Creating a Regional Jurisdiction

Regional jurisdictions categorize the provision for income tax at a federal or country level.

Regional jurisdictions can represent a state, province, territory, or other subdivision. For purposes of deductibility, Regional tax amounts can be set up to automatically flow into national calculations. Regional tax provisions can be calculated individually, or in total, by legal entity.

For information about the Jurisdiction dimension, see Jurisdiction Dimension.

To create a regional jurisdiction:

  1. From the Home page, select Navigator Navigator icon, and then Dimensions.
  2. From the Dimensions drop-down, select Jurisdiction.
  3. Expand TRCS_TotalJurisdiction, then select and expand TRCS_AllRegional.


    For every national jurisdiction that has regions, a corresponding <jurisdiction_name>_Regions parent member must be created under TRCS_AllRegions.

    Use the following naming conventions:

    • Parent member of the Region should start with the two letter Domicile code and end with "_Regions". For example, assuming that the US is the domicile (National Jurisdiction), the parent member would be US_Regions.

    • Under the parent member, each member should start with two letter Domicile code followed by underscore ("_") and end with the state name. For example: US_AL

      An example of the Jurisdiction dimension hierarchy is as follows:


  4. Click Add Child Add Child icon and enter the following information for each Regional jurisdiction you require:
    1. Enter the Name and optional description of the jurisdiction. For example, CA_ON for the province of Ontario in Canada.
    2. Enter the Alias you want to display for the jurisdiction, such as Ontario.
    3. Set Data Storage to Store or Never Share.


      Because this is a sparse dimension, do not set the Data Storage field to Dynamic Calc.
    4. Set Plan Type to Consol, and then select Addition.
    5. Click Save
      Add Regional Jurisdiction
  5. Click Save.
  6. Continue to create the associated entities, as outlined in Creating Entities.

Deleting Regional Jurisdiction

System does not support deletion of regional jurisdiction because of its dependancy on corresponding (Jurisdiction and Entity Combination) valid intersections. Follow below steps to delete the regional jurisdiction member:

  1. In dimension library, navigate to Jurisdiction dimension. See also: Working with Dimensions
  2. Select Regional Jurisdiction member, edit and rename the member name to for example, Regional_Jurisdiction_Member_DEL.
  3. Refresh the database.
  4. Post refresh database delete the member Regional_Jurisdiction_Member_DEL. Deletion should be successful.