Setting Schedule Properties

The Properties tab enables you to set the name, description, start and end dates, and owners for schedules. The schedule owner must be an Administrator or Power User. The default owner is the current user. The start and end dates specify the initial date range for the schedule, however, after the schedule is created, you can add tasks with dates earlier or later and the properties are updated to reflect the earliest and latest dates.

To set schedule properties:

  1. Create a new schedule and select the Properties tab:
    • Name: You can enter a maximum of 80 characters.

    • Description: You can enter a maximum of 255 characters.

    • Organizational Unit

    • Start Date: Starting date for the schedule

    • End Date: Ending date for the schedule

    • Year

    • Period

    • Day Zero Date: The date to assign as day zero

    • Owner: Use the default owner or click Select Owner icon Select Owner.

    • Status


      The Status field does not display until the new schedule is saved. The schedule status is initially set to Pending and is display only.

    • Source Template

  2. To save and close, click OK or click another tab; all entries are saved.
  3. Enter schedule information on the schedule tabs: