in the Steps page and can be reused.

                                                  When you remove a step from a candidate selection workflow, the step becomes inactive. Although the step is inactive, its order within the step sequence is retained and remains configurable. This is because deactivating a step removes the ability to move candidates to that step in the future, but it does not remove candidates from within such steps, if applicable. It is therefore recommended that inactive steps continue to be sequenced logically with respect to other steps (whether active or inactive) such that, if candidates are in fact in those steps, they can still follow a selection process that is coherent.

                                                    Ordering Steps in a Candidate Selection Workflow

                                                    Steps must have been added to the candidate selection workflow.

                                                    Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Candidate Selection Workflow
                                                    1. Click the Workflows tab.

                                                    2. Click a candidate selection workflow.

                                                    3. Click the Steps Usage tab.

                                                    4. Select a new position (number) in the list next to the step name.

                                                    5. Click Reorder.

                                                      Configuring the Details of a Step

                                                      The step must have been added to the candidate selection workflow before configuring it.

                                                      Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Candidate Selection Workflow
                                                      1. Click the Workflows tab.

                                                      2. Click a candidate selection workflow.

                                                      3. Click the Steps Usage tab.

                                                      4. Click the name of a step.

                                                      5. Review the properties of each step.

                                                        "Mandatory" indicates that the step is required to be completed.
                                                        "Restricted" prevents a step from being visible in the Recruiting Center candidate list for those who do not have the permission to see restricted steps. If you make a step Restricted, you must also set the permission "View candidates in steps whose confidentiality level is "Restricted".
                                                        "Allow" allows users to move candidates from one step to another and to complete unfinished tasks at a later time on the selection process.
                                                      6. Set notifications so that users receive a message when a step is reached by a candidate.

                                                        1. Select a recipient.

                                                        2. Select a message template.

                                                      7. Click Done.

                                                      In the Workflow Details page, under the Steps Usage tab, a check icon appears in the Mandatory, Restricted and Allow columns depending of your configuration choices.

                                                        Selecting the Default Status of a Step

                                                        The step must be created.

                                                        Only one status must be defined as the initial status for a specific step.

                                                        Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Candidate Selection Workflow > Steps tab
                                                        1. Click on a step.

                                                        2. In the Statuses Usage tab, click on the desired status.

                                                        3. Select the option This is the initial status for this step.

                                                        4. Click Done.

                                                        In the Step Details page, under the Statuses Usage tab, a check mark appears in the Initial column next to the status. The default status is used when a candidate reaches the step.

                                                          Creating a Step

                                                          Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Candidate Selection Workflow

                                                          1. Click the Steps tab.

                                                          2. Click New...

                                                          3. Enter a name for the new step and translate it in all available languages.

                                                          4. Enter a short name (which appears on the Step tab in the Candidate List of Recruiting), code, and comments.

                                                          5. Complete the Step Information field if you want to provide custom instructions for the step.

                                                            Only one text can be entered for each step for each language. A maximum of 1000 text based characters is supported. HTML, rich text format (RTF) and hyperlinks are not supported.
                                                          6. Select a reference model. Reference models are used to map steps to reports, emails, EEO status settings in Regulations as well as to other functions used throughout the application. They are also used to determine the status that will trigger the Employment Equity Information (USA) recruiting setting.

                                                          7. Click the Statuses Usage tab.

                                                            The Rejected and Declined statuses are present by default; they can be removed if desired.
                                                          8. Add statuses to the step.

                                                            1. Click Add...

                                                            2. Select statuses.

                                                            3. Click Add.

                                                          9. Reorder statuses.

                                                            1. Select a position (number) in the list for each status.

                                                            2. Click Reorder.

                                                          10. Click the Statuses Usage tab.

                                                          11. Review the actions tied to the step.

                                                            1. Remove the actions that are not necessary. Select the checkbox next to an action, then click Remove.

                                                            2. Add new actions if necessary. Click Add..., select the desired action, then click Add.

                                                            3. Reorder actions if necessary. Select a position (number) in the list for each action, then click Reorder.

                                                          12. Click Done.

                                                            Deleting a Step

                                                            The step must not be used in a candidate selection workflow.

                                                            Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Candidate Selection Workflow
                                                            1. Click the Steps tab.

                                                            2. Select a step.

                                                            3. Click the Delete icon.

                                                            The step no longer appears in the list of steps, and information is permanently deleted from the database.

                                                              Activating a Step

                                                              The step must be created.

                                                              Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Candidate Selection Workflow
                                                              1. Click the Steps tab.

                                                              2. Click a step.

                                                              3. Select Available.

                                                              4. Click Done.

                                                              In the Steps page, a check mark appears in the Available column next to the step. The step is available for selection when creating a candidate selection workflow.

                                                                Deactivating a Step

                                                                The step must not be used by a candidate selection workflow.

                                                                Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Candidate Selection Workflow
                                                                1. Click the Steps tab.

                                                                2. Click a step.

                                                                3. Clear the Available option.

                                                                4. Click Done.

                                                                In the Steps page, a check mark no longer appears in the Available column next to the step. The step is removed from the list of steps available when creating a candidate selection workflow. The step remains in the database.

                                                                  Creating Custom Instructions for a Step

                                                                  Only one text can be entered for each step for each language.

                                                                  Text must be provided for all available languages.

                                                                  A maximum of 1000 text based characters is supported. HTML, rich text format (RTF) and hyperlinks are not supported.

                                                                  Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Candidate Selection Workflow
                                                                  1. Click the Steps tab.

                                                                  2. Click a step.

                                                                  3. Enter text in the Step Information field.

                                                                  4. Click Done.

                                                                  The instructions appear in a callout located within the Selection Workflow area in the left hand side of a page. The callout displays all step-related instructions for the specific workflow, no matter what step the user has selected. The provided information regarding a step in a candidate selection workflow can explain to users, for example, the purpose of the step, what are the next steps in the workflow, etc.

