Setting up Example Use Case for RTA Deferred Calculation

  1. Create RTAParentEntity entity. See also, Entity Dimension
  2. Apply the Custom Attribute ApplyPriorYearP13P12DifferenceRate to the TRCS_RTADO movement member.
  3. Enter data for Temporary difference accounts for RTAParentEntity for FY15, P12 and FY15, P13 in temporary difference form. See Configuring Temporary Differences in Tax Reporting Cloud
  4. Enter Tax Rates for FY15, P12, FY15, P13 and FY16, P1. See, Entering Tax Rates
  5. Load RTA Automation for posted period P1 of FY16. See, Defining RTA Automation Rulesand Applying Prior Year Rate on RTA Amounts
  6. Run consolidation for FY15, P13 and FY16, P1.