Adding Custom Attribute

To add the ApplyPriorYearP13P12DifferenceRate custom attribute:

  1. Click on the Navigator.
  2. Click Dimensions under Create and Manage.
  3. Select Movement under Dimensions.
  4. Apply ApplyPriorYearP13P12DifferenceRate custom attribute to the TRCS_RTADO movement member. It appears under RTA Prior Year Rate.
  5. Save and refresh DB.

Adding Custom Attribute

The deferred tax in the Return to Accrual (Deferred Only) is then calculated as below:

  • National: P13 gross amount * Current Year Tax Rate in P13 - P12 gross amount * Current Year Tax Rate in P12
  • Regional: P13 gross amount * Current Year Tax Rate in P13 * Current Year Tax Apportionment in P13 - P12 gross amount * Current Year Tax Rate in P12 * Current Year Tax Apportionment in P12