                                                                    Adding an Action to a Step

                                                                    The action must be activated.

                                                                    Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Candidate Selection Workflow
                                                                    1. Click the Steps tab.

                                                                    2. Click a step.

                                                                    3. Click the Actions Usage tab.

                                                                    4. Click Add...

                                                                    5. Select an action.

                                                                    6. Click Add.

                                                                      Adding the Share Action in a Candidate Selection Workflow

                                                                      Configuration > Recruiting Administration > Candidate Selection Workflow
                                                                      1. Click the Steps tab.

                                                                      2. Click on a step that is included in the candidate selection workflow.

                                                                      3. Click the Actions Usage tab.

                                                                      4. Click Add...

                                                                      5. Select the Share Candidate in CSW Assistant action, then click Add.

                                                                      6. Click Done.

                                                                      When recruiters select the Change Step/Status action or the Bypass action in the More Actions menu, a Share candidate option is available in the Candidate Selection Workflow assistant window so that users can share a candidate while the candidate is being progressed in the selection workflow.

                                                                      In order to share candidates, users must have the Share candidates permission (Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > Users > User Types > Recruiting > Candidates).

                                                                        Removing an Action from a Step

                                                                        The action must be activated.

                                                                        Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Candidate Selection Workflow
                                                                        1. Click the Steps tab.

                                                                        2. Click a step.

                                                                        3. Click the Actions Usage tab.

                                                                        4. Select an action.

                                                                        5. Click Remove.

                                                                        The action is no longer available for the step. An action removed is not deleted permanently, it is still available in the Actions tab and can be reused.

                                                                          Reordering Actions in a Step

                                                                          Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Candidate Selection Workflow > Steps tab

                                                                          1. Click the Steps tab.

                                                                          2. Click a step.

                                                                          3. Click the Actions Usage tab.

                                                                          4. Select a new position (number) in the list next to the action name.

                                                                          5. Click Reorder.

                                                                            Creating a Status

                                                                            Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Candidate Selection Workflow

                                                                            1. Click the Statuses tab.

                                                                            2. Click New...

                                                                            3. Enter a name for the new status and translate it in all available languages.

                                                                            4. Enter a code and comments.

                                                                            5. Select a reference model. Reference models are used to map statuses to a core standard process for reporting and database administration.

                                                                            6. Select the option "Allow event date entry and modification" (optional).

                                                                              This option is used for actions that result in a change of status (that is, Change Status, Move, Bypass, Offer, Hire a Candidate, Candidate has Declined, Reject Candidate). The results displayed in reports will reflect the actual dates when events were performed. Users will be able to enter the date when an event was performed, rather than when it was recorded.
                                                                            7. Select the option "Activate the corresponding action" if you want the status to be available as an action in the More Actions list.

                                                                              This option is available for these statuses: Rejected, Declined, Offer, Verbal Offer, Hired.
                                                                            8. Add qualifier groups.

                                                                              1. Click Add...

                                                                              2. Select qualifier groups.

                                                                              3. Click Add.

                                                                            9. Reorder qualifier groups.

                                                                              1. Select a position (number) in the list for each qualifier group.

                                                                              2. Click Reorder.

                                                                            10. Click Done.

                                                                            The status appears in the Statuses page.

                                                                              Deleting a Status

                                                                              The status cannot be used in a step.

                                                                              Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Candidate Selection Workflow
                                                                              1. Click the Statuses tab.

                                                                              2. Select a status.

                                                                              3. Click the Delete icon.

                                                                              The status no longer appears in the list of statuses and is permanently removed from the database.

                                                                                Activating a Status

                                                                                The status must be created.

                                                                                Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Candidate Selection Workflow
                                                                                1. Click the Statuses tab.

                                                                                2. Click a status.

                                                                                3. Select the Available option.

                                                                                4. Click Done.

                                                                                In the Statuses page, a check mark appears in the Available column next to the status. The status is available for selection when creating a step.

                                                                                  Deactivating a Status

                                                                                  A status must be active in order to deactivate it.

                                                                                  Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Candidate Selection Workflow
                                                                                  1. Click the Statuses tab.

                                                                                  2. Click a status.

                                                                                  3. Clear the Available check box.

                                                                                  4. Click Done.

                                                                                  In the Statuses page, a check mark no longer appears in the Available column next to the status. The status no longer appears in the list of statuses available when creating a step. The status remains in the database.

                                                                                    Configuring the Details of a Status

                                                                                    The status must be added to the step before configuring it.

                                                                                    Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Candidate Selection Workflow
                                                                                    1. Click the Steps tab.

                                                                                    2. Click a step.

                                                                                    3. Click the Statuses Usage tab.

                                                                                    4. Click a status.

                                                                                    5. Indicate if the status is the initial status of the step.

                                                                                    6. Determine the step progression level, that is Not Started, In Progress, Completed.

                                                                                    7. Select a status change button that is used as a shortcut to change the status of a candidate directly in a candidate file.

                                                                                    8. Select the Ask for a qualifier option if you want the user to select a qualifier to motivate the change to this status. This option is available only if the status has qualifiers defined.

                                                                                    9. Select the Ask for comments option if you want the user to enter a comment when the change is done to this status.

                                                                                    10. Select the Interview Scheduling Behavior option if you want the system to automatically change the status once an interview is scheduled for the step. This option is used with the Interview Scheduling feature only. You can activate the Interview Scheduling Behavior option for statuses related to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Interview steps. When a recruiter creates a meeting in Recruiting, if the Interview Scheduling Behavior option is selected in more than one status, the recruiter will have to select the appropriate status in the Action Dialog window. The Interview Scheduling permission must be enabled.

