Create a Candidate Selection Process

You create a candidate selection process to move candidates through the hiring process, evaluate candidates, and find the best candidates for a job.

You can create multiple active candidate selection processes to adapt the selection process to your business needs. For example, your organization might want to use a short and simple process but also use a lengthier process with multiple phases. You can also configure candidate selection processes for different contexts (locations, organizations, job families, job functions, recruiting types).

Here's what to do

  1. Initiate the Creation Process

  2. Create Phases and States

  3. Configure Phases

  4. Add Actions

  5. Add Move Conditions

  6. Add Reason Groups

  7. Activate the Process

Initiate the Creation Process

You start the creation process by defining properties such as the process type, name, code, and description of the process.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to:

    • Offering: Recruiting and Candidate Experience

    • Functional Area: Candidate Job Applications

    • Task: Candidate Selection Process Configuration

  2. On the Candidate Selection Process Configuration page, click Create.

  3. On the Create Process page, select the process type:

    • Standard: Used for standard job requisitions.

    • Pipeline: Used for pipeline job requisitions. Contrary to the standard candidate selection process, the Offer and HR phases aren't included in a pipeline process because no hiring occurs.

  4. Enter a name, code, and description.

  5. Click Save and Continue.

When you're done, the details page of the candidate selection process is displayed. You can click the Edit Process Properties button to modify the information you just entered or to define the context when the process is used. If you set a recruiting type as the default, the selection process will be automatically selected for job requisitions created for this recruiting type.

Create Phases and States

A candidate selection process is made of multiple phases, and each phase is made of multiple states.

All candidate selection processes include these two required phases. You can't remove these phases and you can't edit the states within these two phases.
  • Offer
  • HR

The HR phase must be the last phase of the candidate selection process.

You can add phases between the Offer phase and the HR phase to allow users to temporarily put job applications that have an accepted offer but that aren't yet ready to be transferred to HR because tasks, such as background checks, are required. When you add a phase after the Offer phase, there is no longer any built-in progression for job applications reaching the Offer - Accepted status. Users can create an automatic progression into HR, or they can manually progress job applications into the phase.

Each phase contains these two required states. You can't remove these states and they must be the last two states of a phase.
  • Rejected by Employer
  • Withdrawn by Candidate

To create a phase and add states to the phase:

  1. Click Create to create a new phase.

  2. Enter a name and description for the phase.

  3. Click Create in the States section to add a state to the phase.

  4. Enter a name for the state. When you type the name of the new state, a list of existing state names is suggested to facilitate the reuse of existing names across processes.

  5. Click Save and Close.

You can change the order of phases using the Move Right and Move Left buttons in the process details page. You can also change the order of states within a phase using the up and down arrows.

Configure Phases

You can configure a phase as being required. When a phase is required, users are required to move job applications to mandatory phases before moving them further in the selection process. The Offer phase and HR phase are always required. Users who have the privilege Move Candidate Job Applications Ignoring Constraints (IRC_MOVE_CANDIDATE_JOB_APPLICATION_SKIPPING_MANDATORY_PHASES) can move job applications over mandatory phases.

You can configure a phase as being restricted. When a phase is restricted, it prevents users from viewing and managing job applications in some phases of the candidate selection process. If you do that, unconfirmed job applications are considered restricted. If there's no restricted phase, unconfirmed job applications are considered unrestricted. By default, all phases are set to unrestricted. You can only set a phase as being restricted if:

  • It's the first phase of the process.

  • It's a phase following a restricted phase.

The Offer phase, HR phase, and any phases between the Offer and HR phases can't be set as restricted. Users who have the aggregate privilege View Non-Restricted Candidate Job Application (ORA_IRC_VIEW_NON_RESTRICTED_CANDIDATE_JOB_APPLICATION) can't view job applications on restricted phases.

Add Actions

You can add actions to phases and states.

  • For phases, you can add actions to be performed on specific events of a phase. Actions configured on phase events are performed when the given event is triggered while job applications are within this phase (and if the condition defined on the action is met). For details, see How to Automate the Candidate Selection Process.
  • For states, the actions are automatically performed when candidate job applications are entering the state (and if the condition defined on the action is met). If a job application is already on the state and the condition is later met, the action won't be performed because the action is only performed when job applications enter the state.

When you have two or more actions on an event or state, a Reorder Actions option becomes available in the Actions menu. When you select that action, the Reorder Actions page is displayed and you can reorder the actions in a defined order. You can reorder actions regardless of the status of the candidate selection process. Note that when the Move or Move to HR action is performed on a state or event (and the condition is met for the move actions), the remaining actions (placed after the move actions) won't be performed because job applications are no longer on this state or event.

Some actions put at the very beginning of a candidate selection process used for candidates applying through an external career site are performed after a small delay so that the creation of job applications is fully completed before performing the actions. The actions are put in a queue. When the scheduled process Perform Recruiting Candidate Selection Process Actions is run, the actions are performed. This delay applies to actions configured in the initial phase and initial state of job applications of external candidates, except the Move and Move the HR actions. For details, see

Add Move Conditions

You can add move conditions to specific states of a candidate selection process. Move conditions prevent job applications from being moved out of a current state. All conditions must be met for a job application to move out of the current state. This applies to users trying to move job applications manually and to the automated candidate selection process actions trying to move job applications. Note that users with the privilege Move Candidate Job Applications Ignoring Constraints (IRC_MOVE_CANDIDATE_JOB_APPLICATION_SKIPPING_MANDATORY_PHASES) can move job applications even if the condition isn't met.

When you define move conditions, you can add predefined conditions, fast formulas used as conditions, or a combination of both. You can define a move condition regardless of the status of the candidate selection process that is draft, active, inactive. For details, see Define Conditions to Move Candidates.

Add Reason Groups

You can add reason groups to a specific state to gather meaningful information about why a job application was rejected or withdrawn for a job requisition. When you set a reason group on a state, users moving a job application to this state will be able to select a reason from the reason group. For details, see Define Reasons to Reject and Withdraw Job Applications.

Activate the Process

When the candidate selection process is ready, you activate it so it can be used in job requisitions.

  1. On the candidate selection process page, click the Edit Process Properties button.

  2. In the Status field, select Active.

  3. Click Save and Close.