Example Use Case for RTA Deferred Calculation

See the following example use case for calculating both National and Regional:

Example: Calculating National

Return to Accrual (Deferred only) in Deferred Tax form is calculated as below for National RTA:

RTA Differences column (pre-tax) in the RTA form

So, though the RTA Differences column (pre-tax) in the above RTA form shows as 0 for Temp 1 account, Return to Accrual (Deferred Only) on Deferred Tax National form is:

P13 gross amount * Current Year Tax Rate in P13 - P12 gross amount * Current Year Tax Rate in P12 (1000 * .45 - 1000 * .35 = 100).

Return to Accrual (Deferred Only) on Deferred Tax National form

Example: Calculating Regional

Return to Accrual (Deferred only) in Deferred Tax Regional form is calculated as below:

RTA Differences column (pre-tax) in the RTA Regional form

So, though the RTA Differences column (pre-tax) in the above RTA Regional form shows as 0 for Temp 1 account, Return to Accrual (Deferred Only) on Deferred Tax Regional form is:

P13 gross amount * Current Year Tax Rate in P13 * Current Year Tax Apportionment in P13 - P12 gross amount * Current Year Tax Rate in P12 * Current Year Tax Apportionment in P12 (1000 * .2 * .15 - 1000 * .1 * .05 = 25).

Return to Accrual (Deferred Only) on Deferred Tax Regional form