                                                                                    11. Set notifications so that users receive a message when a status is reached by a candidate. Select a recipient, then select a message template.

                                                                                    12. Activate the automatic progression of candidates feature if desired and create conditions.

                                                                                    13. Click Done.

                                                                                      Adding a Status to a Step

                                                                                      The status must be activated in order to add it to the step.

                                                                                      Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Candidate Selection Workflow
                                                                                      1. Click the Steps tab

                                                                                      2. Click a step.

                                                                                      3. Click the Statuses Usage tab.

                                                                                      4. Click Add...

                                                                                      5. Select a status.

                                                                                      6. Click Add.

                                                                                      7. Click Done.

                                                                                        Removing a Status from a Step

                                                                                        You cannot remove a status that was selected as the initial status. You must first select another status that will become the initial status.

                                                                                        Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Candidate Selection Workflow > Steps tab
                                                                                        1. Click the Steps tab

                                                                                        2. Click a step.

                                                                                        3. Click the Statuses Usage tab.

                                                                                        4. Select a status.

                                                                                        5. Click Remove.

                                                                                        6. Click Done.

                                                                                        The status is no longer included in the step. A status removed from a step is not deleted permanently; it is still available in the Statuses page and can be reused.

                                                                                          Ordering Statuses in a Step

                                                                                          Statuses must be included in the step before ordering them.

                                                                                          Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Candidate Selection Workflow
                                                                                          1. Click the Steps tab

                                                                                          2. Click a step.

                                                                                          3. Click the Statuses Usage tab.

                                                                                          4. Select a new position (number) in the list next to the status name.

                                                                                          5. Click Reorder.

                                                                                          6. Click Done.

                                                                                            Activating an Action

                                                                                            Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Candidate Selection Workflow

                                                                                            1. Click the Actions tab.

                                                                                            2. Click an action.

                                                                                            3. Select the Available option.

                                                                                            4. Click Done.

                                                                                            In the Actions page, a check mark appears in the Available column next to the action. The action is available for selection when creating a step.

                                                                                              Deactivating an Action

                                                                                              Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Candidate Selection Workflow > Actions tab

                                                                                              1. Click the Actions tab.

                                                                                              2. Click an action.

                                                                                              3. Clear the Available check box.

                                                                                              4. Click Done.

                                                                                              In the Actions page, a check mark no longer appears in the Available column next to the action. Also, the action is no longer available in the list of actions for selection when creating a step.

                                                                                                Making Comments Mandatory for an Action

                                                                                                Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Candidate Selection Workflow

                                                                                                1. Click the Actions tab.

                                                                                                2. Click an action.

                                                                                                3. Select the option Make comment mandatory.

                                                                                                4. Click Done.

                                                                                                In the Actions page, a check mark appears in the Comment Mandatory column next to the action and users will need to provide a comment for this action.

                                                                                                  Creating a Qualifier

                                                                                                  Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Candidate Selection Workflow

                                                                                                  1. Click the Qualifiers tab.

                                                                                                  2. Click New...

                                                                                                  3. Enter a name for the new qualifier and translate it in all available languages.

                                                                                                  4. Enter a code and comments.

                                                                                                  5. Select the Available option.

                                                                                                  6. Click Done.

                                                                                                  The qualifier appears in the Qualifiers page.

                                                                                                    Deleting a Qualifier

                                                                                                    The qualifier must be deactivated.

                                                                                                    The qualifier must not be used in a candidate selection workflow.

                                                                                                    Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Candidate Selection Workflow > Qualifiers
                                                                                                    1. Click the Qualifiers tab.

                                                                                                    2. Select a qualifier.

                                                                                                    3. Click the Delete icon.

                                                                                                      Creating a Qualifier Group

                                                                                                      Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Candidate Selection Workflow

                                                                                                      1. Click the Qualifier Groups tab.

                                                                                                      2. Click New...

                                                                                                      3. Enter a name for the new qualifier group and translate it in all available languages.

                                                                                                      4. Enter a code and comments.

                                                                                                      5. Select the Available option.

                                                                                                      6. Click Add to add an existing qualifier or New to create a new qualifier.

                                                                                                      7. Select at least one qualifier.

                                                                                                      8. Click Done.

                                                                                                      The qualifier group appears in the Qualifier Groups page. Users have a means to explain why they moved a candidate in the candidate selection workflow or changed the status of a candidate.

                                                                                                        Deleting a Qualifier Group

                                                                                                        Qualifier group must not be in use.

                                                                                                        Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Candidate Selection Workflow > Qualifier Group
                                                                                                        1. Click the Qualifier Groups tab.

                                                                                                        2. Select a qualifier group.

                                                                                                        3. Click the Delete icon.

                                                                                                          Bulk Move to the Hire Step/Status

                                                                                                          Recruiting Center users can move several candidates to the Hire step/status in a single transaction.

                                                                                                          When this feature is activated, users are able to select more than one candidate to move to the Hire step/status. The system performs a verification to see if the number of candidates selected is equal to or less than the number of positions still open. If additional information is required during the hire action, for example the start date, all the information entered will apply to all candidates hired in that action.

                                                                                                          This feature supports candidate selection workflows with or without the RSOffer step.

                                                                                                            Activating the Bulk Move to Hire Step/Status

                                                                                                            Configuration > [Recruiting] Settings

                                                                                                            1. Click the Simultaneous Hiring of Multiple Candidates setting.

                                                                                                            2. Click Edit.

                                                                                                            3. Select Yes.

                                                                                                            4. Click Save.

                                                                                                              Step/Status Change in One Click

                                                                                                              Recruiting Center users can use the Next Action feature to access steps and statuses directly in the candidates list without having to select an action in the More Actions list.

                                                                                                              The Next Action column is available in a candidate list format. The Next Action column contains actions that will give access to the next status or step related to a candidate. Actions available in the new column will allow users to:

                                                                                                              • Change the status of a candidate to the next completion status (if the step is not already completed).

                                                                                                              • Move the candidate to the initial status of the next step if the current step is completed.

                                                                                                              Actions available in the Next Action column are Candidate Selection Workflow (CSW) movements only, either a
                                                                                                              • Move to the next step in the CSW.

                                                                                                              • Change to the completion status within the current step.

                                                                                                              If the current status is not a completion status, the action displayed will be a move (change status) to the first completion status of the current step. If the current status is a completion status, then the action will be a move to the next step at the initial status. In a one-step CSW (reference workflow), only statuses configured as a "completion status" will show up as next steps.

                                                                                                                Updating Steps and Statuses for Submissions on Different Requisitions

                                                                                                                Recruiting Center users can select multiple submissions on different requisitions and update the corresponding step or status.

                                                                                                                Recruiting Center users can select several candidate submissions submitted on different requisitions and move them to the next step, bypass the current step, or change the step's status provided all the submissions are at the same step and all the requisitions use the same Candidate Selection Workflow (CSW).

                                                                                                                Whichever action users want to perform (move candidate submissions to the next step, change a step's status, or bypass the current step) on multiple submissions, the users require the corresponding user type permission. If users do not have a particular permission, the corresponding action is unavailable for selection.

                                                                                                                If users select multiple submissions and some of them do not correspond to the user type permission that governs the action the users want to perform, a message at the end of the updating process indicates which submissions were not updated. Take the case of a user who had a user type that had the Bypass steps: Only if this user is an owner of the requisitions permission. Suppose the user selected multiple candidate submissions on different requisitions and all the submissions were at the 1st Interview step. The user then performed the bypass action to advance the submissions directly to the 3rd Interview step. If the selection included submissions from candidates for whom the user was a collaborator rather than the owner, the system would generate a message listing the submissions that were not updated. The submissions of candidates "owned" by the user would be updated to the 3rd Interview step.

                                                                                                                If users change the current step of multiple submissions to Hire and some of the requisitions are then filled, a message is displayed for each filled requisition.

                                                                                                                • If there are active offers associated with a filled requisition, the following message is displayed: Once this operation is completed, all openings available for the requisition {Requisition ID} will have been filled. The system will then unpost the requisition. However, you must first rescind all other offers extended to be able to close the requisition.

                                                                                                                • If there are no active offers associated with a filled requisition, the following message is displayed: Once this operation is completed, all openings available for the requisition {Requisition ID} will have been filled. If the system is not able to unpost the requisition and change its status to "Filled", the requisition will have to be filled manually and the system will assign a task to {0}. Do you want to hire the selected candidates? If the user answers "No", the action is canceled; none of the submissions selected initially are updated to the Hire step.

                                                                                                                While a user is updating the step or status of a selection of submissions on different submissions, the "Send correspondence" check box is available for selection if the individual has a user type that has the following permission and value: Send correspondence (while changing the status of a candidate in a workflow) - Without restriction. If the value is instead Only if this user is an owner of the requisitions or a collaborator, the check box is displayed only if the individual is the owner of or a collaborator for all of the submissions selected.

                                                                                                                While a user is updating the step or status of a selection of submissions on different submissions, the workflow Event Date calendar is available for selection provided that all the submissions selected satisfy the Set candidate selection workflow event dates permission for the user type assigned to the user. For example, if the setting value is Only if this user is an owner of the requisitions or a collaborator, the user must be the owner of or a collaborator for all of the submissions or Event Date calendar will not be displayed.


                                                                                                                The following permissions are listed because they have an effect not only when a user wants to update a step or status for a single submission but also when multiple submissions are selected for updating as a batch.

                                                                                                                User Type Permission Location
                                                                                                                Change submission status Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Users] User Types > [Functional Domains] Recruiting > [Candidates] Edit
                                                                                                                Move submissions to next step Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Users] User Types > [Functional Domains] Recruiting > [Candidates] Edit
                                                                                                                Bypass steps Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Users] User Types > [Functional Domains] Recruiting > [Candidates] Edit
                                                                                                                Send correspondence (while changing the status of a candidate in a workflow) Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Users] User Types > [Functional Domains] Recruiting > [Candidates] Edit
                                                                                                                Set candidate selection workflow event dates Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Users] User Types > [Functional Domains] Recruiting > [Candidates] Edit

                                                                                                                  Reverting a Step or Status Change

                                                                                                                  A permission can be granted to users so they can access the Revert action, which enables them to revert a candidate submission's progression in the candidate selection workflow.

                                                                                                                  The permission "Revert step or status change" was created to grant or deny users access to the Revert action in the More Actions menu. With this permission, it is possible to determine if:

                                                                                                                  • a user can revert a step or status change,

                                                                                                                  • a user can revert a step or status change but only if the action to be reverted has been performed by that user,

                                                                                                                  • a user cannot revert a step or status change.

                                                                                                                  The following permissions/rules apply on top of the "Revert step or status change" permission. A user granted the "Revert step or status change" permission will be unable to perform a revert action if one of the existing rules is not met.

                                                                                                                  • Users must have the "Change submission status" permission to revert a status change action.

                                                                                                                  • Users must have the "Change submission status" permission and the "Move submissions to next step" permission to revert a step change action.

                                                                                                                  • Users must have the "View candidates in steps whose security level is "Restricted" permission to see restricted steps to revert a step change action for which, once reverted, the submission will be on a restricted step.

                                                                                                                  User Type Permission Location
                                                                                                                  Revert step or status change Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Users] User Types > Recruiting > Candidates > Candidate Selection Workflow
                                                                                                                  Change submission status Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Users] User Types > Recruiting > Candidates > Candidate Selection Workflow
                                                                                                                  Move submissions to next step Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Users] User Types > Recruiting > Candidates > Candidate Selection Workflow
                                                                                                                  View candidates in steps whose security level is "Restricted Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Users] User Types > Recruiting > Candidates > Candidate Selection Workflow

                                                                                                                    Candidate Progression Status

                                                                                                                    The candidate progression status indicates the most advanced progression status of a candidate on other requisitions across all positions where the candidate is being considered.

                                                                                                                    To see the progression status of a candidate, the Progression Status column must be added to the candidate list format. Icons are then used to indicate the furthest active progression status of a candidate across all positions where he/she is being considered. When clicking a progression status icon, a tooltip indicates the active status and a date. For example: "Most advanced progression status: New (as of 2011-Oct-17)".

                                                                                                                    Progression Status Icon Description
                                                                                                                    New progression icon New
                                                                                                                    Reviewed progression icon Reviewed
                                                                                                                    First interview progression icon, Second interview progression icon, Third interview progression icon First, second, and third interview
                                                                                                                    Testing progression icon Testing
                                                                                                                    Offer progression icon Offer
                                                                                                                    Hired progression icon Hired
                                                                                                                    Pipeline progression icon Pipeline
                                                                                                                    Contact progression icon Contact

                                                                                                                    In the example below, a candidate has applied to four jobs:

                                                                                                                    Job Job Status Candidate Status
                                                                                                                    1 Active for sourcing New > To be reviewed
                                                                                                                    2 Closed Interview 2 > To be scheduled
                                                                                                                    3 Active for sourcing Offer > Rejected
                                                                                                                    4 Active for sourcing Interview 1 > To be scheduled

                                                                                                                    The icon that would appear for this candidate across all contexts would be Interview 1 icon because it is the furthest active progression status on an active job. Both requisition status and candidate status must be active to be considered for the furthest active progression status.

                                                                                                                    In the Candidates list, the In Selection Process icon remains available and shows the parallel job applications of the candidate. In a job-specific candidate list, the progression status icon may be displayed while the In Selection Process icon may not be displayed if there is only one job application. In the search result list, if the In Selection Process icon is displayed, the progression status icon is also displayed. If no In Selection Process icon is displayed, the progression status column is empty.

                                                                                                                    It is recommended to remove the tracking solution (In Selection Process icon) and to replace it with the Progression Status feature in general lists (such as search result lists, folder lists) if you allow users to view the content of requisitions to which a candidate has applied and to which the user has access. In a job-specific candidate list, the In Selection Process icon is visible only when there is at least one concurrent active job application, and the progression status icon is visible as soon as there is one active job application.

                                                                                                                      Threshold CSW Step - Candidates Hidden from Search Results

                                                                                                                      The main objective of this feature is to exclude from search results candidates who have reached a specific status to avoid creating additional applications.

                                                                                                                      With the following setting, the system administrator configures what "step" in the candidate selection workflow when reached and still active should prevent candidates from being searched by unauthorized users.

                                                                                                                      Setting Description Default Value Location
                                                                                                                      Threshold CSW Step - Hide from Search

                                                                                                                      Indicates the CSW reference model step at which, once reached, candidates will be excluded from search results (unless the user type has overriding permission). Candidates are excluded from search results once they have reached the threshold step or when they are at a step that comes after the threshold step in the reference model sequence. Possible values are:

                                                                                                                      • Not Specified (candidates are never excluded from search result)

                                                                                                                      • New

                                                                                                                      • Reviewed

                                                                                                                      • Declined

                                                                                                                      • Rejected

                                                                                                                      • Testing

                                                                                                                      • Offer

                                                                                                                      • Minimum Workflow Sequence

                                                                                                                      • 1st Interview

                                                                                                                      • 2nd Interview

                                                                                                                      • 3rd Interview

                                                                                                                      Minimum Workflow Sequence Configuration > [Recruiting] Settings
                                                                                                                      The above setting works in conjunction with the following user type permission. The system administrator can specify which user types can view, through searches, candidates who are being considered on other requisitions.

                                                                                                                      User Type Permission Location
                                                                                                                      Allow users to view candidates that are being considered in other active requisitions Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > User Types > Recruiting > Search

                                                                                                                        Competitive Workflow Restriction

                                                                                                                        This feature prevents Recruiting Center users from advancing a candidate in the candidate selection workflow if the candidate is already in an advanced stage of selection (offer or hire step) for another position.

                                                                                                                        The system can be configured such that if the workflow for one active submission is advanced beyond the selected threshold reference workflow step, users are prevented from advancing the workflow of other submissions for this candidate.

                                                                                                                        Note that an active submission is a submission where the user is in the step on an active requisition and not at a terminal that ends the workflow, such as Rejected or Withdrawn. In other words, the candidate is still being actively considered on an active requisition or the candidate has been hired.

                                                                                                                        To enable this feature, the following setting must be configured. System administrators must select the reference workflow step that once reached will invoke blocking the progression on other submissions. If no step is selected, the function is not activated.

                                                                                                                        Setting Description Default Value Location
                                                                                                                        Threshold CSW Step - Prevent Advancing Indicates the CSW reference model step at which, once reached, candidates are locked to the submission and cannot be advanced on other submissions (unless the user type has overriding permission).

                                                                                                                        Possible values are:

                                                                                                                        • Not Specified (candidates are never locked from the submission)

                                                                                                                        • Reviewed

                                                                                                                        • 1st Interview

                                                                                                                        • 2nd Interview

                                                                                                                        • 3rd Interview

                                                                                                                        • Testing

                                                                                                                        • Offer

                                                                                                                        Configuration > [Recruiting] Settings

                                                                                                                        System administrators can grant the following user type permission to bypass this blocking and allow associated users to advance candidates regardless of other submissions:

                                                                                                                        User Type Permission Location
                                                                                                                        Advanced candidates in workflow even if already reached the threshold step on a different submission Configuration > [SmartOrg] Administration > [Users] User Types > Recruiting > Candidates

                                                                                                                        When all of the above has been configured, users will only notice a change if all the following elements are true:

                                                                                                                        • The candidate has two or more submissions.

                                                                                                                        • One of those submissions is active (not rejected or withdrawn), and its workflow has advanced beyond the threshold step.

                                                                                                                        • The requisition is active or the candidate is marked as being hired.

                                                                                                                        • The user tries to advance the workflow of one of the other submissions from this candidate.

                                                                                                                        • The user does not have user type permission to ignore this restriction.

                                                                                                                        Note that the Competitive Workflow Restriction feature is complementary to the feature which hides candidates from search results if they are beyond a threshold step (which is activated by the Threshold CSW Step - Hide from Search setting). See Threshold CSW Step - Candidates Hidden from Search Results.

                                                                                                                          Automatic Progression of Candidates

                                                                                                                          When configuring a status used in a step, it is possible to allow candidates to reach the status automatically when specific conditions are met.

                                                                                                                          This is done by configuring the Automatic Progression of Applications feature in the Status Details page. You can create and edit conditions that will be used to identify candidates who are allowed to reach this status automatically. If setting the condition to be based on the Job Specific Submission for the candidate having all the required criteria or not, it is recommended that the prescreening questions and competencies be mandatory as part of the application process, so that the automatic progression can progress properly. If a candidate completes the submission but does not answer the prescreening questions and competencies because they were not mandatory, the candidate will be viewed as not having the required criteria and could not therefore progress based on that.

                                                                                                                          Another option for the automatic progression of candidates is based on Screening Services results. Passport is responsible for handling requests to and from external service providers. It communicates with other modules in order to maintain requests up to date and interacts with the assessment platform to request assessment evaluations. The automatic progression of submissions automates the candidate selection workflow process based on the results obtained by Passport external services.

                                                                                                                            Activating the Automatic Progression of Candidates

                                                                                                                            Requisition and candidate statuses must be active to consider a candidate for the furthest active progression status.

                                                                                                                            Tracking solution must be removed.

                                                                                                                            Configuration > [Recruiting] Administration > Candidate Selection Workflow
                                                                                                                            1. Click the Steps tab.

                                                                                                                            2. Click a step.

                                                                                                                            3. Click the Statuses Usage tab.

                                                                                                                            4. Click a status.

                                                                                                                            5. Select the option Allow candidates to reach this status automatically when the (optional) conditions specified below are met.

                                                                                                                            6. Click Create a Condition...

                                                                                                                            7. Complete the fields.

                                                                                                                              The list of available condition providers will vary according to the providers selected at your organization. Information will vary according to service selected. For more information on available services, please contact Oracle.

                                                                                                                            8. Click Done.

                                                                                                                            9. Click Done.

                                                                                                                            The automatic progression feature is now activated for the status so that candidates can reach a status automatically when specified conditions are met.

                                                                                                                              Automatic Progression of Candidates using Fields

                                                                                                                              Candidates can automatically be progressed in the candidate selection workflow based on certain fields present in their job submission.

                                                                                                                              When system administrators configure a candidate selection workflow and define a status usage within a step, they can create conditions to automatically progress candidates in the candidate selection workflow.

                                                                                                                              Rules Created with Standard Fields

                                                                                                                              Specific standard fields in these categories can be used to create automatic candidate progression rules:

                                                                                                                              • Personal Information

                                                                                                                              • Work Conditions

                                                                                                                              • Work Experience

                                                                                                                              • Education

                                                                                                                              • Certifications

                                                                                                                              • References

                                                                                                                              • Contingent Staffing

                                                                                                                              • Evaluation Management

                                                                                                                              • Other

                                                                                                                              For a list of specific standard fields supported to create auto-progression conditions, see Standard Fields for Automatic Progression of Candidates.

                                                                                                                              Automatic candidate progression rules based on specific fields can be used for different purposes. For example, to automatically bypass workflow steps for internal candidates. Let's say that a company has a candidate selection workflow based on the candidate being an internal candidate (employee) or an external candidate. The way the system knows if a candidate is an employee is based on the Internal Candidate field being selected. When an employee applies for a job, the system verifies the Internal Candidate field and if the field is selected, the candidate is automatically progressed to the specified status in the workflow.

                                                                                                                              Automatic candidate progression rules allow progressing candidates to a later status within the same step. It is however possible to move candidates to another step by enabling the automatic progression on the initial status of a step. This way, candidates being on the completion status of a step will be moved to the step where automatic progression is enabled on the initial status. Note that if there are mandatory steps in between the two steps, the automatic progression will not occur. This feature also allows to connect multiple automatic progression rules one after the others in order to move candidates to a later step and progress them to a specific status within that step.

                                                                                                                              Rules Created with User-defined Fields

                                                                                                                              User-defined fields in these categories can also be used:

                                                                                                                              • Education

                                                                                                                              • Personal Information

                                                                                                                              • Work Experience

                                                                                                                              • Job-specific Submission

                                                                                                                              When submission UDFs are made available in Recruiting, they can be used to create conditions. When administrators create a new condition, submission UDFs are available for selection under Job-specific submission > User-defined Field > Submission Information.

                                                                                                                              Important Notes

                                                                                                                              System administrators must design and test new CSW rules thoroughly as they may lead to undesired behavior if not used correctly. For the same reason, it is not recommended to use the automatic progression of candidates functionality to automatically reject candidate submissions.

                                                                                                                                Standard Fields for Automatic Progression of Candidates

                                                                                                                                Personal Information
                                                                                                                                Accepts Job Posting Notifications

                                                                                                                                Education Level

                                                                                                                                Last Name


                                                                                                                                Address (line 1)

                                                                                                                                Email Address

                                                                                                                                Middle Name


                                                                                                                                Address (line 2)

                                                                                                                                Employee Number

                                                                                                                                Minimum Annual Salary


                                                                                                                                Advance Notice

                                                                                                                                Employee Status

                                                                                                                                Pager Number

                                                                                                                                Social Security Number

                                                                                                                                Anonymous job submission

                                                                                                                                Fax Number

                                                                                                                                Place of Residence


                                                                                                                                Application Medium

                                                                                                                                First Name

                                                                                                                                Preferred Job


                                                                                                                                Cellular Number

                                                                                                                                Home Phone Number

                                                                                                                                Preferred Location

                                                                                                                                Website Address


                                                                                                                                Internal Candidate

                                                                                                                                Preferred Organization

                                                                                                                                Work Phone Number

                                                                                                                                Cover Letter

                                                                                                                                Job Level


                                                                                                                                Zip/Postal Code


                                                                                                                                Job Type

                                                                                                                                Primary Number

                                                                                                                                Work Conditions Work Experience Education Certifications
                                                                                                                                Currency Achievements City Location

                                                                                                                                Expected Hourly Pay Rate

                                                                                                                                Current Job

                                                                                                                                Education Level (Achieved)


                                                                                                                                Hours per week willing to work

                                                                                                                                May we contact the supervisor? GPA Organization

                                                                                                                                Hours per week, preferred

                                                                                                                                Name During Employment

                                                                                                                                GPA out of

                                                                                                                                Willing to work on holidays

                                                                                                                                Supervisor's Email Address

                                                                                                                                Graduated from High School or GED

                                                                                                                                Willing to work on weekends

                                                                                                                                Supervisor's Name


                                                                                                                                Supervisor's Phone

                                                                                                                                Student name while attending the program

                                                                                                                                Supervisor's Title


                                                                                                                                Contingent Staffing


                                                                                                                                Evaluation Management

                                                                                                                                Email Address

                                                                                                                                Agency Requisition Number

                                                                                                                                Prescreening score

                                                                                                                                Completed Questionnaires

                                                                                                                                First Name

                                                                                                                                Hourly Rate Paid to the Worker

                                                                                                                                ACE candidate

                                                                                                                                Questionnaire Average Score

                                                                                                                                Last Name

                                                                                                                                Sales tax must be charged

                                                                                                                                Background Check Consent


                                                                                                                                Staffing Agency Hourly Rate

                                                                                                                                eSignature complete

                                                                                                                                Middle Name

                                                                                                                                Worker ID

                                                                                                                                Application State


                                                                                                                                Worker Type

                                                                                                                                Phone Number


                                                                                                                                  Creating a Rule to Automatically Progress Candidates Based on Job-Submission Fields

                                                                                                                                  Configuration > Recruiting Administration > Candidate Selection Workflows
                                                                                                                                  1. Click the Steps tab.

                                                                                                                                  2. Click a step.

                                                                                                                                  3. Click the Statuses Usage tab.

                                                                                                                                  4. Click a status.

                                                                                                                                  5. Select the option Allow candidates to reach this status automatically when the (optional) conditions specified below are met.

                                                                                                                                  6. Click Create a Condition...

                                                                                                                                  7. Provide a name to the condition.

                                                                                                                                  8. In the Condition Statement section, select Job-specific submission in the first drop-down menu.

                                                                                                                                  9. Select Standard Field or User-defined Field.

                                                                                                                                  10. Select other elements to create the condition.

                                                                                                                                  11. Click Done.

                                                                                                                                  12. Click Done.

                                                                                                                                  The auto-progression rule is now activated and candidates can reach the step automatically when specified conditions are met.

                                                                                                                                    Automatic Progression of Candidates using Submission Medium

                                                                                                                                    Recruiting Center users can see which medium was used to submit information about a candidate initially and which medium was used most recently.

                                                                                                                                    Submissions for a job can be entered into the system in a number of ways: candidates can apply through a standard or mobile career section; candidate submissions can also be submitted by way of an agency, a referral, or a match performed in the Recruiting Center. The candidates are later invited to visit the career section to complete the application workflow.

                                                                                                                                    The Recruiting Center displays in the Profile section of the candidate file, two fields for medium:
                                                                                                                                    • The Original Submission Medium field indicates the medium used when the candidate submission was submitted the first time. The Original Submission Medium is read-only.

                                                                                                                                    • The Latest Submission Medium field indicates the medium used for the most recent submission. The Latest Submission Medium field is updated automatically when a submission is updated using a medium that is different from the one last used.

                                                                                                                                    Recruiting Center users can manually indicate the most recent medium used by making a selection from the corresponding list.

                                                                                                                                    System administrators can configure Candidate Selection Workflow (CSW) auto-progression rules such that when the original or latest submission medium takes on a specific value, the submission advances automatically to a different step and/or status. This is best explained by an example.

                                                                                                                                    Example: Suppose an organization wanted Recruiting Center users to consider candidates for a phone screening interview only after the candidates had submitted a fully completed submission that included an e-Signature. Original submissions that typically contain rudimentary information could originate, for example, from matches performed by Recruiting Center users, from the recommendations of friends, or from candidates who applied through mobile career sections. The Original Submission Medium value would be Matched to Job, Referral and Online Mobile respectively. In all of these cases, the candidates would receive an email message requesting them to visit the organization's "standard" career section and complete their submission. When the candidates provided a complete submission including an e-Signature, the value of the Latest Submission Medium would be changed automatically to Online. Suppose that the organization had configured a CSW such that candidates whose submission medium was Online were advanced automatically to the Phone screen step and Under consideration status. This would ensure that the candidates at the phone screening step in the CSW had submitted complete submissions.

                                                                                                                                    System administrators can also configure a list format to have the Original Medium and Latest Medium appear as columns in candidates list. See Configuring List Formats.

                                                                                                                                      Creating a Rule to Automatically Progress Candidates Based on Submission Medium

                                                                                                                                      Configuration > Recruiting Administration > Candidate Selection Workflows
                                                                                                                                      1. Click the Steps tab.

                                                                                                                                      2. Click a step.

                                                                                                                                      3. Click the Statuses Usage tab.

                                                                                                                                      4. Click a status.

                                                                                                                                      5. Select the option Allow candidates to reach this status automatically when the (optional) conditions specified below are met.

                                                                                                                                      6. Click Create a Condition...

                                                                                                                                      7. Provide a name to the condition.

                                                                                                                                      8. In the Condition Statement section, select Job-specific submission in the first drop-down menu.

                                                                                                                                      9. Select Standard Field in the second drop-down menu.

                                                                                                                                      10. Select Submission in the other drop-down menu.

                                                                                                                                      11. Select Latest Submission Medium or Original Submission Medium.

                                                                                                                                      12. Select a medium.

                                                                                                                                      13. Click Done.

                                                                                                                                      14. Click Done.

                                                                                                                                      The auto-progression rule is now activated and candidates can reach the step automatically when specified conditions are met.

                                                                                                                                        Candidate Selection Workflow Priority

                                                                                                                                        The candidate selection workflow priority ensures that the most appropriate workflow is displayed to the Recruiting Center user when they create a requisition.

                                                                                                                                        The system can sort candidate selection workflows (CSW) according to the level of compatibility and ensure that the most appropriate workflow is displayed when a user is creating a requisition.

                                                                                                                                        The system administrator must identify one CSW as the company default workflow. However, the default workflow will be preselected only if no other workflow is found to be compatible to the requisition or if other workflows are compatible because they are linked to all Organization, Location and Job Field (all-all-all).

                                                                                                                                        The system automatically preselects the most compatible workflow as follows:

                                                                                                                                        • The system makes the sum of the differences between the levels specified in the workflow and in the requisition.

                                                                                                                                        • The workflow with the least differences is the one displayed in the Candidate Selection Workflow field.

                                                                                                                                        • In case of a tie, the sort is performed on the code of the workflows.

                                                                                                                                        A workflow with no value (Null) for a dimension (Organization, Location or Job Field) will consequently be associated to all structure elements from that dimension. However, associating a workflow to no specific value (equivalent to all) will penalize its level of compatibility. Hence, a workflow tied to all-all-all will be much less pertinent than a workflow with the slightest specificity in its categorization.

                                                                                                                                        Below are examples of workflow using these OLF values:

                                                                                                                                        • Organization: Food Processing/Food Production

                                                                                                                                        • Location: United States/California/Los Angeles

                                                                                                                                        • Job Field: Cashier

                                                                                                                                        Workflow 1: There is no difference between the Organization-Location-Job Field information of this workflow and that of the requisition.

                                                                                                                                        Code Organization Location Job Field
                                                                                                                                        CSW1 Food Processing/Food Production United States/California/Los Angeles Cashier
                                                                                                                                        Difference (0) (0) (0)
                                                                                                                                        Workflow 2: Because there is no job field, the sum of the difference is 20.

                                                                                                                                        Code Organization Location Job Field
                                                                                                                                        CSW2 Food Processing/Food Production United States/California/Los Angeles All
                                                                                                                                        Difference (0) (0) (20)
                                                                                                                                        Workflow 3: There is a difference of one level in the Organization dimension, and a difference of two levels in the Location dimension, so the sum of the differences is 3.

                                                                                                                                        Code Organization Location Job Field
                                                                                                                                        CSW3 Food Processing United States Cashier
                                                                                                                                        Difference (1) (2) (0)

                                                                                                                                        Workflow 4: There is no difference between the Organization-Location-Job Field information of this workflow and that of the requisition.

                                                                                                                                        Code Organization Location Job Field
                                                                                                                                        CSW4 Food Processing/Food Production United States/California/Los Angeles Cashier
                                                                                                                                        Difference (0) (0) (0)
                                                                                                                                        Workflow 5: Since no dimension is specified in this workflow, the sum of the differences is 60.

                                                                                                                                        Code Organization Location Job Field
                                                                                                                                        CSW5 All All All
                                                                                                                                        Difference (20) (20) (20)
                                                                                                                                        Workflow 6: Once again, since no dimension is specified in this workflow, the sum of the differences is 60. However, this is the default workflow.

                                                                                                                                        Code Organization Location Job Field
                                                                                                                                        CSW6 All All All
                                                                                                                                        Difference (20) (20) (20)
                                                                                                                                        Workflow 7: The location of this workflow is not compatible with that of the requisition. This means that this workflow is excluded. In this example, the workflow that would be displayed in the Candidate Selection Workflow field is Workflow 4 (a_csw4), because even though Workflow 1 (z_csw1) and 4 are tied and have he lowest sum of differences, Workflow 4 will be displayed first when a sort is performed on the code.

                                                                                                                                        Code Organization Location Job Field
                                                                                                                                        CSW7 Food Processing/Food Production United States/California/San Jose Cashier